What You Imagine Happens
Dreamed 1982/2/21 by Wayan
I dream of a world sans natural law. Natives say it runs on expectations. But how? And why? Mr. Spock is here, concocting formulae to model it. But math just blocks my way. They say "It's simple: what you picture
wild here with idle fears, and they will come
They kidnap us and put us on a bus. Careen
right off a cliff! Still witch the wheels, and then
beasts a-gallop under our hijack have been
Here, matter doesn't matter. Awareness alone
Since this dream's plot didn't resolve, I never wrote it up for the World Dream Bank; but the image haunted me. So did the dream's argument that reality's not Newton's clock or Buddha's dream, but a cooperative creation. Late in January 2015, I tried casting it as a poem, not a story.
After four days of polishing my account of wishing an axle'd break under me... it did. Three days with no wheels. Garages. Bills.
So don't tell me wishin' don't make it so.
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