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Winged Danger

Dreamed before 2024/3/30 by Emily Y. Chan

I had a dream we found an injured girl with wings. We took her to the hospital and I warned them she might be dangerous, but no one listened to me.
'Winged Danger': winged girl in hospital bed holds a knife. Dream painting by Emily Y. Chan.


This one startled me. The dream almost exactly echoes a scene in Wen Spencer's novella "Chased by Monsters": a black-winged woman in a hospital bed wielding a scalpel. She draws blood, too--though not to kill, just to escape. A desperate (and thus dangerous) figure, but not a hostile one. I wonder, here...

--Chris Wayan

LISTS AND LINKS: winged people / angels - doctors & clinics - knives - frustration - caged/trapped? - top/underdog conflicts? - Jungian Shadows? - digital dream art - more Emily Y. Chan

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