Guardians & Security
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What this site is - Add your dreams! - How to read blurbs - Ratings - Copyright - Downloading - The World Dream Bank has 4000+ dreams plus 1000 more pages on dreamwork, shamanism, surrealism, fantasy, worldbuilding, creativity and genius. Site © Chris Wayan 2001-2022.
ALIENS, MONSTERS, WITCH: by Judy Landaiche; 1991/11/8, a dream on judging by appearances Our starship crashed on an alien world. Humanoid aliens attack us. A witch saves us. A second kind of alien attacks; again she saves us. A third--ugly, monstrous--and the witch goes off with them! Turns out they're friendly... |
ANGEL SHOWDOWN: by Wayan; 2020/4/2, a dream mixing shamanism and Barbarella I see parasitic spirits sickening their human hosts. Can't get rid of them, so I try to teach them how to keep their hosts healthier. An angel suspects I'm a necromancer, and shows up armed for a shootout... CAUTION: DISTURBING PREMISE, LOWBROW ANGEL |
APOLOGETIC OGRE: by Wayan; 1990/3/1, a nightmare. I hop on a bus in mythical Greece, and this woman's guardian angel acts racist. OK, I'm an ogre. So? CAUTION: ANOTHER HANDGUN TRAGEDY |
ART OR PROPAGANDA?: by Wayan; dreamed 2008/2/7, 3 dream-reactions to Philip Pullman's books There's a rare dream-type that can change reality itself. I study its EEG trace. Can I learn to do it?... I'm arguing with musicians--what's better, music that serves your goals, or purely great music... I'm bored in class. Draw sexy furries. The babydykes by me do too! Art'll summon the girls we want... CAUTION: PHILOSOPHY! OH NO! |
ATLANTIS; c. 1993 by Mark Doty; six elegiac poems, three dream-based In our marshlands, tides, birds, dogs come and go; but must our friends and lovers, too? CAUTION: AIDS DEATHS |
BANK RIGGED TO FAIL: by Wayan, 2023/10/2, a predictive dream I find myself working in a bank that won't let us do our jobs. Only one guy can disburse cash! Lines of angry customers. If management won't change the rules, I'll have to quit... CAUTION: PREDICTIVE! |
LA BELLE DAME SANS MERCI: by John Keats, April 1819, a sexy nightmare poem A knight falls in love with a fey woman, until her previous victims warn him in a nightmare that she is... CAUTION: GOTH TO THE MAX |
BILL: by Anonymous #32; c. 1950, a predictive warning dream My mother begged me to stay in. I went out with Bill--who raped me. Mom later told me she'd dreamed... CAUTION: DATE RAPE |
BIRDMAN TEACHES "NO!": by Miriel as told to Wayan; 1985/7/11, a poem on flight/assertion training In the canyon behind our home, a steel-clawed birdman taught my brother and me to fly by shouting "NO!"... |
BLACK PUPPETEER: by Anonymous #2; 1930s, an eerie dreamlet. My friend F. saw a child whose every move was controlled by a weird figure behind her... |
BLACKSLIME TOWER: by Wayan; 1986/11/13; a transformation dream with political tinges Humanity's trapped in a Quad, overseen by the Guardians of Blackslime Tower. Feather by feather, I grow wings, and plot to escape with the Flying Cat... CAUTION: THE SLIME IS REAGANOMICS |
BLESS MY PHOBIA: by Wayan; dreamed 1992/8/15; story + silk painting. I was Eve's guardian angel the second time round, and I blew it again. But this time, it came out right.... CAUTION: BREASTS AND BEASTS |
BONOBOCARE, or, THE CHILDREN'S CRUSADE: by Wayan, 2015/8/8, a dream's "Modest Proposal" Tax-funded child prostitution ends war--sex calms men down from mean chimps to nice bonobos. Rough on street kids, though... CAUTION: SEXPLOITATION, SATIRE HARSH AS JONATHAN SWIFT. UNICORNS, TOO! |
THE BRIDGE: by Wayan; a 3-page comic from two linked dreams, 1989/5/28 & 1989/10/1. The Hunt of the Unicorn (yeah, guess who I am), as I fly through the worlds fighting Reaganism... CAUTION: MOCKS THE GREAT COMMUNICATOR |
BRIDGE-GUARD: by Alfred Maury, early 1861?; one of the first cryptomnesic dreams recorded I found myself in childhood again, in a village where my dad was building a bridge. A man in a guard's uniform introduced himself as C--. Awake I could recall no such person, but research revealed... |
THE CAT: by David B.; 1991/9/24, an eerie sculpture come alive In the woods outside a modern art museum, I'm being stalked by Giacometti's huge skeletal cat... |
CAT REPELS DINOSAURS: by Wayan, 1984/8/12, a film-inspired surreal dream DAY: I thorn-puncture my hands while gardening, and write stupid poetry about it... EVE: I watch Little Darlings, a teen sex farce that turns weirdly serious... DREAM: a Mysterious Pussy guards us librarians from stinky alien dinosaurs... CAUTION: SEXUAL INNUENDO??? |
CLOSE THE GATE: by Emily Joy; 2004/11/19, a dream of decision. My foxy lover teases and tempts, but I can't let him into the patio for fear he'll hurt the rabbits… CAUTION: UNFUNNY BUNNY PUNS |
COMING TO THE JUMPING OFF PLACE: by Jenny Badger Sultan, 92/5/1, painting of an escape dream Trapped on an island, spied on and controlled, we decide to jump off a cliff and die; but as we jump, a spirit sneaks us off be reborn... |
CREEPINESS: by Scottopic; 2001/11/30. A hypnogogic nightmare. I'm in bed sleepily petting my cat, when I see my cat across the room! What's on my legs? It's big. My cat chases it off... through the wall? My room is sealed. Where did it come from, where did it go?... |
CRIMECON 90: by Wayan; 1990/3/27, a dream about capitalism. I tended my spirit, not my career. So now I have to guard a crimeboss at a theft convention... CAUTION: INEVITABLE CHEKHOVIAN SHOOTOUT |
CROC BOY: by Wayan; 2008/8/17, a dream-poem, Dreamverse #7. I visit a witch-smeller, who judges apprentice shamans. But when a boy dreams he's a crocodile, she freaks out... |
DECLARING INDEPENDENCE: by Patricia Garfield c.1946, Fiona '51, Lenore '58 & Helen '62 Four teens dream their moms are monsters: Patricia sees hers as a demonic doll, Fiona finds her mom's a wolf, Lenore's is a grinning vampire, and Helen's is a bossy, punitive octopus... |
DEERTAUR TRANSFORMATION: by Wayan, 1987/6/22, a dream of mythical art A strange book has woodblock prints telling how a princess turns to a deer-centaur and meets animal-headed forest guardians. But the message is rather practical... CAUTION: (FURRY) NUDITY |
DEMON-SUMMONING IS JUST A MISDEMEANOUR: by Jo; 2017/7/26, a gender-bent diagnostic nightmare I protect my friends from a demon, but the dream-guardians I summon terrify me... |
DICK, HOW WONDERFUL: by Dick and his mother; 1951-54, shared telepathic hallucinations As a man on shore patrol in Manila is attacked, he and his mother simultaneously see and hear each other... |
DIPSOMANIA: by Dick in L.A.; pre-1961, a suicide-preventing ghost/voice I couldn't find Mrs. B and feared she was suicidal. But I heard my late mother say "She's in that hotel..." |
THE DRAGON ECONOMIST: by Wayan, 2011/1/7, a surreal dreamlet prodding me An economist gets a job as a dragon guarding a data-treasure. Heroes plot to slay him, but I trust the dragon more than the heroes... |
THE DREAM TO LAST YEARS: by Elizabeth Church; 2004? to March 2008; repeated meetings with a guardian--in dreams & out! For five years now I've been dreaming of this guy. Many dreams, same guy... |
DRESSER GUARDIAN: DRAGON: by Wayan; 1999/11/26. Dream-figure portrait, acrylic, 6x5" A guardian figure who recurs in my dreams, painted on my dresser to guard my sleep-journeys... |
DRESSER GUARDIAN: MER-ANGEL: by Wayan; mid-May 1999. Dream-figure portrait, acrylic, 5x5" A guardian figure who recurs in my dreams, painted on my dresser to guard my sleep-journeys... |
THE EGG CRACKS: by Carl Jung, 1914/1/10-1917/2/4; meditation-images A green monster guards the divine egg; with the right prayer, it explodes in a fountain of mad color, half grenade, half freed jinni... |
THE ELEVEN CENT ORACLE: by Wayan; 1998/11/12, a dream on accumulating... change. I'm a migratory girl who's lost my tribe. I find eleven coins, cross the world, and pay the Oracle... |
THE FACTORY: by Sunshine; 2015/9/25, a metaphorical dream |
Elegant, ancient, the tower rose into the clouds. Inside? Smoke & darkness. Workers roast meat... |
FALLING INTO A TESSERACT, and Meeting a Being of Pure Energy: by Dustin Latham, 2019/11/7 |
I knew I was on my bed, yet I felt myself falling into a tesseract--huge, crystalline, colorful. Inside I met an energy being who explained I'm not meant to die yet; this was just training... CAUTION: UNCONVENTIONAL GOD |
FLY WITH ME?: by Wayan; 2024/1/7; a flying dream of course! But an odd one. |
DAY: I research a weird Salvador Dalí dream-painting mingling, flight, tigers and sex. DREAM: I flirt with a talking cat. Want her to fly with me. But she wants something earthier... |
FOUR OF TEN: by Wayan; 2021/4/3, four examples from ten dreams in one night |
Books are clothes, and always were. A potato makes me lie, and everyone gets it but me. Sex in a crowd disarms the Mom Squad! And a Mystic Autistic's soul explores my room... CAUTION: PUBLIC SEX? PROBABLY. |
FOX-MOTHER: by Wayan; 2008/8/12, a dream poem; Dreamverse #2. |
The goddess of the Cult of Clutter catches a little thief, and tastes her to see if she’s worthy... |
FOX ON THE TRAIN: by Wayan; 2015/1/9, an advisory dream painted & poemed |
I'm a guard on a train crossing the desert who falls in love with a refugee fox-girl, despite heavy specist peer-pressure and the archaic Railway Code... CAUTION: NUDE FOX |
GISLI THE OUTLAW: by Gisli the Outlaw of Iceland; 966-973, a series of at least ten life-saving dreams. |
Gisli had two spirit-wives who told him in dreams how to evade the bounty-hunters after him... for 13 years! |
GREEN SCREEN ANGEL: by Wayan, 2018/10/18, a bizarre predictive dream |
A reporter interviews the guardian angel of my dead sister Jill in front of a green screen. He's dissolving in grief--luminous holes show through... |
GUARD ON THE BEACH: by Wayan; 1980/9/17, a dream of moral suasion |
Very nearly a nightmare, till the guard on the beach relented in the face of people power... |
THE GUARDIAN ANGEL COURSE: by Wayan; 1984/9/29, a long-term predictive dream |
I get bored with crime, and then I die. So I take a workshop: How to Find your Guardian Angel. But things go strange... CAUTION: UNEXPECTED ANGELS |
GUARDIAN ANGELS FEUD: by Wayan; 1995/10/9, an epic, heretical dream. |
You know angels feud over regional underfunding of Divine Grace. But you don't know how low they'll go... |
GUARDIAN GHOST: by an Oklahoma girl; 1919, a dream (?) of ghostly advice |
I dreamed my late stepdad warned me to stand by my mom--she'd be in trouble soon--gossip & blame... |
HELP, NOT CURE: by Wayan; 1996/12/26, a dream on autism. |
Gay angels try to help an autistic woman. Change her past? Only if they pass the Ass-Backward Guardians! |
HOMEBOUND: by Sunshine; 2015/3/21, a dream posing an ethical dilemma |
Elves are making humans grow tree-doors back to Faerie. But are they invasion-scouts, or just going home? CAUTION: GUNFIGHT, MIND CONTROL |
HOUSE OF BLUE LIGHT: by Wayan; 1994/4/3, a dark dream. |
As my grandmother is dying, I have a dream about what really went on in her house... CAUTION: CHILD SLAVERY |
HUNTERS: by Emily Y. Chan, c.2020/12/12, 2024/3/23, and 2024/4/13, paintings of recurrent dreams |
First I met an assassin girl who could raise dust storms; then a monster-hunted named Rho; then I was the hunter, with a futuristic hovercycle and low-tech bow and arrows... |
I DREAMT I WAS SOMEONE ELSE: by Moonlit Jade, c.2000, a child's genderbent dream |
I dreamt I was an adult, and male. I was hiking in the snow with my girlfriend or wife. I felt protective--and utterly at home in this quite different body. If dreams process our daily experience, what did this dream draw on? |
I'M A VESTA, NOT A MAN!: by Wayan; 1980/1/6, a dream of when it's over. |
I'm the animal guardian of a deep crater, but when a human girl rejects me, I set out to leave... CAUTION: ORAL SEX, UNREQUITED LOVE, SPECISM |
IN A REHEARSAL ROOM: by Wayan; 1982/10/20, a sexy dreamlet on shyness. |
I dreamed my fears faded like ghosts, as we made love in the rehearsal room. But invisible is not gone... CAUTION: UNDERAGE SEX |
IN THE CAMP (THE NAKED POEM): by Karl Patten; 1972/10/27; a death-camp poem dictated in a dream |
Fat Max eats with Heinrich the guard on Tuesdays. He talks too much. You and I are hungry. Tonight... The poem appeared in the dream as it appears on the page--words, even punctuation... CAUTION: DEATH CAMP, DEATH PLOT |
IN THE NIGHT OF 13 OCTOBER, 1942: by Peter Birkhäuser; 1942/10/13, a shamanic dream painted Sept. 1975. |
Sybelle & I climbed the cathedral spire. Bravely she kissed the monstrous guardian, exhaling blue light. My own challenge was to leap across an abyss, under the luminous eye of God... |
IN THE STAR; 1988/9/12 by Wayan; an epic, out-of-body, intrastellar quest-dream |
I tour the heart of a red supergiant, where dreaming souls explore their fears and heart's desires, unconstrained by solid matter... CAUTION: SWEDENBORGIAN VISION, UNICORN NUDITY |
JETPACK AND TIGER: by Wayan; 1988/3/17, a nonlucid yet lucidlike shamanic dream. |
After watching both Star Trek & Doctor Who, I find I'm held prisoner by the Rani and her laser-toting tiger guards. So I meditate--and manifest a jetpack and a laser gun! I never deduced I'm dreaming; it's not lucidity. It's simpler. What have I got to lose? |
JOIN THE WOLVES LATER!: by Wayan; 1980/9/4, a dream of false but useful fear. |
Shepherding a group of cityfolks through an alien wilderness, I need a werewolf's help. So why do I lie? |
JOYOUS RIDE: by Janis Amatuzio, c. 1953; an ecstatic childhood dream of flight with a guardian angel |
I was about three. A big, luminous figure said he would be my guardian always. We went horseback riding in the sky... |
JUNG'S DRAGONS: by Carl Jung, 1917/1/17 to mid-1922; recurring dream/trance figures |
Jung's visions of dragons evolve from fiery destroyers to thieves who can be forced to give up treasure to peacful, luminous guardians of the sacred... |
THE KEY TO OUR INHERITANCE: by Wayan; 2010/9/12; a nightmare whose victims organize |
The dead treasure-hunter's will ordered us, his heirs, to convene in the wood. Attacked there by a knight in armor, we near-strangers must unite to win our... |
KIBBLE FROM HEAVEN: by Wayan; 1986/10/13, a dream on love and money. |
I'm a dog princess, on a world where kibble falls from heaven. When I meet our species' guardian angels... CAUTION: DOG NUDITY, LAWYERS |
A KNIFE AT HIS THROAT: by Wayan; 1991/1/1; a political dream-cartoon-fable |
A courtroom hostage-drama where I'm forced to commit... tracheotomy! And then the Gulf War begins... CAUTION: CARTOON VIOLENCE |
LAMEST CAR CHASE EVER: by Wayan, 2023/10/2, a dream predicting not events but emotions |
I'm caught in a surreal traffic jam--balky horses, teeny cop cars. Get so stressed that I split into a big creature guarding a small human sleeper. But even sleep is now a crime... CAUTION: PREDICTIVE? |
LES LICORNES: by Marie-Claude Girondé, fall 2007, a dream painting. |
Three unicorns gallop out of the waves... |
LOLA: by Wayan; 1995/4/22, a wild dream: psychic, shamanic and... economic? |
How the hell do I summarize this? Lola, a werefox I'm hot for, becomes my feudal Japanese brother, and her fox-shape reappears as the truck-driving maid for a Han Dynasty lady. We counter the interdimensional energy vampires by importing ghost unicorns on sailing ships, who have an orgy. Two weeks later, it all comes true. Literally? No, but closer than you'd think.... |
THE MAN WITH THE SNAKE: by Jenny Badger Sultan; 2002/9/3, dream of an aborted shamanic duel |
I stood in the desert preparing for a contest with a man and his snake. But he cheated! Then my cat Lulu intervened... |
MELTDOWN VALLEY: by Wayan; 1993/2/13, a dream of scrupulous balance. |
A park in San Francisco has melted into a bizarre mutation-zone. Its guardian is a lonely elf-woman... CAUTION: ELF NUDITY |
MINE BACK DOOR: by Wayan; 1979/9/7, a dream on mining the unconscious. |
Deep in a secret diamond mine, I see stars. A door opening to the night sky! But this shortcut's heavily guarded... |
MISFITS ON MARS: by Wayan; 1986/11/20, an epic dream; the climax of the dreamseries UNICORN TAG. |
From the punk clubs of Frisco to the Safeways of Si Valley to the vermilion sands of Mars, Silky the were-nightmare fights for the Misfits against every cliche in science fiction... |
MOM ON THE WING: by a tail gunner; 1942-45, a lifesaving warning dream |
I saw my mother standing on the tip of one wing of our plane. She was dressed in white flowing robes and calling my name, warning me of danger... |
MUPPET WITNESS: by Bill Tjaden, art by Jesse Reklaw; pre-2000; an absurd dream |
I work in a witness protection program. We hide the Muppet on the bottom of an empty swimming pool, hand him a long straw, and fill it with... |
THE MUSTACHE PRAYER: by Wayan; 1983/9/11, a dream on wishes' limits. |
I help a mutant boy find others like him, and learn why some prayers are ungrantable... |
NEED AN ADVENTURE? by Catshall, 2022/5/18-25, collage-poem on recurrent dreams |
For a week the same dream-figures and settings have been recurring: shapeshifters and sea monsters. What are they hiding? Or guarding... |
THE NEW DALAI LAMA: by Wayan; 2011/9/9; a prescriptive AND predictive dream. |
I dream the new Dalai Lama's a kind woman who gives me startling health advice AND shows me how to fly. The next day... |
NINA'S RING: by Nina's clown, 1955/4/20, a lifesaving intuition |
While rehearsing our circus act I mentally saw Nina's ladder breaking loose. Next day, a supporting ring snapped. Being forewarned, I pulled hard... |
"NO ONE REALLY": by Wayan; 2019/7/13; a ghostly dream of weak borders |
My new bedroom has huge windows, but no blinds. I pin up bedsheets for now--flimsy. A girl walking by peers in. Wait--we're 50' up! She's in my room--and transclucent. I yell "WHO ARE YOU?" She looks shocked I can see her, says "No one really" and fades... |
ON DRAGONS: by Roswila; July 1986, three poems of dragon dreams |
The first two dragons numb my pain. I demand it back, and soon regret my haste. But the third dragon I seduce, for I'm a dragon now... |
PASS THE VIAL ON: by Wayan; 2000/4/18, a dream of renunciation |
A vagabond king showed me the way into Faerie, and it made my fortune. But now it's time to pass the gift on... |
PASTLIFE MIDDEN: by Wayan; 1998/12/28, a past-life dream. |
I bike deep into Time Hall, barging through security gates of amnesia, to climb the midden of the past... |
PAT'S WARNING: by Pat, Allen and Gerry; 1947, a ghostlike warning from a living person's unconscious |
In occupied Germany, Pat flags down two friends just before a truck crash. Except... Pat was in England at the time. She sensed they were in danger, but... |
PETE: by Norman, a soldier on Guam; 1944, either a ghost or hallucination with a lifesaving warning. |
Pete told me to skip the shortcut. Only after I'd turned the truck around did I realize Pete had died weeks ago... |
PLANET-SCULPTING APE: by "AE" (George Russell); mid-1870s, a childhood characterological dream. |
On a cloud in space I met an ape molding a model of Earth, glancing at the original far below. We were much alike... |
POTLATCH SMOKE: by Wayan; 1988/5/10, a shamanic dream-inside-dream 4 levels deep! |
Refugees flood the spirit worlds! War looms. Wolf, Silky, Dr Who, even the Bug-Goddess of Love are alarmed. I'm just a blonde ditz, but I help inspect realities till we trace the source: a Tlingit potlatch! Why? |
THE PRIMEVAL ANIMAL and the Survival of the Earth: by Jenny Badger Sultan; 1999/4/28; an epic dream |
A huge spiral nautilus needs healing; its coils are coming undone, and if it dies, all on earth may die with it... |
THE PROBLEM OF PAIN: by Wayan; 1984/5/15, a devious dream. |
We sail to the Isle of the Blest, but God exiles me to Fargo, North Dakota. But God's up to something subtle... |
REFUGE: by Emily Y. Chan, 2024/3/16 or before; dream painting | I dreamed a tired soldier visited an oracle or priestess, who hummed a simple tune and provided refuge... |
REGEANA’S DRAGON: by Regeana; 1996/3/9, a dream of generosity |
The jewels in the hoard had strange powers, but the advice of the dragon guarding them was even stranger... |
SALLY: by Sy Montgomery, Jan. 2008?, an apparent dog-telepathy dream |
I dreamt I was trying to save dying puppies; then a new dog appeared at our door, one I was sure we had to find and adopt. We found Sally, and it turns out, when I dreamt of doomed puppies, she was trapped in a freezing basement, trying to save hers... CAUTION: PET ABUSE; APPARENT CROSS-SPECIES TELEPATHY |
THE SHADOW OF LIBERTY: by Wayan; 1989/7/8, a comic nightmare, possibly telepathic. |
My sisters get bored with the game of power, so I watch TV-- until it melts, and a terrifying giant rises to chases me... |
MY SISTER'S GRAVITY WELL: by Wayan; 1995/4/25, a dreamtale. |
We play with worlds for balls, and gravity wells for goals. How do the worlds see it? Well... I find out. |
SOCK PUPPETS OF THE GODS: by Dee and Wayan; 1994/4/14. Parallel shamanic dreams! |
I dream I'm suicidal; but I'm saved when I'm shown the flow of human development--the same pattern, from souls to civilizations! Eddies and knots recur, but the challenges slowly get more spiritual. NEXT DAY: I learn what my shaman-friend Dee just dreamed. And now I'm unsure whose dream this is... CAUTION: IDEAS |
SORTING HAT, DRUNKEN CAT: by Wayan; 2013/10/18, a steadily mutating warning-dream |
I discover a Sorting Hat, as in Harry Potter--and it moves in with us. Our cat crawls in and plays peekaboo. She becomes a teenager eager to get drunk at Thanksgiving--like every adult in her life. But she's not puking drunk like them, so she must be OK! Just as I think I am--I only overwork to exhaustion. CAUTION: DRUNK TEEN CAT, SEVERELY ALCOHOLIC ADULTS |
SOUL RESTORED: by Wayan; 2016/12/4, two dreams on deep change |
MY SOUL RESTORED: To hide me as I grew up, someone transplanted a shard of redwood-soul into me, and part of my soul into the tree! But now I'm grown... RED ROBE OF INITIATION: I came to play music, but I'm dragged to the magic-school portal & draped in... CAUTION: MYSTICISM |
SOUL-WORK GOES ON: by Wayan; 1994/11/3, a journal extract on dreamwork. |
As I reread decades of dreams, I see Jung was right: even in crisis-times, soul-work goes calmly on... |
THE SPHINX APPROVES: by Wayan; 1991/5/2, a dreamtale on growth. |
A great war shrinks to wrestling, then hopping from page to page! Once they were worlds to me, but now... |
SPHINX'S WOOD: by Wayan; 1981/11/19, a dream of puns, riddles and advice |
After my dad lets me down I dream black may be white, and white, black--if you're a Sphinx... |
A SQUID STRATEGY: by Wayan; 1997/10/7, a dream warning. |
Giant squid start surfacing at popular beaches and eating people. Not the form of first contact we'd hoped... CAUTION: YOU ARE LUNCH |
STARHAWK THE WITCH: by Wayan; 1983/8/19, 6. illus., an epic, milestone dream. |
DAY: I read Starhawk's Dreaming the Dark, on building unity, undoing capitalism; DREAM: I'm forced to become Time Pilgrim, warning of the dangers of community--indeed, of unity... |
HER STINGY DAD: by Wayan; 1998/7/29, a dreamtale on parental ambition-stunting |
A single dad loves his daughter, but is so pathologically cheap he's teaching her an unintended lesson... CAUTION: CHILD NEGLECT |
STOP OBAMA'S ASSASSINATION: by Wayan; 2012/2/10. A dream about politics? Or health? |
Two child prodigies fail to stop the killers stalking President Obama, but a geek with a homemade laser... |
THE STYGIAN SENTINELS: by SAO (Shawn Allen O'Neal); 1970s, a recurring astral dream. |
The Crocodile King & the Geisha Queen, the couple who guard the bridge over the River Styx, seem to quarrel a lot... |
SUPPORT TEAM: by Wayan; 2005/6/6, a dream-comic on what creative leaps need |
I'm a married couple--the cook and laundress for an English observatory in 1948. Why are we testifying to a Labor Party committee that we WANT to be servants? Well... |
SWIMMING IN VAN GOGH'S OCEAN: by Amandaclay; c.2011/12/9, a dream of love & beauty |
On a cruise to Catalina Island, I find friends, a boyfriend and a magical sea of color... |
TALISMAN: by Wayan; 2016/3/3, a dream hinting I need some long-term dreamwork! |
I'm a boy from a Southwestern tribe whose rite of passage is a bike race. I wear a jasper pendant with mysterious powers... |
TAOIST DEBUT: by Wayan; 2012/9/16, a dreamlet on book-learning vs. living experience |
I'm at the court of Jenghiz Khan, as rival priests try and fail to convert the Mongols to this faith or that. Then a Taoist demigod walks up... |
TAROT: THE COP (Knight of Swords): by Wayan; Tarot card, 3x5", summer 1978. |
The card of force sparingly needed. The Knight says, "Sometimes ya gotta bust a few heads..." |
TAROT: THE EXPLAINER (The Page of Swords?): by Wayan; Tarot card, 3x5", summer 1978. |
Using the mind's blade humbly, minding ideas and people, clarity's disciple may not see her full power... |
TAROT: THE MAGE: by Wayan; Tarot card, 3x5", summer 1979. |
Jung said most people let one aspect of life dominate them. The Mage balances them... |
TAROT: THE SPHINX (the High Priestess): by Wayan; Tarot card, 3x5", summer 1978. |
The card of intuition, dreams--and asking. She knows all the secrets. And might just tell you, if... |
TAROT: DREAMTIGER! (Strength): by Wayan; Tarot card, 3x5", summer 1979. |
Find your strength in dreams: facing (and befriending) what you've feared, or fought... |
TAROT: THE UNICORN WELL (the Ace of Cups): by Wayan; 1991. Digital, based on Tarot card, 3x5". |
The Well of Emotion, guarded by the Black Unicorn, the shadow of all the feelings you deny... |
TELEPATH TREES: by Wayan; 1993/9/11, a how-the-other-half-lives dream with 7 pics |
I dream Edward Abbey shows me a secret grove of telepath trees. That night, in my dreams inside my dream, they meet me... |
THEA'S HOUSE: by Wayan; 1987/3/23, a life-changing dream. |
I dreamed the Earth Goddess invited me to live with her. She was lonely to be seen for who she was... |
THEY FEED THEY LION: by Philip Levine; summer 1968; a poem from two dreams |
A workmate said "They feed they lion"; two dreams later, the poem emerged as you see it... CAUTION: POLITICAL RAGE, SURREALISM |
THREE DREAMS: by Robley Wilson; July 4, 1975?; a dream-poem |
Dead fish in a poisoned stream, dead kittens in a pit... and advice from the woman who revives them with a touch. |
TIME IS A CROC: by Wayan; 1993/3/29, a dream on time. |
Golfing in the basement with Giselle! But her ball goes through a Stargate to land on a world where the water hazards are hazards... |
TIME WARRIOR: by Katie Hofgard, c. 2004, a daydream on transformation |
She was a girl playing in the woods when she found the dying silver fox. His body transformed into a fox-mask. His spirit said "When you come of age..." |
TIMEDOORS OF THE GODS: by Wayan; 1998/2/17, a mysterious initiatory dream. |
I'm mortal, yet I'm offered a residency in the Commune of the Gods, along with Xena the Amazon Warrior and... Little Red Riding Hood? |
TITANIA: by Wayan; 1981/12/7, 83/1/7 & 2/13 and 84/10/2, a dream-epic in installments |
Clarence the sappy angel from It's A Wonderful Life and Milton's Lucifer land on Earth, offering treaties. Who to sign with? Clarence thinks we're fine as is, but the Devil's a tinkerer, learning from failures. Failures like me and my girlfriend Titania, the first android with a full palette of feelings. Like the feeling she's fake... |
THE TOMBSTONE TEST: by Wayan; 1986/8/18, a deceptive dream. |
I walk in a vast graveyard full of history's most famous people and treasures. But it's all fake, built to test your... |
TOUGH GLOVE: by Wayan; 1999/12/4, an advisory dreamlet |
I finally find a way to safely indulge in heavy petting as well as puns) with a playful but scratchy cat... |
TRAVEL: by "SchlofM"; 2008/2/10, a dream about protection |
I'm on a trip to who knows where, with my young-again mom, my dead dad, and--who's that guy? |
TRI-GUARDIANS: by Wayan; 2005/8/5, a stalking nightmare that peels away layers |
Three men follow me. But they're not men; they fly. They shapeshift into teenage archeologists... then into pure energy-beings! "We don't care about you; we're watching another entity you let into your dreams." Wait--I've got FOUR foreign entities stalking through my psyche? CAUTION: ALARMING, IF TRUE |
TRUMP ON THE RUN: by Wayan; 1990/3/8, a suspiciously predictive dream |
The manhunt is on for Donald Trump, rich sociopath. But he too is pursuing something: happiness... |
THE TRUMPETER: by John Hollander, Dec. 1971 or Jan. '72, a (self-aware?) hypnogogic dream |
In the border-mountains, there is a Trumpeter. His clear, triadic melodies break out through the frosty air, or through the swirling mists. No one knows whether the Trumpeter is theirs or ours... |
TUBA BEANS: by Wayan; 1996/3/24, a Star Trek dream. |
Changelings invade our orbital station, selling drugs, kidnapping teachers--but Constable Odo can handle that. What's weird are the beans pouring out of that kid's tuba... |
MY TUTELARY UNCLE: by Wayan; 1993/5/28, a shamanic dream. |
I'm half Anglo, half Kwakiutl. My uncle the shaman died, but he still wants to teach me his medicine... |
TWO RESCUES: by Hervey de Saint-Denys, 1836 & '60-66?, early genderbent dreams |
A TAILOR'S APPRENTICE: I become her to fight back against his abuse... DAMSEL ON THE PYRE: I become a girl being burned alive, but get so distracted by my beautiful body I forget to escape until it's too... |
UNCERTAIN HORIZON: by Cécile Brun; 2014/11/20, a dream-comic of a sea serpent |
My partner and I were hunting for spirits with a camera designed to photograph them. Warned away from the Niigata waterfront, we try to catch a bus out. But what comes isn't the bus... |
AN UNDERCOVER TROLL: by Wayan; 1994/7/6, a dream of personal growth taken too far... |
Disguised as a literary troll, I spy on the Neo-Nazis, but my disguise can't last much longer: I ate a magical herb, and I'm growing... |
UNICORN TIMEFORKS: by Wayan; dreamed 2019/5/25, a shamanic warning dream |
A man enslaves a unicorn and makes her split time, for his profit! But the timeforks don't heal as he expected. So the unicorn takes unilateral action (sorry). Those time-forks look like our current political war. Prepare for sharp kicks... |
A VALLEY NEAR HOPE: by Wayan; 1984/10/17-19, an epic dream. |
I wander a valley where unicorns love cyborgs but fear giant ants, who love unicorns but fear cyborgs, who love ants but fear unicorns! And while the Three Tribes squabble, cave-monsters sculpt them all. I set up peace talks between these four aspects of my tetrahedral soul... CAUTION: SWEARING, DRUNK LIONS, CYBORG SURGERY, AND GOGGLE-BARFING |
THE VOICE OF GOD: by Wayan, 1993/1/31, a psychic nightmare-epic. |
Half-mad with fear, I massacre a cult, till my gun manifests stigmata: a gory miracle. Then I'm a cultist, resisting the Voice of God pushing all us mortals to murder in His name. I woke up haunted, and wondered for weeks what this was about... until the Waco Massacre. CAUTION: CREEPY VIOLENCE, CREEPY GOD, CREEPY PREDICTION |
WATERCATS: by Wayan; 1987/9/10; an epic, clear predictive dream |
I dream I find a few 'extinct' watercats--in a slum! They talk. They say I'm one of them, brainwashed to think I'm human. I wake, go to a dinner, and hear a tale of... watercats! |
WELL-MEANING GRASS: by Wayan; 1982/5/17, a diagnostic Trek dream. |
On a gene-engineered world, the Prime Minister tries to assassinate the Bug Princess by tricking a well-meaning smartlawn... |
WELLS'S QUEST: by Wayan; 1992/7/14, a benevolent dream. |
I'm on a world inhabited by hobbits when H.G. Wells shows up, looking for a Ring of Power... |
WHAT YOU IMAGINE HAPPENS: by Wayan; 1982/2/21; a dreampoem on quarks. Or spooks. |
I'm stuck on a runaway bus. So we decide to picture the axle falling off, and it obeys! But the bus zooms on, carried by a horde of little animals... CAUTION: ESP SKEPTICS WILL LOATHE THE AFTERWORD (true story, though) |
WHITE HORSES, FIVE TALENTS: by Regina van der Poel; 1999/10/29, a dream equinifying talents |
I meet a man in a box. A mob wants to attack him. But five white horses defend him! Well, one's really a unicorn. I know each horse is a talent, but only recall one when I wake: clairvoyance... |
WHY COWGIRLS LOVE BROCCOLI: by Wayan; 1987/8/19, a surreal dream of love. |
I'm a cowgirl in Nevada circa 1900. In the canyon below Haunted Mansion, I meet a broccoli-green lizard girl. Naturally I help a lady in distress... CAUTION: QUEER-POSITIVE |
WHY I BECAME THE SEA: by Wayan; 1980/6/19, a vengeful flying/transformation dream. |
I get so mad at some gaybashing cops and gangsters that I become the sea itself and chase them... CAUTION: UNCHARITABLE REPRESENTATION OF OUR SAINTS IN BLUE |
WYVERN: by Wayan; 1997/9/3 to 9/18, 22" ceramic sculpture; recurring dream figure. |
I dreamed of a dragon-woman on a reef. She was my guardian, but she let me drown! She had her reasons... CAUTION: SCALY NUDITY |
YOU'RE THE EAGLE: by Wayan; 2000/2/8, a dream fable. |
A hermit spends his life wrestling with shadows. His only disciple becomes famous. Who was happier? |
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