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Ten Clarks & Loises

Dreamed by Jim Shaw, c.1994.

Witch- and Devil-puppets make a lunar ghost embryo in Lois Lane; soon there are ten Clark Kents & Loises. Dream-comics page by Jim Shaw. Click to enlarge.

This "brazenly" dressed woman with skis was the date of a "mild mannered" fellow with a Testarossa at an expensive restaurant where I was sleeping.

Some Yippies taunted me & I tried to get paid by a bullshitting black man who made a "family" film with rubber puppets of a devil & a witch who conspire to have sex & implant the "Communion"-esque embryo in Lois Lane.

It gets born from a moon cave as an outer space ghost-devil & comes to the witch's house.

There are ten Lois & Clarks and they make-believe Lois has been hypnotized by Clark into making strange movements. The devil & witch look on gleefully.


I'm stumped.

Well...other than to note the pun on Louis & Clarke in the last line, making me suspect this is an expedition or exploration. Probably a sexpedition and sexploration.

That very first figure, the "brazen" woman, also fits that--ready for sex or for trekking over the Great Divide.

The Ten Loises, too... they pretend to be hypnotized--puppets--so that, like witch and devil, they can be manipulated. Into sex? Do all those Lois & Clarks need to be tricked into having this baby that wants to get born?

After that "brazen" woman, everyone's a fake. The bullshitting puppeteer, the Devil, the witch, Clarkes, Loises... The outer space ghost-devil-embryo is the only real one in the bunch! And makes the longest expedition of all--from the menstrual moon to Earth.

My conclusion, for what it's worth: Shaw thinks sex turns most of us into fakes--puppets moved by hidden hands. Drives we don't even understand. But the game is bared now & then by dreams like this. Conclusion: be brazen. And prepared for anything.

By the way--this relentless flood of images, shifting in plot or focus in every phrase, isn't a feature of this particular dream. It's typical of all Shaw's dreams, at least as he draws them. Mostly he's a witness, emotionally uninvolved; even the humor's deadpan and matter-of-fact. It's as if he literally can't dream of being off the job! That all-seeing, all-sketching eye just can't quit.

--Chris Wayan

SOURCE: Jim Shaw's Dreams, Jan. 1995, Smart Art Press. Dreamed 1987-95, probably 1994.

LISTS AND LINKS: babes, hunks & sexy creatures - living puppets & dolls - devils & demons - cliche witches - ghosts - Luna - fetuses & births - doubles & multiples - humor - surrealism - pencil dream art - more Jim Shaw - a similar dream, chaotic yet unfied: Old Hat

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