RELATED TOPICS: police and authoritarian mentalities - theft and other crime - fairness and justice - initiations and ordeals - See also the full INDEX OF SUBJECTS.
What this site is - Add your dreams! - How to read blurbs - Ratings - Copyright - Downloading - The World Dream Bank has 4000 dreams plus 1000 pages on dreamwork, shamanism, surrealism, fantasy, worldbuilding, creativity and genius. Site © Chris Wayan 2001-2022.
THE ANTLIAN JUDGE: by Wayan; 1997/6/29, an otherworldly dream. On an alien world I meet a judge from the newly discovered galaxy of Antlia, and learn distance can lend objectivity... |
ARROW OF FIRE: by Archbishop Anselm, King William Rufus & a monk, 1100/8/1, 3 predictive dreams Anselm dreams God orders King William's death by an arrow of fire; the King dreams his blood covers the sun. Waking, he mocks a third man's ominous dream, goes hunting, and dies bloodily at sunset, an arrow in his heart... |
BOND: by Wayan; 1981/10/31, a nightmare where I'm the nightmare. I'm James Bond. Captured and questioned, I lie to the enemy: the senators of the Committee on Intelligence Activities. Till I see myself through their eyes... CAUTION: SPY SEX, SPY MENTALITY |
BRUNO'S DREAM: by Giordano Bruno, 1578, a cosmological dream Bruno flew through space--not crystal spheres, not Heaven, not even the Copernican solar system, but interstellar space. He saw the stars were suns, those suns had planets, and those planets bore life... CAUTION: BURNED ALIVE BY THE INQUISITION |
CHOREOGRAPHY: by Wayan; 2006/9/7, a nightmare of murder in plain sight. At a beach, a mob of kids stage an intricate practical joke full of coordinated “accidents.” How many of the jokers knew the end was death? CAUTION: MALICE |
A CLOSE SHAVE!: by Wayan; 1971/11/7, a short poem of a goofy counterfactual dream An over-eager landscaper mows my dad's new beard, unasked. Debate in court! Is the art of mowing free speech, or is your face your castle? |
COUNTERSUE GOD: by Wayan; 1995/8/5, a sacrilegious dream. God flames me for putting pagan stuff on the Net, and we end up suing each other. Then the riots begin... CAUTION: HITMEN AND HERESY |
CROC BOY: by Wayan; 2008/8/17, a dream-poem, Dreamverse #7. I visit a witch-smeller, who judges apprentice shamans. But when a boy dreams he's a crocodile, she freaks out... |
A CROOKED BAND: by Wayan; 1996/8/21, a dream of chutzpah. A spinoff band sues the original group for playing their own songs and using their own name... |
DEFENDING MYSELF BEFORE A JURY OF MEN: by Jack Kerouac, 1958?, a transcendent advisory dreamlet I'm on trial. As I argue in my own defense, I float over the court! The jurors murmur "Why does he even bother protesting? He's beyond this world"... |
DID YOU THINK IT WOULD BE EASY?: by Wayan; 1995/1/15, a dream of slow liberation. Our Appalachian town revolts against fundamentalists, but brainwashing takes time to undo... CAUTION: SEX AND INJUSTICE |
THE DREAM POLICE: by Wayan; 1994/4/6, a dream on persecution. The police confiscate my therapist's copies of my dreams, and try me for obscenity! So why do I help?... |
EMADRO: by Wayan; 1983/6/4, a wild dream on clinging--and letting go. An elephant sinks in the North Sea, and the Oracle Mink says a wizard did it. Can old Lady Gandalf help? |
EXECUTE ME!: by Wayan; 2014/1/27, a harsh revolutionary dream I'm condemned to die for fighting a regime that's killed my minority with impunity for centuries. I have no regrets. They'll hesitate now, knowing they too can die... |
THE FOUR WINDS: by E.M. Martin; 1915, a harsh antiwar dream poem. Three wind-gods are so revolted by humanity they want to kill us; the fourth says we'll kill ourselves soon enough... |
FRAMED!: by Wayan; 2006/10/18, a political nightmare. To fight the drug trade, cute little blonde cops plant packets on men in the park. And when I resist... CAUTION: BAD COPS |
FREE THE HICK? A Dream Left Hanging: by Wayan; 1999/9/15, a shard still bearing a message With our ignorability spell, our team plans to free the angry Hick from the Submerged Court. But the Coyote Girls can see us! Will this really work? |
FURSA'S DREAM: by Fursa, c.633, as told by the Venerable Bede; a Christian shamanic dream Fursa the preacher, sick, dreams flaming devils & angels are trying his case; one failure to coax a deathbed repentance gets him scorched. He wakes with burns... CAUTION: DREAM HAS PHYSICAL EFFECTS |
GUILLOTINE: by Alfred Maury; 1865, a dream researcher's most inexplicable dream They led me to the guillotine. As the blade struck my neck, I woke to find my headboard had broken loose and fallen on my... |
JERRY BROWN'S LAW: by Wayan; 2011/4/8; a dream of a political joke. Isn't it a joke? The State tests my art. I worry they'll stereotype me as another Crumb. So I tell an absurd lie about our governor. But my joke kinda makes sense... |
“JUST A FEW MORE YEARS!”: by Wayan; 2008/1/2, a nightmare on the coming crash I found myself defending humanity before an astral jury, begging them to delay the great die-back... |
KEVIN'S CRASH: by Wayan, 2018/10/1, a politically-tinged nightmare After watching the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings for the Supreme Court, with their rape accusations, I dream of a reckless driver named Kevin who runs down a skateboarder and blames everyone else... CAUTION: KAVANAUGH SUPPORTERS WON'T LIKE THIS |
A KNIFE AT HIS THROAT: by Wayan; 1991/1/1; a political dream-cartoon-fable A courtroom hostage-drama where I'm forced to commit... tracheotomy! And then the Gulf War begins... CAUTION: CARTOON VIOLENCE |
LACED WITH TERROR: by Wayan; 1999/5/3, an anti-nightmare. Researchers show me weird little objects like shoelaces that drive people mad with fear... |
LINSCOTT'S NIGHTMARE: by Steve Linscott, Oct. 1980; jailed for a dream! Linscott dreamt of a murder and woke to find it'd happened down the block. Friends nagged him to tell the dream to the investigators. He did. They tried him for murder... |
MISFITS ON MARS: by Wayan; 1986/11/20, an epic dream; the climax of the dreamseries UNICORN TAG. From the punk clubs of Frisco to the Safeways of Si Valley to the vermilion sands of Mars, Silky the were-nightmare fights for the Misfits against every cliche in science fiction... |
MOOSE: by Wayan; 1984/3/12, a dream on the blessings of curses. How the Supreme Court gave my brother antlers, and where his soul went: where I'll go, now that I know... |
A MORAL CANNIBAL: by Wayan; 1995/2/15, a dream on logic and hunger. A cannibal friend of mine is shocked at our burial customs, and argues his case in court using crabs... |
NAMELESS HAT: by Elizabeth Kew; 1930s?, a comic dream. Giant worms put me on trial for wearing a nameless hat, but it turns out I like their punishment, so I taunt the judge... |
"N---!" HE SAID: by Wayan, 2024/8/15; a possibly predictive but clearly diagnostic nightmare DAY: My doctor sharply upped my meds. Insomnia, sweats, mania, tachycardia. Ask my dreams: "Overdose?" DREAM: I try to get a dentist to fix the work he botched. A staffer yelling "Nigger!" attacks me with a razor! A MONTH LATER: The doctor sneers "Symptoms are subjective!" Because uppity patients are just n... CAUTION: THE N-WORD. OH, AND MALPRACTICE, TOO |
NIGHTMARE QUARTET: by Hans Rickheit; before May 1991, four Dada nightmares Ow! My body parts grow & shrink... A mad orchestra leader pulverizes me for nonconformity... The Brady Bunch crams siblings into a waterpipe one by one. I'm next! My bones crunch... I'm blindfolded, perched on a miles-high needle piercing my big toe. Blood drips down... CAUTION: GLEEFULLY GROSS |
OZ WAS by Geoff Ryman, c. 1956 & '77, two dreams about The Wizard of Oz As a kid, I dreamt the Munchkin inquest asked if Dorothy was dead, so she could stay in As an adult, I dreamt the MGM studio was a death camp where we sang & danced in fear for our lives... CAUTION: SERIOUS OZIANA |
THE RIPPLE EFFECT: by Wayan; 1992/6/19, a double dream of false judges. A dream of innocent incest turns guilty, growing to a war of ghosts versus a cult of sexy but dishonest psychics... CAUTION: INCEST ISSUES, NIGHTMARE |
ROWLAND'S DREAM: by R. J. Rowland, 1790s? a dream of a useful ghost. DAY: R.J. Rowland needed papers for a legal case, but couldn't find where his father had stashed them. DREAM: his long-dead dad told R.J. that a lawyer he'd never heard of had the papers, 'but the man may need some reminding', and gave details of Portuguese gold and a drinking bout. Next day, it worked. But how? CAUTION: GHOST? E.S.P.? |
SILKY THE PEGASUS: by Wayan; 1984/12/11; a guided flying dream My anima, a pegasus mare, leaps out of a girl's book and teaches us to fly up to an astral land... CAUTION: FLIRTY PEGASUS |
THE STAIRWELL TEST: by Wayan; 1980/9/7, a... pedophilic defenestration dream??? An underage girl comes on to me, and begs me to... throw her down a stairwell?! CAUTION: DON'T TRY THIS AT HOME! |
STOP RESISTING; 2000/1/2 by Anonymous #37; nightmare of injustice I'm sentenced for a crime I didn't commit; then the bailiff beats me for "resisting", though I'm not... CAUTION: VIOLENCE, SWEARING |
TEN TRIALS: by Wayan; 1976/10/2, a dream of love distracted. While living with violent Kay, I dream I meet a cute, gentle moth-girl. But we must undergo ten trials. Mustn't we? Mustn't we? CAUTION: RELATIONSHIP TROUBLES, BOTH GAY AND STRAIGHT |
TRUSTING FOXES: by Wayan; 1997/8/20, 2-page comic of a psychic dream. Evicted. Lawsuit. I dream a lawyer sends me a letter full of fox-girls! In East Asia, foxes mean trouble, but these are friendly--good news is coming! I wake to find we've won a home... |
UNICOITUS INTERRUPTUS: by Wayan, 2024/10/21, a triple sex-frustration dream 1: My unicorn girlfriend and I are in bed. As we near orgasm, idiots bumble in, wanting help. 2: Deal with their demands, shoo them out, go back to bed. As we near orgasm, idiots... 3: Deal with their demands, shoo them out, go back to bed. As we near orgasm, idiots... CAUTION: SURREAL, BUT PREDICTIVE |
'WE'RE ALL HUMAN': by Wayan; 1987/3/13, a dream trial. For flirting in the astral cafeteria, we all get sentenced to group therapy-- till I catch the lie in my life. What lie? Read the title... |
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