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The Recurring Dream (Cat Baby)

Dreamed and © 1994-1995 by Julie Doucet.
see more of Julie's work at

Black and white comic of a set of dreams by Julie Doucet. She gives birth in the bathtub.
Black and white comic of a set of dreams by Julie Doucet. The baby's head is bent far back and he crawls back into the womb.
Black and white comic of a set of dreams by Julie Doucet. In bed, she dreams of babies, wakes up, and gives birth again, to a cat-tailed baby.
Black and white comic of a set of dreams by Julie Doucet. She wakes from these multiple dreams of giving birth to find she's given birth to a black cat.
Black and white comic of a set of dreams by Julie Doucet. While nursing her black cat baby, a man delivers pizza she didn't order.
Black and white comic of a set of dreams by Julie Doucet. Due to a baby shortage at the hospital, a nurse gives Julie a cat. In a second dream her baby is in a bottle, and clearly a tiny cat.
Black and white comic of a set of dreams by Julie Doucet. Julie gives birth to a half-cat-baby.


This is from Julie Doucet's collection of dream-comics, My Most Secret Desire. Dark, dense, and intense, her dreams are full of sex (and sex changes), birth, cats, crazy guys, nightmares, more recurring dreams, surreal touches, and flashes of lucidity. One of very few cartoonists to have published a whole book of dream-comix, and one of VERY few women to manage it. Strongly recommended for dreamaholics.

LISTS AND LINKS: recurring dreams - birth & babies - cats - doctors & healthcare - breasts & nursing - dreams within dreams - comix - ink art - more Julie Doucet

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