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Recurring Dreams

Dreamed before 2023 by Roz Chast

Cartoon of recurring dream types by Roz Chast.


I posted this example because Chast lists some common recurring dreams, like "lost purse" (or wallet or keys or phone); dreams not too common through human history but hardly rare for a 21st Century New Yorker, like "a new neighborhood" or "crashing planes"... and dream types uniquely Roz, like "too many birds, not enough cages", or "pregnant and OLD"!

I too have her three types of recurring dream: universal ones (like flying), some common to my region or generation (like Only in San Francisco), but also some unique to me (why hundreds of dreams about unicorns?)

Bet it's true for you too. But if you don't know the universal types, it's hard to realize that some of your "oh, that again!" dreams are unique to you.

--Chris Wayan

SOURCE: I Must Be Dreaming by Roz Chast, Bloomsbury, 2023, p.16.

LISTS AND LINKS: recurrent dreams - parties - rejection & outsiders - weird dream diseases - new rooms in the house - weird train trips - birds - planes & crashes - 9/11 attacks - frustration & stuckness - dream pregnancy, birth or babies - dream comics - ink & watercolor - more Roz Chast

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