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Pregnancy, Birth, and Babies

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Dreams of pregnancy, birth, newborns, babies, nursing, lactation, menstruation, fertility, gynecology, and contraception.

This page has an odd history--it's older than the World Dream Bank. In February '97, I searched all the dreams indexed on my hard disk for themes of fertility, menstruation, pregnancy, and birth. (At the time only 5000 dreams were indexed out of the 20-30,000 I've written down in my life, so only nine entries of any length were found, compared to the 50-odd shown below.)

The motive? Pure curiosity. I'm male when awake but often female when dreaming. Few other men I've asked seem to ever dream they're female, and even fewer reported dreams of pregnancy. Have YOU read any dreams by men about birth? Yet most men are born--nine out of ten experts agree!

Birth looked like a male blind spot to me. So I printed up a booklet of birth dreams... and then found I couldn't stop looking for interesting themes ignored by society. Political dreams, psychic dreams, other lives lived in epic dreams, even shared dreams... Soon I had to face that ALL dreams, in the high-tech world, are a blind spot.

So began the World Dream Bank.

RELATED TOPICS: kids - love - sex - gender - the original book: Catalog page: Birth Dreams - See also the full INDEX OF SUBJECTS.

What this site is - Add your dreams! - How to read blurbs - Ratings - Copyright - Downloading - The World Dream Bank has 4000 dreams plus 1000 pages on dreamwork, shamanism, surrealism, fantasy, worldbuilding, creativity and genius. Site © Chris Wayan 2001-2022.

ABORTION, SUICIDE, REBIRTH: by Christine Downing; 1974, a suicide dream preventing a suicide!
I was pregnant with a child not my husband's. I wanted to leave him, but not to join my lover;
I was done defining myself through men. Nor did I want the child. I got a knitting needle, and...
ABOVE THE WHITE TOWER: by Wayan; 1990/1/14, a flying sex-change dream of love
Flying in a wild wind, I mate mid-air with an alien, get pregnant, change sex, fight the inlaws...
AFTER BIRTH: by Wayan, 2004/9/29, astral acrylic painting
Never mind an afterlife! What if, before life, we were spirits with no idea what happens after birth?...
AFTER THE FLOOD & THE PIG-EARED BABY ALLIGATOR: by Skiznot; c.1995, an oracular dream
My hometown floods. I swim after some strange fish and find
a scientific community where a scaled baby tells me who I am...
ALEXANDRINA: by Adela Samona, March 1910; a predictive dream plus apparent far memories
After the death of her 5-year-old, Adela dreams Alexandrina says "Don't be sad, I'll come back." Eight
months later Adela bears a child identical to the dead girl--and she recalls things Alexandrina saw...
AMAZON A(U)NTS: by Wayan; 1997/10/28, a nightmare.
I camp in the Amazon but in the morning find I slept on top of something disturbing...
ANNOYING GODDESS: by Wayan; 1993/12/10, a dance/pregnancy/sexchange/goddess dream
I was a pregnant dancer on the Fertility Goddess's new TV show, but I was mad at her...
A PEEL FOR APPROVAL: by Wayan; 1990/9/24, a cautionary dream
Ariana's a brilliant young writer, but how she plans to escape her family is alarming...
AT LEAST HE'S A DOCTOR: by Wayan; 1982/4/7, a dreamtale.
I'm a Puertorriqueña who falls for an Anglo doctor, but he's not what he seems...
THE BABY: by Gloria Reiser; 1991/3/20; a nightmare of a migratory pregnancy
I'm pregnant. I feel abortion's wrong, but can I safely bear a child at 45? But then...
It's my son's ex-girlfriend who's pregnant and my son's the father! But then...
It's my daughter who's pregnant. At least her boyfriend's supportive. But...
BABY HITLER'S DOG; 2012/2/7 by Wayan; a grotesque time-travel dream (of health advice?)
An old actor tells me "I met Hitler when we were both babies.
I knew what was coming so I wanted to kill him, but then I'd BE him..."
BABY'S COMING: by Bruno Oliveira; late summer 2011, a genderbent dream
I'm very pregnant and feel bloated. My mom says "That's what you get for not using a condom"...
BACKACHE DIALOGUES: by Wayan; 1993/12/10, four bizarre diagnostic dreamlets.
I asked my dreams why my back hurt. They told me: pregnancy, marsupial pouches, snapping turtles...
BAGHEERA SUGGESTS LOVAGE: by Wayan; 1993/7/31, a Jungle Book dream
The panther in the Jungle Books was really female. I grew up with her cub...
BATHSHEBA AT BELVEDERE: by Katherine Metcalf Nelson; 1982 (mid-Dec?); a subtly feminist dream
Boating, we land on a cape and find a house with a Rembrandt on the wall--Bathsheba
holding a letter from David her lover, pregnant with thoughts as well as child...
BEAST BIRTHS: by Wayan; 1989/9/19, a predictive dream of family secrets.
My family has a hidden gene for incest--and griffins.
When I bring the family skeleton from the closet...
BEDBUGS: by Anonymous #29; pre-1961, a long-term predictive dream
I dreamt my mother visited, which she never does. The house was full of bedbugs! Three months later...
BETTY STOPS BY: by a Kentucky woman pre-1961, a farewell visitation dream?
I was moved that Betty came to see my two babies despite her illness, but shocked when her father told me...
BIGAMIST: by a Carolina waitress; 1945, a telepathic dream
A sad, frail, very pregnant woman with dark brown hair told me she was my boyfriend's wife. The next day...
BILLIE: by Billie's Mom; 1945/1/20, a psychic warning dream
My son Billie, his Navy uniform soaking wet, cried "Oh, Mom--it's so terrible!"
and shrank into a baby again as I held him...
BIRTH STAMPS: by Anonymous #50; late 1993? a feminist dreamlet
Someone is giving birth, and we're panicky. Fortunately, the Postal Service has
issued stamps with helpful advice like "Stay Calm" and "Boil Water"...
BLOOD RUNAWAY: by Wayan; 1994/8/8, a non-nightmare.
Some men get squeamish about menstrual blood, but this girl's plight was extreme...
BOOKSTORE ILLUSION: by Wayan; erasable crayon of an illusion, 14x17", 1982/6/25
I was in the Stanford Bookstore and saw this strange visual pun across the room... or did I?
BORN IN A CAVE: by Jenny Badger Sultan; 2007/4/20 to 2007/8/9, a painted series of rite-of-passage dreams.
I keep dreaming of awkward but successful transitions into new life, and paint them all in one landscape...
BRIGHT NICHES IN THE CASTLE WALL: by Jenny Badger Sultan; summer 2003; a series of dreams.
Dreams warning of mania and paralyzing shame alternate with calm dreams of life and growth...
CALVIN'S DREAM: by Calvin, c.1960?, a teen's sex dream on family & religious abuse
I'm naked in a forest where the trees talk. They want my cock. A girl materializes, and we make love, but now
the treefolk are our congregation, cheering us on. Only they call her my sister! She says "Yes. But I was never
born. Dad beat Mom to abort me." She fades away, a ghost! I pick up a knife to protect Mom against Dad...
CAT-SCRATCH SIGNS: by Wayan; 1973/11/9, a dream on language-learning
Our Star Trek team explores alien ruins covered in cat scratches. Or are they writing? I uncover
Roman letters, Arabic numerals, I Ching trigrams, Chinese characters, Chumash pictographs.
Reading them turns us into cats! One cat lays eggs, but two more try to smash them...
CHANDELIER: by a Washington mom, pre-1961, an absurd, lifesaving dream
I dreamt that at 4:35 AM the chandelier over our baby's bed fell, crushing the baby to death. I woke and...
CHANGES, or, A WHISPER OF RESISTANCE: by Wayan; 1980/9/25, a dream of identity-chaos.
An identity earthquake that just wouldn't stop. I transform half a dozen times, and so does everyone else...
CHUNKS, or, BABEZILLA!: by Wayan; two dreams 1990/10/4 and 1991/9/4 told as digital comics.
I meet a giant psychic baby feared by 12-step people. So I go to the beach and find
I'm a shark-bit girl who can have her missing chunks sewn back in--if I still have room for them...
CLOTHO AND THE POOL OF DREAMS: by Jenny Badger Sultan;
a 2015 painting weaving seven dreams (2014/5/4, 6/9, 7/1 & 9/4; 2015/5/23, 6/26 & 8/25)
A portrait of Clotho, the Greek Fate who spins our life-threads, by a pool woven of my dreams from this time...
COLOSTRUM FIRST!: by Lily and Wayan; 1998/2/27; a shared dream
A dream of exhibitionist girls playing with breast milk turns out not to be symbolic, but psychic...
CREATURE BECOMES CREATOR: by Wayan; 2015/2/5, three linked advisory dreams on world trends
A weird little forest god bred me from an ordinary deer into a creature who can
almost pass for human. But World War 2 killed my god, and now I'm growing into...
THE CREEK: by Louisa E. Rhine; c. 1925? a lifesaving predictive dream
I was camping by a creek. I went to get soap and returned to find my baby son face-down in the water...
CRUISE: by "Michelle", 1990s; a recurrent predictive dream
I never go on cruise ships but I keep dreaming I'm on one and meet the same man, and marry him.....
DAPHNE THINKS: by Wayan, 2007/6/10, a dream warning of (two?) unacknowledged needs
My co-worker Daphne is snappish and stressed. She meditates, seeking the cause,
and becomes a half-newt-half-koi in a giant fishbowl. Up shambles a curious AI...
DARUMA DOLLS: by Wayan; late 1994. Nondream digital sketch.
One of Aline Kominsky's comix has her in a bar and a guy asks "Que pasa, muñeca?" and...
THE DEAD BABY: by Wayan; 1985/8/4 a dream of hope.
My sister gives birth during a killer heatwave. The baby's dead. I play with the body, like a chimp...
DEER JESUS: by Wayan; 1988/12/28, a revisionist Christmas dream
The Three Wise Men are a centaur, a lion-man, and a doe-girl. But there's no Christ in the manger, so...
A DELIVERY: by Hélène Cixous, 1997/9/21; a dream of stepping up to the job
A woman is giving birth and there is no doctor or midwife around.
Though reluctant, I have at least assisted at births, so...
DEMON BUDGETING: by Wayan, 2011/9/27, a nightmare on letting things blow over
A demon invades our police station, takes over our captain and lieutenant, and pushes them to fight.
But I know demonic possession can't last long. Our copshow's special effects budget is too limited...
DOCTOR VENTRIL: by Wayan; 1978/9/22, a nightmare where I'm the nightmare.
A doctor lures me into his office. What he turns out to be scares me less than how I defend myself...
DON'T CRY, IT'S ONLY A DREAM: by a Massachusetts mom; pre-1961, a dream not predictive but telepathic!
As soon as I gave birth I had a nightmare my brother would be in a serious auto crash. When I warned my mom...
DRAGON-NURTURER: by Bo Ji, 204 BCE, a prophetic dream
Bo Ji, a minor concubine in the early Han court who'd never even met
the Emperor, dreamt a dragon slept in her lap. Next night the Emperor
summoned her; the child they conceived became one of China's best rulers...
DREAMKU, JUNE 2006: by Roswila; various dates up to June 2006; thirty dream-haiku
Daily dream-poems in haiku style, nonstop for a month. A flood of animals, revenant ghosts, sex changes...
DREAMKU, SEPTEMBER 2006: by Roswila; thirty dream-haiku with various dates from 1960-2006
One dream-poem in haiku style each day for a month!
Ghosts, snow, penguins, yoga babies, elves who leave their tree...
DREAMKU, MARCH 2007: by Roswila; various dates up to March 2007; 31 dream-poems--mostly haiku
Dream poems laid out like a calendar. Themes? Horses, camels, abused girls, vampires--all want their freedom...
ECTOPIC: by Wayan; 1996/7/3, a tragic transsexual dream.
My stomach ache is an ectopic pregnancy. The embryo's doomed. Surgery. And I'm a man...
EGGHOPE: by Wayan; 1995. Digital painting of puzzling nondream vision
Night thoughts. Are they eggs? Dreams? Worlds? Phases of the moon?
THE EGG PROBLEM: by Wayan; 1990/3/2, digital painting of a magical dream.
I'm an intellectual ballerina trying to stop zombies hatching from stone eggs, but I succeed
only when I become a dragon using touch, scent and visualization to persuade the eggs...
ELEPHANT WITH A LOTUS: by Queen Maya, 564 BCE? a prophetic Buddhist dream
After 20 years without a child, Maya dreams devas carry her to a holy lake, wash her...
and then an elephant carrying a lotus flower enters her right side. She knows it means...
ELF CIRCLE; 2011/3/19 by Wayan; a complex advisory dream.
After trespassing in a staff-only part of Faerie, I'm cast out.
Only I'm cast like a seed, meant to grow a new elf circle...
EXPLORATION: by Wayan; 1998/2/27, a dream on leaving your safe zone.
Hide-and-seek on an alien world ends in a sexy encounter--and a startling insight on BELIEF...
FACE-BEETLE: by Wayan; 1982/2/13, a nightmare with career advice.
A monstrous Kafka beetle grows gradually out of my face. And it's a MESSAGE...
FALADA: The Goose Girl's Best Friend: by Mardi Storm, recurring predictive dreams c.1975-79, sculpted c.2000
I had recurring dreams in which a talking horse’s head was nailed to a tree.
Strangely, this was before I read "The Goose Girl" in Grimm's fairytales...
FANTASTIC RIDE: by Marie-Claude Girondé, spring 2007?, a dream painting.
The dreamer overflows from her egg, spills out to become a waterfall, a stampede of horses...
FEMINIST GUNNERY CLASS: by Wayan, 1977/5/27, a clear warning dream I was just guilty to act on
That day, I hid from my batterer Kay. I dreamed I was the only man in a feminist gun class, learning self-defense...
FETAL SLIDESHOW: by Rachel; c.1973, a misinterpreted recurrent diagnostic dream
I dreamed at least weekly I had to view a slide showing something wrong with my fetus.
I assumed the dreams expressed doubts about motherhood--until my miscarriage...
FISHERGIRLS: by Wayan; 2.6M, 42 illus.; 1996/7/15; a sexy dream epic.
I had an epic dream lasting subjective weeks--a true other life. It wasn't Earth and we weren't human.
I was a teenage lemur, sailing with two friends into unknown waters--a rite of passage. One night,
my friends curled round me, I saw I didn't WANT to pass the test, be declared a woman, marry, and have pups.
I loved my girl friends. In a world lacking the very word, I was groping toward queerdom.
Sailing into unknown waters! "Here be dragons," the old maps say. And they were right...
2600K loads slowly? Try it in parts: 1: HOME, 650K, 2: VOYAGE, 1200K, 3: BACK 750K.
FLANNAN PREPARATION: by Wayan, 2023/4/12-13, twin mystical dreamlets
4/12: I get a mysterious energy node implanted in my belly. After convalescing I'll have new talents...
4/13: I'm altering my home to host two flannan, bird-girl spirits swift to hunt down the truth...
FLYING, FIGHTING, LOVE: by Emanuel Swedenborg, 1744/4/23, a dream of... oh, guess!
Swedenborg fights a flying woman over a lake, then is in bed with another. After some
language and privacy problems, all goes so well he thinks they've made a child...
THE FLYING POGO STICK: by Leah, c.1986, as told to Patricia Garfield, a comic nightmare
Leah, pregnant, finds herself at the beach, flying on a pogo stick,
just as all the seabirds do. Fun at first, but it gets out of control...
FOUR-EYED BABY: by Xanthe; 1989?, a Jungian dream
I met some little hunchbacks in the woods who showed me a newborn baby growing from the moss...
FRESH BLOOD: A DREAM MORPHOLOGY: by Carolee Schneemann, Aug. 1980; menstruation-triggered dream
I'm with an Englishman in a taxi who seems rather calm about the fresh blood welling from his crotch...
I find a famous European Veterinarian, but his waiting room's too crowded, so I just leave a bouquet of dolls...
...and wake to find blood on my own thighs. Why does menstruation always come to me as a surprise?
GHOSTLY WEDDING DRESS by Anonymous #64, before 1977, a dream of strange advice
I had to design a gown for a pregnant bride. I felt stuck. Slept on it. Woke with an odd dress in mind. She loved it.
That night I dreamt a faceless girl said "Glad you liked it. It was my dress, but I died just before my wedding..."
GIVE TRAVIS ONE MORE CHANCE: by Wayan; 1980/10/13, a desperate dream.
I'm detective Travis McGee's lover. But we always die by the book's end! My solution is drastic...
A GOTHIC TALE: by Roswila; 2000/4/7, a dream-poem
Nightwalkers lured our empath away. We come to their castle to rescue her.
But she's pregnant with magic. Will she come or stay?
GREEN SCREEN ANGEL: by Wayan, 2018/10/18, a bizarre predictive dream
A reporter interviews the guardian angel of my dead sister Jill in front of a
green screen. He's dissolving in grief--luminous holes show through...
GUNNHILDR’S BIRTH DREAM: by Gunnhildr; c. 1150, a surreal predictive dream.
I dreamt I gave birth to a white-hot stone shedding sparks. Most folk would find my son strange...
HELP, NOT CURE: by Wayan; 1996/12/26, a dream on autism.
Gay angels try to help an autistic woman. Change her past? Only if they pass the Ass-Backward Guardians!
THE HOMONKEYLUS: by Wayan; 1992/6/15, a looping dream about blinders.
A smiling beauty queen on a float gives birth to a monkey with blinders, then re-absorbs the baby, then...
HORTA'S EGGS: by Wayan; 1984/1/17, a dream of re-evaluation.
I fight to save a nest of 50,000 eggs that'll hatch... psychics!
But my friends want to exterminate them! Who's wrong here?
THE HUMAN BUTTERFLY: by Peter Wortsman; 1986, a bizarre dream
I wanted to be human, but Mom said "You'll always be just a lousy caterpillar." So I slipped inside
a human girl. After some arguments with her boyfriend, I got born as a human-faced butterfly...
JACK OF GREATNESS: by Mistress Abbot of Guilford; 1562; a predictive, pregnancy-craving dream.
Mistress Abbot dreams if she eats a jackfish her child will be great. Next morning one swims into her waterbucket...
JADE JACKPOT, or, A HEAP O' CHANGE: by Wayan; 1990/1/7, a dream of shaking down God.
I'm slipping dimes into a boulder of jade: a vending machine that fills every order wrong. Why feed it? Well...
JESSE'S DEATH: drawn by Joey Epstein from her father-in-law's dream; 1983/7/31, an apparent psychic dream
As Joey's infant daughter Jesse died, her father-in-law woke up 500 miles away and announced, "The baby..."
JILL'S CONTRASTING DREAMS: by Jill, 1990s (several years apart), two diagnostic dreams
Jill, pregnant, got a high fever. She dreamt her child's soul was locked out of the house. That fetus died.
Jill, pregnant again, got a high fever, but dreamt a chorus of children happily sang. That fetus lived...
KORE: by Ann McCoy; 1986, a dream of the Goddess inspires an epic drawing
My guide to the archeological site was veiled, but soon she revealed her scales
and gills. A little girl led a procession in, to reconsecrate the Temple of Isis...
LAURA: by Jenny Badger Sultan; 2009/10/24; painting in the Box of Dreams
As we climb down the steep mountainside, clutching bushes to keep from falling,
I ask Laura "Do you want another child?"
THE LEAD HAZARD OF WITCHES: by Wayan; 2008/11/21; an alternate-world dream
I'm in an America where witches are burned & abused women grow on trees. Yet three of us heal...
LI BAI'S PEN: by poet Li Bai and his mother, 700 & c.715 CE, three prophetic / career-advice dreams
Li Bai's mother dreams of Venus shining, and names her unborn son Bai, 'white'. She dreams he'll ride a
red dragon, too: greatness, but what kind? Li Bai when young dreams the answer: his brushpen flowers!
LIFECYCLE: by Wayan; 1980s. Pencil sketch of daydream
The life-loop. A woman bears a child who grows up to become herself, who bears a child who...
LIU AND YI (not to mention Kong!): by Liu Bang's mom, 257 BCE, and Yi Yin's mom, c.1600 BCE; birth-related dreams
Liu Bang's mom dreams a spirit is making love to her. Her husband sees the spirit is a dragon! Her baby grows up to found the Han...
Yi Yin's mom dreams a spirit warns "if water pours from your mortar, run!" She does, and survives a flood, to help found the Shang...
LOUSY DREAM: by Jack Kerouac, early Dec? 1952, a rage-filled nightmare
In America the woman has the Police State Telephone in one hand and My Child swathed in
incredible bills in the other... Ah, Kafka, you never had it so good...
MELTDOWN BABY: by Wayan; 1996/10/13, a guilty nightmare.
In a Mormon future, my baby climbs a tree and spontaneously disintegrates! I try repotting, but...
MEREDYTH AND LILLY: by Meredyth Watts; May 2010, 2010/11/14 and 2010/12/7, episodic dreams
I dream over & over of the same place, time, & woman. We fall in love. Strangely, I'm the one who gets pregnant...
MISCARRIAGE: by John Donne; 1612, a clairvoyant hallucination.
Donne, in Paris, was alarmed by a vision of his wife holding a dead baby. At that hour, in England, his wife...
A MISCARRIED LIFE: by Wayan; 1981/2/12, a dreamlet just a century long.
I'm Mattie, a pregnant girl on a Lewis and Clark expedition. I miscarry, and they tell me...
MOM AND CHILD UNDER MOON: by Wayan; 1984? Ink, 11 x 14", nondream sketch.
Slightly based on a print in our bathroom when I was growing up--Picasso or Mary Cassatt?
THE MOOMIN COMMISSIONERS OF TIME: by Wayan; 2008/9/17, a dream-poem, Dreamverse #27
A new Eve asks the Time Commission to send her and her baby back to Ethiopia
45,000 years ago. But they're shy Moomintrolls, not humans...
MOON-STRIPED TIGER PROWLING: by Sylvia Rosen, 1975/6/29; dream poem
The foul old fossil woman had carved and burnt her own flesh in the name of art;
we washed her till she was reborn young. It was my turn next to enter the water...
NEW BODIES: by Dreamy; around 2007/1/25, a transformation dream
My best friend and I qualify for new bodies. The new me is taller, but poor Ken may take years adjusting to his new...
NEW LIFE: by Deena Metzger, between Sept. 1982 & Sept. 83, an apocalyptic dream
Nuclear holocaust. Outside, an ashen waste. I decide to cut my wrists in the tub. But a corpse already fills it.
A man drives up. A voice commands "Make a child!" I protest--the world's gone--but the voice says...
OLD HAT: by Wayan; 1988/1/5, a "normal" (i.e. incoherent) dream.
The Goddess gave birth in my workplace. Her fever-dreams become real around us...
ON THE SEASHORE: by Gabrielle Bell; between 1998-2002; a lucid dream-comic
I'm on a beach in Mexico with a baby--my only souvenir of an affair I can't recall.
I'm a mom? My whole life will change! Wait. Is this real, or...
THE OTTER'S MOM: by Wayan, 1996/5/29; a dream-comic of the future.
A doomed, orphaned ottercub meets the last Tasmanian Wolf, who makes a hard choice I couldn't. Or... did I?
OVARIES: by "Ann", as told by Gayle Delaney, 1979 or before, a curative dream
Ann faced surgery for inflamed ovaries. She asked her dreams for a second opinion. She was told
"there's plenty of time for all this:" swimming, meditation, having a baby, climbing a ladder to her law degree.
She woke cured! Her doctor said "you must've been misdiagnosed; you just thought you were in pain."
PHARAOH HOOKS: by Wayan; 1989/7/31, a deadpan joke of a dream.
My sister and her friend the snake-woman tell me the facts of life: the golden hooks, the piglets...
PREEMIE; 1951/10/30 by an Oklahoma woman; a predictive dream
We were looking at our three-pound premature baby girl. Though tiny she was bright-eyed, active, perfect...
PREGNANCY FROM HELL: by Wayan; 1994/6/6, a predictive dream-farce.
I'm pregnant with the Antichrist. This is going to ruin my vacation! Why do I think this is all about money?
PREGNANT WITH KRYTHA: by Wayan; 1998/2/3, a monomaniacal dream
My best friend and I are shapeshifters; I seduce him, just so my daughter Krytha can be born...
PROPHETIC DREAM OF BUDDHA'S FATHER: by King Suddhodana, c.563 BCE? an uneasy dream
Suddhodana dreams of great upheavals; no courtier can interpret the dream.
An ascetic claims the upheaval will be for the good, then... turns into an owl?!
PRRL: by Wayan; 1997/1/17, an intergalactic dream.
I'm an ambassador from the Milky Way to the energy-beings
who rule the Magellanic Clouds. Or am really just their pet?
RECUR: by Roz Chast, 2023 or before, her recurrent dream types cartooned
Is our brain trying to tell us something that, evidently, we haven't heard the last 70 times? Or is the
dream-manufacturing area feeling a little lazy? I have no idea, but here are some of my "classics"...
THE RECURRING DREAM (CAT-BABY): by Julie Doucet; 1994/8/23-9/23-12/23, 1995/4/16: theme & variation!
Julie keeps dreaming that she gives birth to a cat, or a part-cat baby...
ROYA'S BIRD: by Roya, before 2002, a joyful afterlife dream
Roya's mother-in-law had a painful death. Roya dreamt she met her, a joyous bird,
who had forgotten the pain of death just as we forget the pain of birth...
SALLY: by Sy Montgomery, Jan. 2008?, an apparent dog-telepathy dream
I dreamt I was trying to save dying puppies; then a new dog appeared at our door, one
I was sure we had to find and adopt. We found Sally, and it turns out, when I dreamt
of doomed puppies, she was trapped in a freezing basement, trying to save hers...
SARITA'S DREAM: by Sarita Johnson, 1980/8/17, epic dream with a surreal ending
Cops hunt my girlfriend & me all over town. Strangely, whenever I ask them to back off,
they do! Alma's resigned--lets them arrest her and put her on a raft. But she turns into a...
THE SECURITY GUARD: by Wayan; 1994/12/30, a nightmare on anger.
A crazy security guard with a squirt gun full of acid kills
freely over and over, for the court system keeps paroling...
A SEX KITTEN: by Wayan; 1999/1/29, an embarrassing dream.
A creature that's half kitten and half baby wants me to masturbate it... I'm reluctant, but when I do...
SHARPSHOT: by Wayan; 1977/4/3, a surreal poem of a warning nightmare
When I was being battered, I dreamed where it would end
if I didn't leave: dead wife, shot husband...
SHINER TOWN: by Liza Cody, 1996 or before; a dystopian-future dream
The Second Ice Age. London's domed. I find a body in the swimming pool--blood in the water. I flee
to Shiner Town. The Empress gives birth, and her babies feed on the blood of Sephardic Jews...
SHINY-EYED CREATURE: by Julia Saleh, 2009/9/23, a metabolic sex dream?
I find myself outdoors with my legs spread for a weird creature. I protest, but I love it. Later, after I wake...
THE SKIN SECEDES: by Wayan; 1990/1/30, an unappetizing dream.
A baby's own skin secedes, forming a snake. It prepares to eat the skinned baby. Shall I intervene?
SLAVES DON'T DANCE: by Wayan; 1999/8/1, a 17-page Shakespearean dream-comic (or ill. text)
Stolen by the Fairy Queen, I'm forced to nurse her great project: creating life! But her synthetic baby is...
SNAKE PACKAGE: by Jenny Badger Sultan; 2007/5/27
I am given a dehydrated package of dried snake to insert in my vagina. Inside it will unfold and come to life...
SNOW by Nancy Price; 1948, a false-waking dream about living vs survival
Lost in the snow, I must give my baby to a stranger or let my dad put him in a box, safe, forever...
SPLINTER: by Wayan; 1981/3/14, a dream of love and nagging.
I love Splinter, but her mom insists I got BOTH of them pregnant. Then I notice I'm pregnant too...
STEP THIRTEEN: by Wayan; 1997/7/8, a rebellious dreamtale.
Two big spoiled realities pester me to take care of them. At last I go on shamanic strike...
SWORD IN MY BACK: by Franz Kafka; 1915/1/19, a surreal but un-Kafkaesque dream.
I slept late and felt a bit stiff, but until my friends pulled it out of my neck I had no idea...
TAROT: BIRTH (the Empress): by Wayan; Tarot card, 3x5", summer 1978.
The card of fertility--and the pangs and effort of starting a new thing...
TAROT: CHAOS: by Wayan; Tarot card, 3x5", summer 1978.
The card of big messes, confused beginnings--and fertilization...
TAROT: CLINGING: by Wayan; Tarot card, 3x5", summer 1978.
When the Birth card's reversed, the child clings to the womb like a burrow in a green meadow.
TEN CLARKS AND LOISES: by Jim Shaw; c.1994, an epic dream on... poseurs?
Hand-puppets, a devil and a witch, have sex, and implant a lunar ghost embryo
into Lois Lane; now Lois & Clarkes, ten clones each, pretend to be puppets...
TEXANS: by Wayan, 2018/8/22, an alternate-world dream
The Lone Star Planet--worldwide Texas--is weirdly empty. No kids at all! Instead, teens
ping into existence pre-formed. An alternate Earth with no concept of change?
THANK THE MOON I HAD THE STRENGTH TO STOP!: by Wayan; summer 1978; song-inspired image.
The moon as an early gilled fetus. I feel like a half-developed creature walking around in your dry air...
THANOS: from Dream to Performance: by Lili Berko, 1988 or before, a dream of birth & death
The ship carrying my mom to America sails on, as I drown in the sea;
They strap me down to pull out the pieces of my stillborn baby Obdale;
A family/gang called Thanotos invites me to join them...
THEY DON'T BELIEVE ME: by Wayan; 1989/10/4, an unbelievable dream with 15 illus.
My dog and I are abducted by aliens who turn us into cats. We escape & go feral to survive.
How we got back, and what happened along the way, even my own shrink refuses to believe...
THREE-YEAR PREGNANCY: by Ithmonike of Pellene, c.320 BCE, Two dreams of an odd god.
I was barren. I asked Asklepios, God of Healing, to make me pregnant. Soon I was--for 3 years, until...
THROATS and SLOT MACHINE: by Jim Shaw; between 1987 & Jan. 1995, two odd dreamlets
THROATS: Men put babies into giant throats inset in a funhouse wall;
SLOT MACHINE: I see a slot machine generating random art-speak phrases...
TIGER DIALOGUES: 1973-4 by Ann Faraday, plus a dreamlet by John Wren-Lewis; recurring dreams
When I overwork, neglecting my body's wants, I dream of an angry tiger. Over
time, I've learned (mostly) to feed my tiger, and sometimes he's an ally now...
TIGERBORN: by Wayan; 1996/7/28, a dream of an alternate life.
I was raised in the redwoods in the nest of a black tiger.
Only a foster child, but emotionally, I'm tigerish...
TITANIC: by Nina; 1979 or before, an incubated nightmare
I ask how my relationship with Scott was going. That night he asks me to sail on the Titanic. I say
"That ship will sink!" but he won't listen. I see a skeleton-baby and know I have even more to lose...
TORCH-BEARER: by Queen Hecuba of Troy; c. 1270 BCE, an alarming dream.
Hecuba dreams she gives birth, not to a child but a flaming torch! But she lets Paris live...
TURKEY: by Erin Wagner, fall 1994?, recurring nightmares
I get painful menstrual cramps, and with them come nightmares of birth. Not always child birth;
once it was five kittens. Most recently the baby was human but encased in a Butterball turkey...
USEFUL PIGS: by Wayan; 1995/1/2, a comic nightmare.
In my nightmare, TV ads push new, supposedly eco-friendly uses for pigs, until this alarming ad...
WARM MOTHER: by Jenny Badger Sultan; 2001/3/24, 3/29, 3/30 & 4/1; dreams
I dream my mother takes over caring for my sick daughter; I feel pushed aside.
When I wake, I try to paint a more positive image of mothering.
For a week, dream after dream has opportunities for patience and letting go of jealousy...
WHO CENSORS BIRTH?: by Wayan; 1994/5/2, a dream speculation.
I'm assisting a hard birth as photos are shot for an article. Why's birth so rarely seen, what do we fear?
WHY ARE WE AFRAID TO DIE?: by Hopper; summer 2008, an astral-interview dream.
I meet a ghost girl and ask her about death. I figure she knows first-hand. And she tells me...
A WIFE OR A GHOST: by Justin Masi; 2014? a surreal dream-painting-prose-poem on grief
My sister's fiancé Billy died a year ago. I didn't realize how deep the grief ran till I dreamed...
WINTER SNAIL: by Jenny Badger Sultan, 1994/1/22, twin dreams of renewal fuse in a painting
At the beach, a barrel of huge snails somehow heal my legs.
In the next dream, back on the beach, I give birth to our son...
ZYGOTE: by Wayan; 104K, 600 x 640, 1999.
It's true: after death, angels advise you where to go next.
But what if you get an over-eager travel agent?

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