Flannan Preparation
Dreamed 2023/4/12 & 13 by Wayan
2023/4/12: I Get the Life-Change
After years of waffling, I finally decide to undergo a life-changing magical treatment to give me... something I now can't name.
I go to the shamanic clinic, and a nugget or nexus of power gets installed in my abdomen below & to the left of my navel. They add a filtered input/output port too, centered below the navel. So it was quite near two of my lower chakras, love/sex (#2) and willpower (#3). But the new thing wasn't either of those--it stimulated and channeled something not in the traditional chakra line-up at all.
What is it?
All I know is... this new power will take time to settle in and master... but the installation's done.
2023/4/13: Welcome Two Flannan
I meet two spirits with different powers and natures, though related. These flannan look like a bit like Victorian fairies, but bigger--bird-winged, bird-clawed, feathered, and fast--zipping in and out of our plane of reality. They're famed in witch-lore as temperamental but powerful familiars. Scouts in space and time!
I welcome both to my home, a rural estate with a round stone wall. They're wary; based on previous interactions with human wizards and shamans, they expect the place to be a cage. But I'm setting it up so they can come and go freely. To travel, they need magical sources along the way to refresh their energy, as humans in a desert need waterholes, so I set up a lot of small energy-caches or wells round the estate plus a dotted line of them beyond, leading to the nearest major ley line--like a freeway to flannan.
If I've done it right, they'll be free to go anywhere, whenever they want. But the construction may still need some tweaking.
Even welcoming a new pet takes some preparation! And these are far more than pets.
Round stone wall, huh? Womblike. This dream echoes last night, when two magical nexuses--nexi?--got implanted in my belly. Same message--gestation takes time.
Pregnant with... power? No, that'd be Chakra 3. The Flannan dream clarifies it's truth-seeking through space and time. Clairvoyance? Prophecy? Maybe we don't have a word.
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