Defending Myself to a Jury of Men
Dreamed 1958? by Jack Kerouac
DEFENDING MYSELF TO A JURY OF MEN including the white haired old judge but I'm up in the air, in levitation, floating over them vociferously explaining why I am not guilty & they smile either because my arguments are silly or naturally that since I'm free of earth now who can prosecute?---
As in "Look at that absurd angel worried about things of the earth"---
"doesnt even know he's free"---
"goes on haranguing to explain his position and there he is free as air"---
'sthis means?
--Jack Kerouac
Editor's Notes
Source: page 326 of Book of Dreams by Jack Kerouac, expanded (2001) edition, City Lights Books.
Date uncertain; the journal's chronological up through 1957 (p.324), but from p.329 on, entries range from '56-'62.
--Chris Wayan
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