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White Horses, Five Talents

Dreamed 1999/10/29, oil painting 2004, by Regina van der Poel

Five white horses, one a unicorn, representing talents; dream painting by Regina van der Poel.

I am watching a video but instead of seeing it on TV I enter the scene. The first thing I do is go inside the box. There is a man inside; he is alive and let himself be boxed in out of free will. Then I see a crowd of angry people; they want to harm the man in the box.

They are prevented from harming him by five white horses, of which the second from left is a unicorn. I know that each one represent a talent; some of them have already been developed, others are yet to be developed. One of them is clairvoyance.

I return to the living room when the movie finishes and feel annoyed that the tape was not rewound.


Not to get all Jungian, but...

--Chris Wayan

SOURCE: the International Association for the Study of Dreams ( Psiber Art Gallery archive for 2002-2005.

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