So what do dream-angels mean? Depends on your background, I think. If you grew up in a culture full of Judeo-Christian-Muslim ideas, then a good fit between advice and appearance (is it big-hearted, positive?) suggests good advice, while contrast between appearance and behavior sharp enough to shock you (dogs, dinosaurs or devils filling an angel's shoes, or angelic figures behaving shabbily or worse) sure invites skepticism. Your dreams may be warning you someone's behavior doesn't match their position, or the role you've cast them in. Think critically.
Given my nonreligious background, this may seem odd, but my own dreams of guardian angels giving solace or advice have been pretty reliable. Whether they're beings visiting you or your own mind sending you advice, I don't know, but anyone going to the trouble to rent that fancy costume to grab your attention probably has an urgent message. So check those brakes, make that call, whatever. I'm skeptical only when you've had previous dreams of resistance or a saboteur, and when heeding the message might further the goals of that saboteur side of you. Or when angels suggest buying explosives. Always a bad idea.
You can ask for verification, you know. A proper angel should be willing to put in the overtime and come back the next night to confirm or clarify what needs doing.
Having said all that, you'll notice many of the angels I meet aren't oracles or advisors at all. They have their own odd agendas--taking a vacation, getting laid, quitting angelic work and getting parts in movies... Job burnout is universal.
Or you may find that you're the one working as an angel. And why not? Why wait til you're dead? If you're sleeping, your spirit has some free time, right? In fact, it's an uncomfortable question for believers; as evidence mounts that dreamers can share dreams, that limited dream-telepathy is real, doesn't it become possible that ALL angelic visitations are from living souls? What if we are EACH OTHERS' guardian angels, and always were?
Done your bit lately? Ouch.
Winged beings: elves and fairies - animal people - birds - flying - bat people - moth and butterfly people -
Spiritual intercessors: gods and goddessess - the monotheistic Yahweh/Allah/God - demons - nature spirits - dream-guides - guardians -mentors -
See also the full INDEX OF SUBJECTS.
What this site is - Add your dreams! - How to read blurbs - Ratings - Copyright - Downloading - The World Dream Bank has 4000 dreams plus 1000 pages on dreamwork, shamanism, surrealism, fantasy, worldbuilding, creativity and genius. Site © Chris Wayan 2001-2022.
ABOVE THE WHITE TOWER: by Wayan; 1990/1/14, a flying sex-change dream of love Flying in a wild wind, I mate mid-air with an alien, get pregnant, change sex, fight the inlaws... CAUTION: DON'T TRY THIS AT HOME |
THE ANGEL: by William Blake; early 1790s; a gender-bending dream-poem Blake dreams he's a young queen with an uneasy relationship to her guardian angel... |
ANGEL ON MY SILL: by Wayan; 1993, digital portrait of spirit seen during sex A guardian angel who's a sort of kindly, sacred succubus... CAUTION: SEX |
ANGEL SHOWDOWN: by Wayan; 2020/4/2, a dream mixing shamanism and Barbarella I see parasitic spirits sickening their human hosts. Can't get rid of them, so I try to teach them how to keep their hosts healthier. An angel suspects I'm a necromancer, and shows up armed for a shootout... CAUTION: DISTURBING PREMISE, LOWBROW ANGEL |
ANGELS AND SHARKS: by Wayan; 1975/10/11, a surreal warning dream I was an angel slipping through matter, who, like a shark, needed to keep moving to breathe--stop and I'd dDISTURBING PREMISE, LOWBROW ANGEL |
ANGELUNE: by Wayan; 1999/5/10 acrylic painting The joyful animal-angel I feel myself to be in my happiest dreams. |
ANIMANGEL: by Wayan, 1983/10/1-2010/7/22! An ink portrait-poem of my clashing guardian angels My loud, spiky, tailed angel of change and potential, and my calm, skeptical devil of gradualism--a star-nosed mole... |
ANNUNCIATION TO THE SPHINX: by Wayan; 1995, digital painting of nondream vision. I think Yeats was wrong to use the Sphinx to symbolize the brutal post-Christian era he foresaw... |
ANOREXIA NIRVANA: by Wayan; 1993, a digital picture-poem of astral temptation. I was anorexic for years; I only mastered it when I saw it was a hunger for the spirit world... |
APOLOGETIC OGRE: by Wayan; 1990/3/1, a nightmare. I hop on a bus in mythical Greece, and this woman's guardian angel acts racist. OK, I'm an ogre. So? CAUTION: ANOTHER HANDGUN TRAGEDY |
ARCHANGEL: by Wayan; 1997/10/19, a dream-farce--or is it? Sure I've been through hell, but how the hell did that get me elected archangel? And why's my butt itch? CAUTION: ITCHY BUTT |
ARENNA, FREED: by Wayan; 1991/11/6, a magical pastlife/flying/freedom dream. I learn to fly from Arenna the moon-girl and Crest the dragon, in the House of Deep Memory... |
THE ARRIVAL: by Elizabeth Gibbons, 2014; a spiritual dream about dreams I'm a priestess from an island of women; I meet an angel who charges me to harvest all the dreams of the world... |
ARROW OF FIRE: by Archbishop Anselm, King William Rufus & a monk, 1100/8/1, 3 predictive dreams Anselm dreams God orders King William's death by an arrow of fire; the King dreams his blood covers the sun. Waking, he mocks a third man's ominous dream, goes hunting, and dies bloodily at sunset, an arrow in his heart... |
ASTRALNAUT: by Wayan; 1994/7/30, a reverse ghost dream. I have amnesia. Plus, I'm dead. But I have this great NASA job! Only there's a saboteur... CAUTION: SNOTTY ABOUT CHRISTIANS AGAIN |
BAR BET: by Wayan; 1982/4/30, a dream-quest on not settling for less. On a bar bet, we seek God. We reach the Isles of the Blessed, but they're complacent. We want the wild God, the real God, the Bad Taste God. Onward, pagan questers! Because we want to win our bet. CAUTION: LAZY-ASS ANGELS |
BATMAN'S LOVE: by Wayan; 1996/3/26, a dream-epic of love and time. A New Age graduation party spurs a wild dream of the spiritual odyssey of Catwoman, starring Alexander the Great, Batman, God, and Rumi the poet (played by Frank Zappa)... CAUTION: MORAL RELATIVITY |
BIRDMAN TEACHES "NO!": by Miriel as told to Wayan; 1985/7/11, a poem on flight/assertion training In the canyon behind our home, a steel-clawed birdman taught my brother and me to fly by shouting "NO!"... |
BIRDS OF DREAM: by Kathleen Raine, between 1981 & '87; a mystical dream poem Colorful birds swirl round me. They may be natives of Paradise--may be, in fact, avian angels... |
THE BLACK WAVE: by Wayan, 2016/10/18, a poem on a hypnogogic healing dream After days sick, I open myself to unseen spirits and let a black wavefront go through me--and the healing begins. But what did I let in? CAUTION: MYSTICISM & FETISHISM DON'T MIX |
BLACKSLIME TOWER: by Wayan; 1986/11/13; a transformation dream with political tinges Humanity's trapped in a Quad, overseen by the Guardians of Blackslime Tower. Feather by feather, I grow wings, and plot to escape with the Flying Cat... CAUTION: THE SLIME IS REAGANOMICS |
BLESS MY PHOBIA: by Wayan; dreamed 1992/8/15; story + silk painting. I was Eve's guardian angel the second time round, and I blew it again. But this time, it came out right.... CAUTION: BREASTS AND BEASTS |
BLUE MER-ANGEL: by Wayan; 2000, ceramic sculpture, 11.5" long. Seems strange to have no hands. How do dolphins get things done? By not needing to get things done? CAUTION: MILD NUDITY |
BLUE SOUP, NO SPARK: by Wayan; 1985/6/1, an epic dream on outgrowing God A visit to a world where they fear blue soup ends in death and resurrection, so I'm pissed at my boss--God. CAUTION: DEATH, REBIRTH, SACRILEGE... JOB BURNOUT |
BUMBREE SYNDROME: by Wayan; 1984/3/14, a comic dream about dreams. Princess Chinchilla and I use an umbrella to escape the Wizard. Now to escape the Dream Researchers!... |
CAEDMON'S DREAM: by Caedmon, c.657, as told by the Venerable Bede; a dream music-tutorial Caedmon can't sing. But he dreams an angel makes him try. Soon he's the first great English poet and singer... |
CARRIED UP: by Wayne Miller, 1972/3/3, epic nightmare turning transcendent I'm in a huge colonnade. An army of blood-painted men sacrifice the dove of peace. Their masked leader drinks its blood. But then I'm carried upstairs to meet... the prophet Daniel! I'm amid the angels, on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel... CAUTION: BLOOD-DRINKING THUGS |
THE CHILD ANGEL by Charles Lamb, spring 1823, an otherworldly dream on a worldly plight I meet a half-angel half-mortal child, fruit of an illicit affair. Constantly growing pinfeathers, but never mastering flight; ageless, but unable to grow up; at home neither in Heaven nor Earth... CAUTION: 19TH-CENTURY VERBOSITY |
CLOUD OF GLORY: by Wayan, 1986/5/19, a dream on identity loss. Abducted as a kid by alien angels and raised in a luminous cloud, I find it hard to keep a mortal, human perspective... |
COGTRAIN ANGEL: by Wayan; 2024/10/8, a surreal dream of angelic assertion Biking back from the beach, I'm stopped by a weird cogwheeled church-train. A man on board treats a child angel as his Muse, lifting her over his head. She yells "Enough!" Which turns me insanely horny... CAUTION: SEXUAL ISSUES |
CONFUSED?: by Wayan; 1996? Digital painting of my main mental state. When I'm confused, this angel comforts me with this MORE confusing quote... |
COYOTE ANGEL: by Wayan; 2000/1/3, sculpture of dream figure. A shapeshifter caught in the moment of transformation, just as her arms unfold into smoky wings... CAUTION: NUDITY |
CREATING WINGS: by Robert Southey; 1805. Beauty to nightmare to flight. Saints and devils in a sunken statuary garden turn too real for comfort; so, creating my own wings, I fly... |
DANCING ROBBANE: by Emily Joy; 2007/8/1, sculpture of a dream sculpture. The clay came alive, shaped itself, started dancing...and mutating. |
DEFENDING MYSELF BEFORE A JURY OF MEN: by Jack Kerouac, 1958?, a transcendent advisory dreamlet I'm on trial. As I argue in my own defense, I float over the court! The jurors murmur "Why does he even bother protesting? He's beyond this world"... |
DIVINE IMAGE, or, A VISION OF ADONAI: by Anna Kingsford, 1877/7/23, a waking vision Gazing at the moon, Anna finds herself touring the Solar System, meeting all the planetary guardians... CAUTION: MYSTICAL ECSTASY |
DRAGGED TO HER HEART'S DESIRE: by Wayan; 1997/9/16, a dream with a lesson. The friends of a touchy aviator have to kidnap her just to give her a present... and WHAT a present... |
THE DREAM: by Pierre Puvis de Chavanne, c.1882: a temptation dream? Subtitled "In his Sleep he Saw Love, Glory and Wealth Appear to him". Is it a real pre-Freudian dream on being tempted by three powerful allies of the Id... or just allegory? I have my doubts... |
DRESSER GUARDIAN: DRAGON: by Wayan; 1999/11/26. Dream-figure portrait, acrylic, 6x5" A guardian figure who recurs in my dreams, painted on my dresser to guard my sleep-journeys... |
DRESSER GUARDIAN: MER-ANGEL: by Wayan; mid-May 1999. Dream-figure portrait, acrylic, 5x5" A guardian figure who recurs in my dreams, painted on my dresser to guard my sleep-journeys... |
EAT THE WORLD: by Ralph Waldo Emerson, between Jan 1838 & Nov 1839; a dream of surreal advice I was floating in the Ether, not far from this world, which seemed small as an apple. An angel took it in his hand and brought it to me and said, 'This must thou eat'... |
EDWIN'S DREAM: by soon-to-be-King Edwin, c.616, as told by the Venerable Bede; a nagging dream King Ethelfrid bribes Redwald to turn over his guest, Edwin. Edwin dreams an angel warns him, swearing to save him if he'll convert. Redwald's wife tells him "Don't betray a guest." Once Edwin's king, that dream-angel demands his fealty... CAUTION: SHODDY SPIRITUAL BARGAINING |
ELEPHANT WITH A LOTUS: by Queen Maya, 564 BCE? a prophetic Buddhist dream After 20 years without a child, Maya dreams devas carry her to a holy lake, wash her... and then an elephant carrying a lotus flower enters her right side. She knows it means... CAUTION: DREAM OMITS TINY DETAIL--IMMINENT DEATH |
THE FACTORY: by Sunshine; 2015/9/25, a metaphorical dream Elegant, ancient, the tower rose into the clouds. Inside? Smoke & darkness. Workers roast meat... |
FALLING INTO A TESSERACT, and Meeting a Being of Pure Energy: by Dustin Latham, 2019/11/7 I knew I was on my bed, yet I felt myself falling into a tesseract--huge, crystalline, colorful. Inside I met an energy being who explained I'm not meant to die yet; this was just training... CAUTION: UNCONVENTIONAL GOD |
FEATHERWOLF: by Wayan; 2018/9/20, a joyful gender/species-bent flying dreamlet. A shapeshifting girl lets me try her spell--I become a wolf-raven-parrot-human blend. Weird, but I love flying... |
FEVER DREAMS: by Wayan; 1993/9/8, a set of wild feverdreams. While my body expels a kidney stone, weird scenes happen on the astral plane. At least I get to dip the pope. CAUTION: PAIN, PEE, POPE |
FLAMES: by John, c. 1973, as told by Gayle Delaney; an induced transcendent dream I asked my dreams if I should leave my alcoholic wife. I dreamt we were conjoined flames, green and blue. I awoke hopeful, and knew I'd stay. For eight months my wife struggled. Now she's been sober five years... |
FLANNAN PREPARATION: by Wayan, 2023/4/12-13, twin mystical dreamlets 4/12: I get a mysterious energy node implanted in my belly. After convalescing I'll have new talents... 4/13: I'm altering my home to host two flannan, bird-girl spirits swift to hunt down the truth... CAUTION: WITCHCRAFT, NUDE SPIRITS |
FLY SOLO: by Rick Veitch; 1994 or before; a joyful flying-lesson dream I tell the angel teaching me to fly that I'm not ready to go solo yet-- I'm wobbly, the terrain's unknown. He lets go, and I... |
FOUR ELEMENTALS: by Wayan, four recurrent 2009 dream-figures, 2010/1/1 to 1/14 For the New Year, I draw a group portrait of the old year's main dream-figures. Four needs came up constantly... |
FREEBIRD TOWER: by Wayan; 1975/1/10, a rebellious flying dream I was a bird-girl, the pet of some rich, royal humans. I summoned a storm of rebel birds, flooding the moat and driving out our owners... CAUTION: BIRDGIRL NUDITY |
FURSA'S DREAM: by Fursa, c.633, as told by the Venerable Bede; a Christian shamanic dream Fursa the preacher, sick, dreams flaming devils & angels are trying his case; one failure to coax a deathbed repentance gets him scorched. He wakes with burns... CAUTION: DREAM HAS PHYSICAL EFFECTS |
GENNADIUS: by Gennadius, ca. 415 CE, apparently the first recorded lucid dream Gennadius re-dreams a previous dream, helping him see he's dreaming. His guide points out spiritual implications... |
GREEN RAY, BLUE WINGS: by Wayan, 1974/7/14, a joyful apocalyptic dream High in the Sierra during a thunderstorm, I dream aliens steal the gold, and the sun's going nova. But Life wants us to conquer space, so we all grow wings... |
GREEN SCREEN ANGEL: by Wayan, 2018/10/18, a bizarre predictive dream A reporter interviews the guardian angel of my dead sister Jill in front of a green screen. He's dissolving in grief--luminous holes show through... |
THE GUARDIAN ANGEL COURSE: by Wayan; 1984/9/29, a long-term predictive dream I get bored with crime, and then I die. So I take a workshop: How to Find your Guardian Angel. But things go strange... CAUTION: UNEXPECTED ANGELS |
GUARDIAN ANGELS FEUD: by Wayan; 1995/10/9, an epic, heretical dream. You know angels feud over regional underfunding of Divine Grace. But you don't know how low they'll go... |
GUDEA'S TEMPLE: by Gudea of Lagash; c.2125 BCE: one of the first false-waking or nested dreams A winged god whose body's a wave urged me to do... what? I couldn't understand him! I woke... A scribe with a shining stylus listed stars; an architect gave me plans and a brick-mold. I woke again! My dream had clarified itself. So I built the temple shown me, aligned with those stars... |
GYRLFALCON: by Wayan; 1971/11/26, a genderbent, speciesbent & predictive dream I'm a Gyrlfalcon in a theater, fighting the Wolverine and his Morlocks with my lover the Green Lion... |
HAWK ANGEL: by Wayan; 1982/12/28; a dream on rejecting hearsay. I dreamed I met a sort of hawk angel, but there was this preachy guy between us... CAUTION: NUDITY |
HELL-TORNADO: by Wayan; 1988/7/2, a dream on social engineering. Who built the tornado in the Heartland, that sucks anyone who opens their spirit-wings down to Hell? CAUTION: BAD THEOLOGY, WORSE PHYSICS |
HELP, NOT CURE: by Wayan; 1996/12/26, a dream on autism. Gay angels try to help an autistic woman. Change her past? Only if they pass the Ass-Backward Guardians! |
IS GOD GOD?: by Wayan; 1984/6/17, a dream of the school of hard knocks. God watches over me--to slap me down. If God is even God. So I set out to learn about this jerk-God... |
JACOB'S LADDER: by Jacob, grandson of Abraham; c. 2050 BCE; a self-fulfilling prophetic dream. Jacob dreams of angels climbing to heaven. He meets God, who promises the Holy Land to him and his tribe. Jacob uncritically accepts... |
JILL THE PEST: by Wayan; 240K, 2001/2/22, a nondream visionary comic. I had a headache and couldn't sleep. I started drawing, and asked for a cure. And a cartoon angel said... CAUTION: TANTRUMS, MASTURBATION, JUNKFOOD, ANGELIC SCOLDING |
JOYOUS RIDE: by Janis Amatuzio, c. 1953; an ecstatic childhood dream of flight with a guardian angel I was about three. A big, luminous figure said he would be my guardian always. We went horseback riding in the sky... |
KING OF THE KILN: by Wayan; 1996/11/25, a psychic dream. I dream of a scary king who offers to bake my dreams to strengthen them. Then my friend Mark calls... |
LOLA: by Wayan; 1995/4/22, a wild dream: psychic, shamanic and... economic? How the hell do I summarize this? Lola, a werefox I'm hot for, becomes my feudal Japanese brother, and her fox-shape reappears as the truck-driving maid for a Han Dynasty lady. We counter the interdimensional energy vampires by importing ghost unicorns on sailing ships, who have an orgy. Two weeks later, it all comes true. Literally? No, but closer than you'd think.... |
LONELY NO MORE!: by Wayan; 2000/3/27, a sculpture of American singlehood. The Dating Fairy, built on lonely evenings waiting for her to call me back--whoever "her" was that week... CAUTION: NUDITY, SEXUAL THEMES |
LONG ROAD TO HEAVEN: by Edwin Muir; 1920, an epic hypnogogic shamanic initiation Creatures in the primal sea touch my third eye, dragons cry their eyes out, I fight the Sphinx, and arrive at last in... |
LUCID FLIGHT: by Lisa Reich; March 2003, an ecstatic lucid dream of flight. I flew as if part of the air--an otherworldly freedom so exquisite I wonder if it's attainable at all in earthly existence... |
LUCID FLIGHT TO VALHALLA: by Paul W. Coca; 1991/4/5, a lucid flying sex dream I realized I was dreaming, and flew. My friends were skeptical and held me down a while, but soon I had them flying too. At a party in Valhalla, I made love with a mer-angel named Ealswa... |
LUNAMOTH (Around #11): by Wayan; soon after 1998/8/7; 2 portraits of a dream-self, one digital, one acrylic Day Me curls up and Night Me unfolds: a girl with dark moth-wings, not angel-white but camouflaged... |
LYR: by Wayan; 7MB, 2005, 80 pages w/200+ drawings and maps; a virtual planet A vast sea-world with 7 times Earth's mass, whose isles are home to at least 19 intelligent species... CAUTION: CUTE ALIENS, WEIRD SEX CUSTOMS, GODLESS EVOLUTION! |
THE MAD UNVEILERS: by Marie-Claude Girondé, early 2009, a dream painting. The dancers, in a frenzy, stripped themselves. Not just their clothes; themselves... |
MATISSE IS NO MOE: by Wayan; 1988. Matisse-style collage-poem. An elegy to a great paper-cutter, and three (or was it four?) sado-humorists who still scare me a little... |
MIRYAM'S THEFT: by Wayan; 1996/9/24, a psychic dream on being used I'm a ghost dwarf in love with a Lady trapped in a magic Arabian castle. But our love is being used... CAUTION: SEX, BETRAYAL, SACRILEGE |
MOM ON THE WING: by a tail gunner; 1942-45, a lifesaving warning dream I saw my mother standing on the tip of one wing of our plane. She was dressed in white flowing robes and calling my name, warning me of danger... |
MOVING IN THE LANDSCAPES OF MY DREAMS: by Jenny Badger Sultan; 14 dreams (mostly Jan-Mar 2011) painted on one canvas A dream urged me to paint a big landscape with cutout movable (magnetic) dream figures and liftable flaps revealing hidden dream scenes... |
THE MOWER by Iris Murdoch, 1993 or 4, and AS Byatt, June 1996; one spiritual dream provoking a second. MURDOCH'S DREAM: I sat on a terrace. An angel flew by. I asked if God existed. He said "Certainly"... BYATT'S DREAM: I sat on a terrace with Iris. A whirlwind flew across the lawn, roaring like a power mower. I said "He's in there. I love him." She said "So he is. So do I." As I woke, I knew he was Death, the Mower... CAUTION: SPIRITUALITY AND PUNS |
MY SYMBIOTES: by Wayan; 2015/2/8, a dream characterizing our sixth sense, & proposing a seventh I have symbiotes--a dragonlynx and some flannan, like micro-angels with birdfeet & moth antennae. Lynx & flannan embody my sixth and seventh senses... |
NATALIUS' WELTS: by Natalius the Confessor, c.155 CE (or 199?), a dream leaving physical traces. Natalius dreamed that angels whipped him for joining a heretic cult, and woke to find welts on his back... |
ODE TO PSYCHE: by John Keats; 1819, a poem based on a dream-encounter Keats met two winged lovers nesting in the woods: Eros and Psyche, the last Olympians, worshipless... |
OJIBWAY DREAM NET: by Regina de Cormier-Shekerjian, c.1984, a dream-poem of a visiting animus I hung the dream-net over my bed. It worked. A blue-winged man with a leg of silver came to me, drummed, danced, offered to teach me secrets. Awake, I found a blue feather caught in that net... |
ORIOLE GIRL: by Wayan; 1992/1/23, psychic dream told as illustrated poem. While conducting a census of fairies in Golden Gate Park, I fall in love with an abused oriole-girl, and we try to heal one another... CAUTION: AWKWARD SEX |
OVER THE VOLCANO: by AE (George Russell); c.1900, an embarkation dream. We're spirits over a volcanic fountain of energy. And some of us prepare to ride the current up to... CAUTION: ASSUMES MYSTICAL LITERACY |
OVERLAY: by Wayan; 1984/2/11, 1995/8/26, and 2004/9/11, 3 dreams shape a 9-page comic on living with ESP Dreams of translucent fairies, centaurs, robots & gnomes prompt me to cartoon on transparent overlays to show how dreamworlds overlay ours... |
OZETTE ANGEL: by Wayan; 1988/8/23; dream-tinged landscape. West of Seattle, near Lake Ozette, a mudslide buried a whole Makah Indian village centuries ago... |
PATCHEN'S ANGELS: by Wayan; 2000/1/23, nondream crayon/digital drawings. I always liked the little creatures in picture-poet Kenneth Patchen's wild collage-pages... |
PEAK ANGEL: by Wayan; 1995, dreamlike but nondream digital collage. A naked angel came and perched on a rock, pointing at a vista that seemed both alpine and undersea... |
PICARD'S ANGELS: by Wayan; 1993/1/7, a poem; alternate treatment of the dream PICARDIAN ANGELS As a boy on Martinique, Jean-Luc Picard wished for so much so hard, his angels have to work overtime... |
PIE HOLE: by Wayan; 2021/9/12, an Emperor's New Clothes dream with a twist I'm shyly making love with a classmate, Cynthia. Classmates gawk & point, through the pie-hole in the ceiling. But our perspective reveals that under our critics' skirts... CAUTION: UPSKIRT NUDITY |
PINK LIGHTNING: by Emily Y. Chan, 2017/12/15 or before; dream painting We were trying to catch this "harpy", who looked like a 1980s angel, but she teleported away. It was freaking weird... |
PINHEAD HEAVEN: by Wayan; 2013/7/12, an absurd dream-poem I'm in heaven. But... what can you do up here? And it's so small. Where is everyone?... CAUTION: WE FIND OUT |
PLANETOCOPIA: by Wayan; 2002- (ongoing Sisyphean project) 19 nondream imaginary worlds rendered in text, art, & sculpture. Most teem with intelligent life--alien Edens! CAUTION: ANARCHISM, NUDITY, MATH, SOCIALISM, EVOLUTION |
PRAYER: by Marie-Claude Girondé, early 2009, a dream painting. "Our resurrection is not entirely in the future; it's also in us, it begins, it's already begun..." |
THE PROBLEM OF PAIN: by Wayan; 1984/5/15, a devious dream. We sail to the Isle of the Blest, but God exiles me to Fargo, North Dakota. But God's up to something subtle... |
RADIANCE: by Anonymous #42, 1996?, a transcendent dream backed away from In the recording studio, some background noise. Isolated and amplified, it's a chorus of inhuman voices praising an unknown deity. The song becomes a mandala pulling me in... |
ROYA'S BIRD: by Roya, before 2002, a joyful afterlife dream Roya's mother-in-law had a painful death. Roya dreamt she met her, a joyous bird, who had forgotten the pain of death just as we forget the pain of birth... CAUTION: NICE, BUT NOT EVIDENCE |
SALLY: by Sy Montgomery, Jan. 2008?, an apparent dog-telepathy dream I dreamt I was trying to save dying puppies; then a new dog appeared at our door, one I was sure we had to find and adopt. We found Sally, and it turns out, when I dreamt of doomed puppies, she was trapped in a freezing basement, trying to save hers... CAUTION: PET ABUSE; APPARENT CROSS-SPECIES TELEPATHY |
SILLA KRISTOS: by Silla Kristos, c.1634; a didactic during-death vision Silla Kristos angered Saint Walatta Petros, so she cursed him. He got sick and died. She knew she'd overdone it, and asked the Virgin Mary to revive him. Mary grumbled, but did. While dead, Silla Kristos got wise angelic advice... CAUTION: BRATTY SAINT, BRATTY MONK |
MY SISTER'S GRAVITY WELL: by Wayan; 1995/4/25, a dreamtale. We play with worlds for balls, and gravity wells for goals. How do the worlds see it? Well... I find out. |
SIT ON A CLOUD: by William S. Burroughs, 1990?, a big-city flying dream A thousand feet above New York. I meet two naked angels who say it's their first flight, but I got no fear of falling anymore; got no body to fall. Sit on a cloud. Just me and my shadow... |
A SPHINX'S SKETCHBOOK: by Wayan; dreamed 1994/7/2 & 7/19; a 23-page dream-comic I find the sketch-journal of a beautiful winged sphinx who left her mythic isle to explore a great city of crazy bipeds, called San Francisco... CAUTION: SPHINX SEX, SPHINX ATTITUDE |
SPIRIT CHORUS: by Wayan; dreamed 2016/2/8, a curative dream I drum on an ocarina-gong in the dark. My weird music summons a choir of fierce angels, who send a wave of tingling energy surging through me... |
SPIRITUAL TESTS: by Wayan; 2000/8/28, a predictive dream As my dad lies dying, I dream my sister and I face spiritual tests given by slacker angels who'd rather be on TV. Learn to let go! |
STRANGE SERVICE: by Gordon B., early 2006, a transcendental dream The old man sang in the empty church, then looked at me and snapped his fingers. I was filled with voices... |
STRUCK BY THOUGHT: by Wayan; dreamed 1956-7, 71/11/26, 78/12/28, 82/10/5, & 83/9/12 A picture-poem experiment: one dream per stanza! Five short dreams exploring the weight of culture on our animal selves... |
SWISS-CHEESE FAIRY: by Wayan; dreamed 1983/7/15, sculpted 2000: ceramic/wire/silk, 17" I met an elfin girl who's tattooed realistic vaginas all over her body, as... decoys? For she has... CAUTION: NUDITY, TATTOOS, TABOOS... |
TAOIST DEBUT: by Wayan; 2012/9/16, a dreamlet on book-learning vs. living experience I'm at the court of Jenghiz Khan, as rival priests try and fail to convert the Mongols to this faith or that. Then a Taoist demigod walks up... |
TAROT: DEATH (Resurrection): by Wayan; Tarot card, 3x5", summer 1979. So you die, and to your secular surprise, your soul metamorphoses into... |
THREE DREAMS: by Robley Wilson; July 4, 1975?; a dream-poem Dead fish in a poisoned stream, dead kittens in a pit... and advice from the woman who revives them with a touch. |
THE THREE VEILS BETWEEN MAN AND GOD: by Anna Kingsford, March 1881, a messianic dream. I was shown what veils the God in us: Blood (violence), Idols (dogmatism), and the Curse of Eve (sexism)... CAUTION: FUNDAMENTALISTS (OF ANY FAITH) WILL SEE RED |
THREE WAYS TO FLY: by Wayan; 2010/11/10, a dream urging the World Dream Bank to shift I'm shown pictures of three different magical ways to fly. But the third shows no actual flight--just someone giving away the magical means... |
TOWER OF THE MARTIAN DEAD: by Wayan, 1983/7/7; a dream-poem of an exo-Valhalla Climbing a mountain on Mars, I reach a hall where I'm transformed into a cryophilic being. Then I feast on methane soup with the heroic Martian dead... |
TRENCHCOAT ANGELS: by Wayan; 2010/1/21; a flying diagnostic visitation dream I'm flying around a half-built house when I'm cornered by three scary archangels in trenchcoats. But they want my help... |
UNDER THEIR MASKS: by Wayan; 2000/3/17, an ecdysiastic dream Masked champions of Good and Evil fight, peeling off layers till they're elven-thin--what's left to hide? They can't keep stripping forever... |
VERITY'S WINGS: by Jenny Badger Sultan; 2009/8/21; painting in the Box of Dreams My friend Verity's given a beautiful set of wings. I'm envious until I consider what angel wings imply... |
VERTICAL PLANES: by Wayan; 1990/3/7, an astral pirate dream. We're air pirates running a music shop, till our biplanes are hijacked by cat angels! Furious, we set out... |
A VISION: by Denise Levertov, 1965 or '66, a poem from hypnogogic vision? daydream? Two archangels meet; one red and gold winged, one blue and green. In heaven, form reveals worldview. Yet these two souls in dispute are great; rather than fight they appreciate... |
'WE'RE ALL HUMAN': by Wayan; 1987/3/13, a dream trial. For flirting in the astral cafeteria, we all get sentenced to group therapy-- till I catch the lie in my life. What lie? Read the title... |
THE WIND FROM HELL: by Wayan; 1981/4/21, a dream-poem. Hot air rises, right? So there's a monsoon from Hell, lifting souls. Lucky for us that gravity balances it... |
WHAT YOU IMAGINE HAPPENS: by Wayan; 1982/2/21; a dreampoem on quarks. Or spooks. I'm stuck on a runaway bus. So we decide to picture the axle falling off, and it obeys! But the bus zooms on, carried by a horde of little animals... CAUTION: ESP SKEPTICS WILL LOATHE THE AFTERWORD (true story, though) |
WINGED DANGER: by Emily Y. Chan, 2024/3/30 or before; dream painting We found an injured girl with wings. We took her to the hospital and I warned them she might be dangerous, but no one listened to me... |
WINGLESS: by Emily Y. Chan, 2020/12/9 or before; painting of a non-flying dream In this dream, everyone had wings but me. I tried. making my own cloth wings but it didn't work... |
THE WOLF DREAM: by Mr. Bai, as told by Pu Songling; before 1679, a predictive dream, or fiction? Mr Bai dreams his son the mandarin is a tiger leading a pack of wolves--all man-eaters, at least until two angels knock out his fangs and predict he'll get beheaded soon... CAUTION: CANNIBALS, REVENGE KILLINGS |
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