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Dreamed 1991/1/1 by Chris Wayan.

Madman on trial takes a hostage: the star witness against him

Madman strangles his hostage. I threaten to stab him

Madman dares me to cut his throat but I can't. Squeamish. Try. Poke a tiny hole... breathes! I had my knife at the HOSTAGE's throat! My timid poke saved him.

LISTS AND LINKS: justice - courtroom dramas - topdogs & underdogs - out of control! - violence - gimme air! - rescues - mouths & throats - sharp-edged dreams - mistakes - politics - war - comix - pure digital art - two weeks later Toni Emrich has a knife-nightmare about Iraq! Kriss - in 1855, Christina Rossetti dreams of an Iraq war: Crocodile King - Jenny Badger Sultan dreams the spiritual benefits of throat-cutting in My Ritual Beheading - a dream about George W. Bush: Why Cowgirls Love Broccoli

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