Four-Eyed Baby
Dreamed late 1989 or early 1990 by Xanthe
I found these odd little creatures, hump-backed and club-handed, skulking through the forest.
They said "You think we're deformed, wait 'til you get a load of this!" And there, with just its head showing, newly burst through the bright green moss of a gentle hill, was a beautiful baby with four eyes. It blinked and open all of them. I said "I think it's perfectly formed." The baby began to look around serenely, and then one of its arms rose from the moss; it decorously covered a yawn with a pudgy pink hand... |
Strangely, a few years earlier, when I was first getting to know Xanthe (we worked in the same library) I dreamed I HAD four eyes, in exactly the same arrangement she saw in her dream. I don't think I ever mentioned it to her. Whether there's a connection I don't know, but I mention it for two reasons:
Jung claims that dreams of four eyes, and fourness in general, is a pan-cultural symbol of wholeness. Maybe. I found looking out of four eyes rather disorienting, myself...
--Chris Wayan
These illustrations are hybrids. Xanthe made pencil sketches when she woke, but these burned in a house fire. She'd sent me xerox copies, though. I scanned these and colored them in Photoshop from her description.
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