Fox on the Train
Dreamed 2015/1/9 by Chris Wayan
I see a TV documentary on 19th Century women who found work on trains. The first mass wave of working women, years before many offices or factories would hire them. A way to escape family constraints.
Dalziel, a BBC mystery. A foxhunter's murdered. The Master of the Hunt's sexy daughter is an activist sabotaging hunts, but they both seem to want to keep their quarrel high-minded. Would she kill? But someone did...
Then a show on the last Neanderthals. Bones found in a Spanish sea-cave hint they led hard hungry lives and died out between 28-25,000 years ago, in a long cool spell causing a drought in Spain. Revealingly, the sea cave where they'd survived a quarter of a million years wasn't taken over by Cro-Magnons; prime living space, yet it stayed empty for millennia. Just unlivable! I can't see why--all that seafood! Starving amid abundance. Maybe without pottery to store and carry fresh water, trips to the nearest creek were just too long or hazardous...
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