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Dreamed mid-January 1991 by Toni Emrich

I have been working at an (Cape Cod Hyannis) office as an architect's assistant. Now, walking home, along a mile of trees (beach trees) in leaf. The sun is setting.

A man I know offers me a ride which I refuse. I must defend myself against this smiling, affluent American male. My back is against a tree and I have a knife.

Hidden in the branches above me is an Arab man. He wears the cloth headdress. He and I do not fear each other. I do not reveal the Arab but stand holding the knife threatening the plump, aggressive American.

The steel knife is triangular, pointed upwards with a curved notch at the tip. Called a "kriss" (my dream says).

I know I will kill this American.

Note: In real life I am fearful of Arab terrorists and third-world activities, and pro-U.S. --Toni Emrich


A kris really is a curved knife; the word is Malay.

Emrich contributed five dreams to Somnial Times about the Gulf War. One on 1991/2/13 was set in a shelter like the one the Americans bombed, killing over 400 civilians; she dreamed of it the night of the attack, before the news came.

So her waking mind may side with the U.S. in its war on Iraq, but this dream was no fluke.

--Chris Wayan

SOURCE: Somnial Times: Newsletter of the Dreamers SIG [of Mensa]; Vol III, No. 2: June 1991; Gloria Reiser, SIG coordinator; Judy Landaiche, editor. Original dream untitled; 'Kriss' added as search aid.

LISTS AND LINKS: bullies & threats - self-defense - privacy & secrets - blades - politics & war - two weeks earlier, Wayan's Iraq nightmare: A Knife at his Throat - more Toni Emrich: Pondicherry - more Somnial Times

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