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Linscott's Nightmare

Dreamed Oct. 1980 by Steve Linscott

Not all work with possibly clairvoyant dreams has a happy ending. In October, 1980, Steve Linscott was awakened by a dream in which a man approached a girl with a blunt object in his hand. In a second dream, this man "was beating her on the head... She was on her hands and knees... and didn't resist... blood flying everywhere."

Linscott went back to sleep, but later that day he noticed police cars two doors away. A young woman had been brutally beaten and murdered in a nearby apartment building. He told the dream to his wife and two colleagues at the Christian halfway house where he worked, in a suburb of Chicago; they all persuaded Linscott to tell his dream to the police.

A few weeks later, he was charged with the murder of the young woman; the dream, according to the police, included too many accurate details to be coincidental. Linscott was convicted and sentenced to forry years in prison.

Only after several successful appeals by defense attorneys did the prosecution drop the case.

Stanley Krippner, in his article "A Psychic Dream? Be Careful Who You Tell!" warns us to be cautious of with whom we share our dreams. Not everyone accepts the occurrence of extraordinary dreams.

SOURCE: Extraordinary Dreams and How to Work with Them by Stanley Krippner, Fariba Bogzaran and André Percia de Carvalho, 2002, pp.113. Krippner's "Psychic Dream? Be Careful Who You Tell!" appeared in Dream Network 14 no. 3 (1995), pp. 35-6.

LISTS AND LINKS: nightmares - recurring dreams - violence - death - crime - trials - cages & prisons - telepathic dreams? - psychic dreams in general - ESP in society - bias - science as an ideology - more Stanley Krippner

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