One of the universal dream-types, frustration-dreams shade into nightmare at one end and comedy at the other. Less a theme than a mood, frustration takes infinite forms: an all-night search, a cleanup that makes things worse, a persistent pest. Being blind to the obvious, being split, sabotaging yourself. Worse yet, knowing just what you want but being sure you can't get it. And, most frustrating of all, waking up just as the payoff finally, finally, finally comes.
But such dreams aren't persecutors! They're offering you exercises. To unlearn helplessness, you first have to feel frustrated--and then help yourself, despite your learned despair. That takes trial and error. And, usually, pain. Homework is no fun, especially subjects you're bad at. Tedious, humiliating.
But you CAN move heaven and earth, and change things. Even if, at the time, you have your doubts.
RELATED TOPICS: nightmares - blown opportunities in dreams - initiations and ordeals - shadow figures - bullies and threats - endless climbs - hunted! - topdogs: cops, authoritarians, and rule-enforcers - warnings and advice - fear - shyness - guilt - blindness - and for a change, why not try self-defense - assertiveness - initiative - See also the full INDEX OF SUBJECTS.
What this site is - Add your dreams! - How to read blurbs - Ratings - Copyright - Downloading - The World Dream Bank has 4000 dreams plus 1000 pages on dreamwork, shamanism, surrealism, fantasy, worldbuilding, creativity and genius. Site © Chris Wayan 2001-2022.
ABREAST OF THE COMPETITION: by Wayan; dreamed 2013/10/9, a dream on appeasing others A tall busty girl's younger, part-unicorn friend starts developing breasts at last. She makes boob jokes, mocking her own body to reassure her herdmate she's no competition... CAUTION: SELF-PUTDOWNS |
ADRIAN TRIED: by Wayan, 1991/3/12, an embarrassing dream. Adrian and Jennifer and Michelle try very very hard to get my attention, but I'm a bit oblivious... CAUTION: SEXUAL STUPIDITY |
ALL THUMBS: by Wayan; 2022/9/27, a poem of an awkward dream I've gotten used to the second penis I grew, though it limits who'll want me. But this morning I woke with a third. And am I sure the sprouting's done? CAUTION: HORNY |
ALLORGY: by Wayan; 1983/4/1, an allergic love poem. In spring the young allergic longs for the lusty world but cannot join the All-Orgy... |
ANCIENT RUINS, AND A GIFT FROM DEEP OCEAN: by Jenny Badger Sultan; two dreams (2016/11/19, 2017/1/18) on dreamwork, memory & amnesia 1: Ruins in India. Fascinating but age-blurred; wish I could see the carvings better... 2: Giving presents at a party, I hand a girl a vertebra from the abyss, encrusted with jewel-like barnacles... |
AND THEN I WOKE UP: by Wayan; 1980/11/4, an illustrated dreamtale. A dream of mushrooms, flying, canyons, giant Rocs out of Sindbad--and a moral challenge. |
ANGEL SHOWDOWN: by Wayan; 2020/4/2, a dream mixing shamanism and Barbarella I see parasitic spirits sickening their human hosts. Can't get rid of them, so I try to teach them how to keep their hosts healthier. An angel suspects I'm a necromancer, and shows up armed for a shootout... CAUTION: DISTURBING PREMISE, LOWBROW ANGEL |
ANGERHELM: by Wayan; 1994/11/11, a reassuring nightmare. In one long night I hike out of Obligation Hell all the way to Inner-Freedom Heaven... |
THE ANSWER FLOOR: by Wayan; 1985/2/16, a dream-poem inverting a famous dream of Jung's I dream of a three-floor tower--but the Answer is up on Level Four! No elevator, no stair. I can't even see it. Yet it's there... |
ARMLESS: by Wayan; 1997 portrait of dream figures (pencil/digital) A strange, horny, frustrated being, part human part horse, who lacks hands to hold the centaurs... CAUTION: NUDITY AND SEXUAL TENSION |
ATTAHUAH: by Jamie Sawyer; summer 2015, a postapocalyptic lucid dream of vengeance Four guys plot to enslave my girl and kill me; I have lucid powers, and kill them instead. My girlfriend Attahuah gets poisoned, but... CAUTION: VIOLENCE, DECEIT |
AUTISTIC THUNDER: by Wayan; 2018/2/12, a predictive shamanic dream DREAM: a concert by autistics admits my bandmate Mike but locks me out! I summon thunder & quakes till they open up... AWAKE: I called it metaphor--till it happened. I was sitting silent in our band's recording session and Mike asked me to leave... CAUTION: AUTISM & APPARENT E.S.P. |
BANANA CREAM PIE: by Anonymous #59, c.1960, a set of 6 experiment-protesting dreams An experiment to see if pie can substitute for REM seems to work at first, but after the third slice the subject grows less enthused. By slice six, he dreams he's forcing that pie down the experimenter... |
BAST SABOTAGE: by Wayan; 1995/1/22, a dream on dreams. In old Egypt, a part of me sabotages my audience with Bast, the Cat Goddess. Why? |
BEET: Five Dreams One Night: by Wayan; 2013/10/30, Halloween dreams as minipoems Parasites, Rambo, huge fetus-beets, an exhibitionist and a living statue advise me on my love life... CAUTION: NUDITY |
BEWARE OF OVERSTIMULATION: by Wayan; 1980/12/30, odd dream advice. A sex-ghost appears in my bed, but when overstimulated, she tends to fade out. Bad reception!... CAUTION: SEX |
THE BIG CRUNCH: by Wayan; 1979/5/9, a cosmic nightmare. I'm a girl being stalked. I get drastic--scrunch up the universe & shake it out! And is THAT enough? CAUTION: ANXIETY, GUILT, POSSIBLE APOCALYPSE |
BLACK DUCKS QUACKED FIRST: by Wayan; 1990/9/13, a dream-farce on Shadows of Greats Past. My sister & I try to sing an original, but every note summons old jazz greats, leaving us no musical elbow room! So I quack like a duck. Nope! Giant ducks appear, and say... CAUTION: RACIAL ANXIETY? GIANT DUCKS! |
BLIND TO THE CUES: by Wayan; 1996/10/2, a dream of blinders. A sexy pool-playing friend in a short skirt leans over an invisible, virtual-reality pooltable, but I'm blind to... CAUTION: EXHIBITIONISM, TRULY CLUELESS GUY |
BLUNDERING LINDA: by Wayan; 1987/7/12, a namedropping predictive sex dream I'm in bed with a witch and a piano who's come alive and wants to try sex with us. But I worry a stranger named Linda will break in. I wake, write the dream--and a stranger breaks into our house seeking her son! Her name's... CAUTION: BIZARRE THREESOME, BIZARRE PRECOGNITION |
BOLLYWOOD LOVE: by Wayan; 2009/4/12, a movie dream (duh!); Dreamverse #51 I dream the universe runs on Bollywood rules. I can stand the constant singing and breakdancing; what gets under my skin is that Bollywood Code... |
BONK VERONICA: by Wayan; 1997/4/1, 9-page dream-comic on body image The world's first all-bulemic band, Veronica and the Vomits, provokes a riot at our local punk club. So I go to Anorexic Bootcamp where models learn self-defense under fire, as calories and fat jokes whiz by... CAUTION: BARF, HORNY ANOREXIC, FOOD FIGHT |
THE BORIS BADENOV SOLUTION: by Wayan; 1989/2/10, a dream of puns. My evil twin, Boris Badenov, wants $8000 or else. I ask my dreams for a solution, and get one... |
BROKEN GLASS by Nancy Price; 1948, a dream of working to death. Helping out talking animals until I'm exhausted, I suffer a fatal accident. What am I being warned of? |
BOXED IN : by Wayan; 1984/3/25, a predictive dreamlet proving I never, ever learn a thing I dream I've decided to jog to Alaska. But that Arctic wind slows me, and then a traffic-snarl boxes me in... Awake, I bike to work. Distracted by the dream, I leave my coat. An Arctic blast slows me, and then a... |
BOYS DON'T CRY: by Wayan; 2000/1/7, twin sex nightmares reacting to a movie seen two days later! DREAM 1: My date Lana changes to my housemate Alder to my dead friend Beryl, who talks of pastlife trauma... DREAM 2: Sexy deer-girls and ice dancers get me and my sister hot, but a ghost disrupts impending incest... TWO DAYS LATER: I see Boys Don't Cry--settings, situations, characters & even names from my dream! CAUTION: DEER BREASTS, NEAR-INCEST, FILM ON TRANNYCIDE |
BROTHER: by Noelle Stevenson; c.2000-2012?, recurring rescue dreams I kept dreaming of a boy in striped pajamas. I had to save him every night. Until one night I failed. I just couldn't. I knew who he was--my brother who... CAUTION: DEATH |
THE BURBS: by Wayan; 1990/7/1, a true-story poem. A perfectionist gardener builds perfect planterboxes while his seedlings starve. And so I left the burbs... |
BUT AS YESTERDAY by Nancy Price; 1948, a dream of being sacrificed Our gods demand sacrifices. I let Mother mutilate me so I'd be unfit. But the priests turn out to be blind... CAUTION: YOU CAN FEEL PAIN IN DREAMS |
BYRON’S DREAM: by Lord Byron; 1816, a dream of a love denied An epic dream on the lifelong effects of unrequited love, compressed into seven stanzas... |
CAMERA STRIKE: by Wayan, 1996/10/19, a dream within a dream with a point. I dream I'm a lemur-girl in an emotional maze. I wake to find I'm really a satyr cartoonist. Funny, we have a lot in common! I wake to find... CAUTION: PHALLIC SATYRE |
CAMPFIRE GIRLS: by Wayan, 1984/2/1, a predictive musical dreamlet. That night: I dream two teenage girls behind me mockingly croon the Girl Scout or Campfire Girls theme song... Next evening: the two teens next door invite friends over to smoke, snicker and sing "Join the Campfire Girls"... CAUTION: WILL BOTHER ESP SKEPTICS |
CANCELLED by Steve Grant, 1996 or before, a new sort of theatrical nightmare The curtain rises. Empty stage. I wait... for an hour! I can't move, can't leave. Then a sting at my throat, the scent of blood, and as I collapse, a woman announces "Tonight's show is cancelled due to the death of..." CAUTION: FIRST-HAND DEATH SCENE |
CARACARAS TELL ALL: by Sean McCann, c.2010, a wistful dream SITUATION: I'm in the rainforest, studying the red-throated caracara, a clever, elusive bird... DREAM: Caracaras show up in Vancouver, speaking fluent English. At LAST I can interview... |
A CENTAUR SPLITS: by Wayan; 1988/1/12, a Gestalt dream. A centaur divorces, into a unicorn and an unfinished faun-girl, who argue "Forward!" "Not ready!"... CAUTION: TRANSPARENT BREASTS |
CENTAUR QUARTET: by Wayan; 1982/2/26, 83/12/24 & 84/10/16, recurring dreams of my spirit family. Can our interspecies family survive? Our very instincts clash around solitude/boundaries, sex and incest CAUTION: SEX, INCEST, REPRESSION/DENIAL |
CHANGE MY GRIP: by Jack Nicklaus, 1964/6/24, a problem-solving dream My golf game has been way off; a 76 is starting to look good. But last Wednesday I dreamed I changed my grip--just a little. When I woke I tried it. Yesterday I shot a 68; today, 65... |
CHESS DEVIL: by Wayan; 1997/8/5, a humiliating nightmare. I try to rescue my girl friends losing a boat-chess game to a devil, but they'd rather be with bad-boy him than me... CAUTION: NUDE DEVIL |
CHOKING A CAMEL: by Wayan, 1983 (early May?), a grotesque little dream-poem Freud explains to me why writing's so hard. His explanation is as senseless as his other theories... |
CHRISTA'S FUR: by Wayan; 2018/6/9, a smutty spiritual dream-poem riffing on Leonardo's 'Last Supper'? In an alternate Judea, I long for a female Christ and her lesbian apostles. My lust is unrequited, till a small Sex Kitten gives me some wise advice... CAUTION: CAT NUDITY, BLASPHEMY |
CIRC CERVINE: by Wayan; 2016/9/16, a dream on... how to catch difficult dreams? At a polyspecies circus, I sketch three acrobat-dancers--one deerish, one human, one... a mannequin? Fiendish to draw! I wake frustrated & sketchless. But my sketchwork in the dream helps me redraw it awake... CAUTION: DEER NUDITY |
CLAY MAN: by Wayan; 1980/6/1, a golem dream . I fight a clay golem of resistance, until inspiration hits, and I do what it may have had in mind all along... |
CLIFFMARE: by Wayan; 1988/10/8; a dream of lust vs freedom. I was a wild mare in heat, torn between longing for sex, touch, love...and the fear of being tamed. CAUTION: HORSE FRUSTRATION |
CLIMB FROM THE PIT: by Wayan, 1996/11/9, a dream parable. I'm in the Mideast. No wonder it's a war zone--it's a vast pit BUILT for war! But a spiral stair leads slowly out, to... |
CLOCKMAN HEDGEHOG: by Wayan; 1992/10/5; digital sketch of being rejected by my own sex fantasy! I was a man made of clocks trying to get a date with a hedgehog-hair woman... CAUTION: ANOTHER HORNY GUY WHO DOESN'T GET FAR |
COACH AND ARCH: by William Cavendish-Bentinck; 1901, a practical warning-dream. I dreamt the royal coach got stuck in an arch on the coronation route. Awake, I checked the heights of coach & arch... |
COFFINS: by Beryl and Wayan; 1983/11/5, dark parallel/shared/telepathic dreams
Twin dreams of ghoulish games backstage at a theater. And they anticipated real long-term ghoulishness... CAUTION: SLOW DEATH |
COGTRAIN ANGEL: by Wayan; 2024/10/8, a surreal dream of angelic assertion Biking back from the beach, I'm stopped by a weird cogwheeled church-train. A man on board treats a child angel as his Muse, lifting her over his head. She yells "Enough!" Which turns me insanely horny... CAUTION: SEXUAL ISSUES |
COLD-SHOWER CONSCIOUS: by Wayan; 1996/5/25, a dream dissecting a fear. Sexy frustrating dreamlets with a message, not about my unconscious, but about my CONSCIOUS... CAUTION: SEX TALK |
COYOTE PAJAMAS: by Wayan; 1983/12/17, a Dantesque dream-epic. I'm Coyote, keeping the Business Prophet from taking over Dante's Peak. But it turns too personal... CAUTION: IDIOTIC VIOLENCE |
"CRY, BABY!": by Wayan, 1985/8/17, dream-farce with a warning. The only man in the Miss America Japanese Tea Ceremony Swimsuit Pageant, I learn a tearful lesson... CAUTION: DYSFUNCTIONAL FLIRTING |
CUBIST CHARLIE BROWN: by Wayan; 1977/4/1, a cubist nightmare. We're Cubist cartoon characters, trapped in a strip gone mad. But my dad stays calm! Too calm... CAUTION: SEAS OF BLOOD... OR IS IT RED INK? |
THE CYBEDS: by Wayan; 1995/3/29, a dream on lucid dreaming? The new smart beds stimulate your dreams--but how to program them? We can't even manage VCRs... |
THE DANCE REPORTERS LIE: by Wayan; 1984/6/1, a dream on glitz and reality. High school reporters spy on a college dance. But the real action's not where they say... CAUTION: MAKING OUT, AND I DON'T GET ANY |
DANCE RESISTANCE: by Wayan; 1994/4/11, a dream of sabotage--or is it?. I encounter a powerful psychic force stopping me from dancing... or is that what it's after? |
DATIN' DEMON: by Mark Varitz and Wayan; 1989/12/3; Mark's dream triggers one by Wayan. I meet my personal demon, and discover it has a personal demon: me! Am I worse than my Shadow? CAUTION: LANGUAGE, NUDE MONSTERS |
DATE GHOST: by Wayan; 1983/11/26, nondream surreal painting of a shyness fit I tried to date a nice young butterfly but was stopped by a monster who was... my own wings? CAUTION: UNDERAGE BUG |
DEAF TO MY SIGNS: by Wayan; 1997/6/17, a wise frustration dreamtale. In a darkened room of deaf women watching a slideshow, I find no one can hear me in either English or Sign... |
DESERT SLAVERS: by Wayan; 2015/5/29; a grim dream replayed a bit better A gang of slavers catch my family. I flee on a bike but it breaks down. Stranded. Replay! This time I have a gun... CAUTION: GANG, SHOOTING |
THE DEVIL'S TRILL: by Giuseppe Tartini; c.1713, a musical inspiration dream. I sold my soul to the Devil. On an impulse, I handed him my fiddle. To my wonder, he played a sonata of exquisite beauty. When I woke I retained only echoes... |
DIANE'S TRIANGLE: by Wayan; 1985/10/18, a psychic warning dream. A disturbing dream of my sister and her best friend turns out to be warning me of a sex secret... CAUTION: INCEST TENSION, SURREAL SEX, CHEATING |
THE DOG PILOT PROGRAM: by Wayan; 1981/4/23, a dream of doing the impossible. I get a job in China teaching bus-driving dogs how to fly. I don't know how. Luckily, the dogs... |
DON'T WANT HIM TO SOAR: by Wayan; 1991/4/18, a dream of sabotage. In a parallel world, a visionary's building the first plane only now. I'm his assistant. But I don't WANT... |
DOWN UNDER: by Kenneth John Atchity; c.1976, a comic on-the-road dream poem I ride my tricycle all round Sydney trying to get bureaucratic approval to feed bananas to my friend the grizzly bear, gooey though he gets... |
DRAGON/WOMAN: by Pam Cardiff, 1994/6/20, a dream of a dad's curse A mage turns his daughter into an ugly dragon. She pines for a sailor, but though they make beautiful music with magic crystals, he rejects her... |
DRAGONFLY BUS: by Wayan, 2023/3/28; four dreams on halting runaway feelings A girl writes a whole movie to get a shy boy to hold her; I stupidly summon a monster dragonfly-bus; a devil-suited jerk hogs a musical's stage TWICE; leeches crawl from the treasure-box I opened... CAUTION: FURRY NUDITY, SEXUAL FEAR/GUILT |
DREAM HERDING: by Nancy Potter; 1978/11/8 & 11/11, two comic, surreal dreams FERRY: the crossing is rough, but I'm warned I must find my own sea-legs... BUZZ OFF: I step into a family photo, but I'm not welcome in the past... |
A DREAM OF HELL by Herbert Palmer, 1919; recurring nightmares of loneliness I'm in Hell. No fire, no guilt. Just endless forests under the moon. My mother paints endlessly but never gets it right. A sunny day, but I can't go out to play. Cut off... CAUTION: DEPRESSION |
THE DREAMSUIT: by Wayan; 1992/7/12, a dream on unconscious programming. An experimental helmet knocks me out. I'm groggy, miserable, till I learn what it did to others... |
DRILL TO FLOW: by Wayan; 2011/4/8, an anti-frustration dream A panel of argumentative gods grant me a spare lifetime of piano practice. It takes that long, but... |
DRIVE AROUND SEEKING MY CAR: by Lily, 2017/4/1, an April Fool dream... hiding advice? I drive around hunting for my car, but even though it's a bright red rental car I can't spot it anywhere. From my car. From my bright red car... |
DRIVER'S TEST: by Wayan; 1984/1/8, a comical Kafka dream. It's not easy to get a California driver's license, ever since the Dept. of Motor Vehicles went Jungian... |
ELF ETYMOLOGY: by Wayan; 1997/7/14, a linguistic postmodern dream. We escape three trolls, but then our author Tolkien breaks in to explain an Elvish word. Now we're really doomed... |
ENVYING LYNN: by a patient of Peter O'Connor; 1985 or before, a positive-Shadow dream. Lynn's changed. She everything I'm not--playful, colorful, free with her money. She finds the coolest stuff. Why can't I find all that Lynn has?... |
ERÉNDIRA: by Wayan; dreamed 1984/10/3, a grotesque predictive dream 1: Mimes stage an Orgy For Peace. Shy, I wait my turn. Should've run off with that girl eyeing me! 2: My friend Diane says "Men are selfish!" I pop her safety valve; she vents a great cloud of rage... Two days later: I go see the film Eréndira; it's full of scenes & lines from my dream... CAUTION: CHARITY PROSTITUTION BY MIMES |
EXPLOITED UNICORN: by Wayan, 2019/1/11, a disturbing dreamlet Night, downtown. A unicorn in tears, chained to her... barker? owner? pimp? "Just $300" he yells. But for what? Magic? Sex? Healing? CAUTION: PROSTITUTION? SLAVERY? GIG ECONOMY? |
FACULTY WIFE: by Wayan; 1998/1/6, a sexy but disorienting dream. I'm a faculty wife bored out of my mind until two students have sex in my yard. I ignore HIM and jump HER... CAUTION: SEX |
FALCON AND FÜHRER: by Miriel; 1985/7/31, an epic flying/transformation dream A mysterious "Führer" hypnotized all my companions. So I become a human-sized falcon and hunt him... |
FAMILIARS: by Wayan; 1986/4/2, a dreamtale on the dark side of reading. In ancient Britain, as Christianity moves in, I'm a slave--sailing through centuries, but never free... |
FARTER AND CONE: by Larry Vigon; 2002/10/5; a scatalogical skating dream I'm in a theater waiting for a woman onstage to fart human speech; but I have to skate away on a tipped-over traffic cone... |
FAVORS: by Wayan; 1992/7/1, a futile predictive dream. A dream-friend blames me for nothing. I wake, and TWO friends blame me for... |
FEAR OF FALLING: by Emily Y. Chan, 2024/4/27 or before; dream painting I had a dream I was climbing up a bunch of tiny shanty buildings and I got stuck. There was a wall full of giant Koi Betta fish I couldn't climb across, and when I looked down, I could only see the top of the sky... |
FIGHT GOD!: by Wayan; 1979/12/25, a Christmas fight dream. I'm in Heaven, but... it's full of Christians! I fight 30,000 angels, but I wanna go right to the top, and... CAUTION: PAGANISM AND PUGILISM |
FIGHTING A VIRUS: by Wayan, 1998/11/21, a diagnostic nightmare. Coming down with a virus, I dream of a guy who INSISTS we must fight, it's just so FUN... |
FIRST DATE: by Wayan; 1991/10/20, a true story. I have weird, bad luck around dating. Finally I go on a picnic with Page, and the Great Fire begins... |
FIVE HEARTS: by Wayan; dreamed 1989/1/11; sexy psychic unicorn dream-comic (text only: FIVE HEARTS) I'm a nurse pulled through a glowing well to a world ruled by a five-hearted unicorn, who wants me to... CAUTION: NUDITY, SEX FANTASIES, LONGING, MELANCHOLIA |
FLIGHT, MARGARET, MOUSE, DOG: by Paul Nash, dreamed 1895-9 + Feb. 1913; art by Dave McKean As a child, landscape artist Paul Nash dreamed of flying over the countryside of southern England. But he was threatened by the legendary Black Dog... |
FLOCK WISDOM: by Alder; 1958, a magic comic frustration dream My eighth grade class is a flock of birds migrating south for the winter, but we don’t migrate the easy way... |
FLOWERS IN THE BASEMENT: by Emily Y. Chan, 2024/3/2 or before; dream painting sketch I had to prepare the house for a party, but the basement was flooded. I thought I could decorate it with some floating flowers anyway, but they kept dissolving or sinking... |
FLYING CARPET: by Marilyn Stablein; 1968, a dream while visiting Nepal... for six years In Kathmandu, I'm given a flying carpet--but it skims along only a few feet up, and ambles slower than I can walk... |
FLY-PARADISE: by Wayan; 1978/12/15, an automatic-writing poem that worked like an advisory dream I'm a fly lured to a bright but sealed window. The only way out is to ignore the light and brave the dark--and only when a door opens. Patience AND boldness... |
FOUR TABOOS: by Wayan, 2016/3/15, four dreams on inhibitions I hoped I was over. Climbing out of Childhood Abyss, I literally get a leg up from a girl seeking the Ledge of Teens. A shy girl has to hide she's a were-creature. Gay men make out in the witch-registry to rattle its homophobic guardians. My sister stripteases while scolding me for a mess I didn't make... CAUTION: DUH, SEX TABOOS! KIDS, FURS, GAYS, SIBLINGS |
FOUR WHO COULD ONLY GET HALF-WAY by Nancy Price; 1948, a frustration-dream with deep advice I'm one of four mediocrities: all our efforts come to nought. Mum says "You're netted, but you can fray the ropes... |
FREE THE HICK? A Dream Left Hanging: by Wayan; 1999/9/15, a shard still bearing a message With our ignorability spell, our team plans to free the angry Hick from the Submerged Court. But the Coyote Girls can see us! Will this really work? |
FULL MOON KIDNAP: by Wayan; 2018/4/30, a dream warning that recurrent illness shapes the psyche Every full moon, kidnappers jump me. Sometimes I escape, but when they succeed, they torture me till the moon wanes. They're careful to leave no physical scars... |
FULL REASON: by Wayan; 1980/5/28, a dream on patience. At a benefit for Rock Psychiatrists, the Spirit of the Convention explains why I can't go on stage yet... |
GAMESHOW PRIZE: by Wayan; 1998/1/6, a let-down dream. I win a prize on a gameshow, but collecting is another story, since the show is run from Hell... |
GARDEN OF THE GODS: by Wayan; 1995/10/6, a dream of slowth. In the Garden of the Gods, I sit through sun and rain. For gods aren't the gardeners, they're the crop... |
GAS UP THE CAMEL by Tim Nickels, 1965, a surreal childhood dream At the beach, a Bactrian camel at the self-service station fills his humps and walks off whistling. The station owner wants me to pay, but I'm a kid; no cash. "Then sing." But I have no mouth. Or head... |
GET THE PICTURE? by Barbara, as told by Gayle Delaney, 1979 or before; a prompting dream I was half-drowning, holding our son up in the pool, while my husband tried to take a photo. I kept gasping "Did you get the picture yet?" but he kept saying "Not yet"... |
THE GLOWING CLIT: by "Allison Skywalker"; 2009/6/21, a bizarre dream-surgery fragment I'm a revolutionary hiding in the woods. I wake to find an erect penis crudely stitched onto my crotch... |
GOD'S DANCE CLUB: by Wayan; 1995/5/2, an apocalyptic dream. God's dance club, the Universe, is shutting down. God broke his promise that we staff could get on stage... |
GOLD EATER: by Wayan; 1993/1/15 dream drawn as 9-page comic. I'm an orphan shapeshifter enslaved by a gold-eating monster. But I meet a cat-girl with a hammer... CAUTION: BAD FOSTER-DAD; CAPITALIST MONSTER; VIOLENCE (TO VENDING MACHINES) |
GOSPEL GIRL: by Wayan; 1986/11/17, a stubborn dream. I'm a girl in a desert who God tells to preach a new gospel. But the locals, unlike ancient Rome, have guns... CAUTION: VIOLENT MARTYRDOM |
GRIMOIRE AND PACT: by Wayan, 2013/8/4, twin dreams of infestations of... health? illness? sex? magic? Two sisters want to lick me all over, but they lick everything; weird gut-fauna make them immune to toxins... Fairy eggs infest my home--become worms, then tiny horses, then mothwinged hobbits, then adult fairies.... CAUTION: NUDE EQUINES & FAE; PARASITES (OR SYMBIOTES?) |
THE GUARDIAN ANGEL COURSE: by Wayan; 1984/9/29, a long-term predictive dream I get bored with crime, and then I die. So I take a workshop: How to Find your Guardian Angel. But things go strange... CAUTION: UNEXPECTED ANGELS |
GUDEA'S TEMPLE: by Gudea of Lagash; c.2125 BCE: one of the first false-waking or nested dreams A winged god whose body's a wave urged me to do... what? I couldn't understand him! I woke... A scribe with a shining stylus listed stars; an architect gave me plans and a brick-mold. I woke again! My dream had clarified itself. So I built the temple shown me, aligned with those stars... |
HALF'S HARD: by Wayan; 2014/11/24, a frustration dream hiding a diagnosis and prescription Night. Broken metal sculptures, a welder too horny to weld safely, and a steel panther longing to be whole and loved... CAUTION: KINKY SCULPTUROPHILIA |
HAND ME THE MATCHES!: by Wayan; 1984/9/25, a predictive dream. My sisters and I try to kill kidnappers by setting fires. Dumb, huh? The next day I fight a virus--with fever! |
HELPLESSLY LUCID: by Alder; 2007/6/23, a lucid dream in which I’m powerless! I’m a homeless elf. We’re a persecuted minority group. I know I’m dreaming and try to change it but... |
HEPBURNING: by Wayan; 1984/8/1, a nightmare on frustration's fire Kat Hepburn burns inside, as fierce aliens take over our souls. But these parasites forgot they're now bound to our bodies... |
HER FINAL EXAM: by Wayan; 2015/9/8, a dream of a goddess in hiding--and why During our final exam, my second sight tells me our dance teacher's really a Greek goddess in disguise. But she has her own final exam to face... |
HICKOPHOBIA: by Wayan; 1996/5/13; 2-page dream-comix (or plain text version) Whenever I run out of ballet class to Japanese without asking my classmate Wendy out, I change sex... CAUTION: LANGUAGE |
I GUESS IT WAS MY BIRTHDAY PARTY: by Jack Kerouac, early Oct.1952, a transcendent nightmare? My party's a slow disaster. Talk, booze, pot, sex--nothing works out. What will Mom think? At last, trapped in an office, I get the Message... |
I NEVER SAW JUNG DIE: by Larry Vigon; 2003/11/28; a quasi-Jungian dream My nonexistent brother is a bank robber about to be arrested; he says "I never saw Jung die." Meaning not that Jung's alive, but just... |
I WANT MY INHERITANCE: by Wayan; 1989/12/18, a dream on family brainwashing. My family calls me a blonde bimbo and won't give me my inheritance, so I take drastic steps... CAUTION: MORAL HAIRSPLITTING |
INCREMENTAL HEAVENS: by Wayan; 2016/9/5, a reincarnation-frustration dream, baffling then. Not now. I keep getting reincarnated in dull heavens where all is blocked by know-nothings. After the 2016 election... CAUTION: CAUSTIC |
INGENIOUS ADVERTISEMENTS: by Elizabeth Kew; 1930s?, a cynical dream come true. My friend put an ad on her gown, so I try one on our house. I have big ideas for more, but a pickpocket... |
THE IRON WINDOW: by Jim Shaw; between 1987 & Jan. 1995, a grotesque dreamlet Bearded professors call through an iron-barred window shaped like a woman's torso, hoping to lure a nude model to fill it so they can grope... CAUTION: CREEPY |
IS GOD GOD?: by Wayan; 1984/6/17, a dream of the school of hard knocks. God watches over me--to slap me down. If God is even God. So I set out to learn about this jerk-God... |
IS THIS THE END?: by Miriel, 2024/9/4, an annoyed apocalypse dream Night. Berkeley. Lights cross the sky--missiles? Is the world ending? People run, but don't organize to evacuate. I feel forced into leading. Am I the only grownup in town? |
KICK HER: by Wayan; 1994/8/9, a gameshow nightmare. I'm a blonde gameshow bimbo. Each week, I'm beaten up. Ha ha ha! But my bruises are real. At last, I... CAUTION: GAMESHOW FROM HELL |
LAING SAYS: by Wayan, 1983/2/10; a cluttered, comic, goofy predictive dream DREAM: I run into a couple I know. I get gridlocked. R.D. Laing gives me a transpersonal message. DAY: I bump into that couple, get gridlocked, and hear R.D. Laing speak on transpersonal messages... |
LAKOTA TRAINSCAPES: by Wayan; 2018/10/30, art seen in an anti-lucid dream In a general store on a High Plains rez, I find two surreal collaged postcards. If only this were a dream they'd qualify for the World Dream Bank, but sadly, it isn't. Right? CAUTION: STUPID, STUPID CONSCIOUS! |
LAMEST CAR CHASE EVER: by Wayan, 2023/10/2, a dream predicting not events but emotions I'm caught in a surreal traffic jam--balky horses, teeny cop cars. Get so stressed that I split into a big creature guarding a small human sleeper. But even sleep is now a crime... CAUTION: PREDICTIVE? |
LEAP OF FAITH: by Emily Y. Chan, 2022/2/5 or before; dream painting I was at the edge of a cliff and I had to jump to some pillar-like rocks. I was very hesitant though because the ocean waves were so violent... |
THE LESSON: by W.H. Auden; 1942, a poem on three linked nightmares I'm told "Your lives are not in order." The golden crown's too heavy. And I win my lover's hand--only the hand. What are my dreams accusing me of? CAUTION: SEVERED HAND, SUBTLE GUILT |
LITTLE BAD DREAM CHARM: by Kathy Fagan; 2001? A slip-filled dream-poem Half asleep, I scrawl a nightmare of trying to rescue gasping boyfish, but my dreamwriting goes wrong too... |
A LOVE AFFAIR: by David B.; 1993/3/23, a 11-page comic of a dark dream My lover's face is shadowed and we are never alone together. Things slip from film-noir to open nightmare when... CAUTION: SEX, DEATH, GUILT |
LOVE OR HATE?: by Wayan; 1994/5/4, an untwisted dream. My sister and I are groping toward sex when our mom bursts in. Her scolding's not what I expect... CAUTION: INCEST ISSUES, PSYCHOLOGICAL COMPLEXITY |
MARVIN, CRASH: by Rick Veitch; Feb 1974; a predictive/warning dream My "friends" pull me away from the girl of my dreams, push booze & pot at me, and won't even try to climb the rope to success. But Marvin saves Evel Knievel from a motorcycle crash. Sounds good--until, ten years later, I hear how Marvin died... CAUTION: GRIM AFTERMATH |
MELTDOWN BABY: by Wayan; 1996/10/13, a guilty nightmare. In a Mormon future, my baby climbs a tree and spontaneously disintegrates! I try repotting, but... CAUTION: BAD PARENTING |
THE MER BUILDING: by Wayan; 2001/2/23, a dream of a double life. I’m a puma with a night job as a cellist. But my day job with The Architectives is the bizarre one... |
MERCURY: by Wayan; 1982/3/7, dream-poem of a lost future. Mercury didn't spin! One side fire, one side ice. We farmed in domes, between--until the sun brightened... CAUTION: RETRO SCIENCE |
MIRIEL INTERRUPTUS: by Miriel and Wayan; 1978/9/5 and 1978/9/6; two embarrassing parallel dreams Wayan dreams he and his sister grope toward sex in the kitchen, when two of her friends burst in... Miriel dreams she's having sex with a boy from her choir, when two of her friends burst in... CAUTION: FRUSTRATION, INCEST, CAUGHT IN SEX |
A MISCARRIED LIFE: by Wayan; 1981/2/12, a dreamlet just a century long. I'm Mattie, a pregnant girl on a Lewis and Clark expedition. I miscarry, and they tell me... |
MISTRESS TOOTHSMOOTH: by Yves Delage, 1915/1/20, an early anima dream I'm in the cellar, petting a tiger-cat. She speaks inside my head: "I'm tired of living on bread. I need meat." I make excuses--it's pricy--then see big hanging quarters of meat. I hide them! She says "Call me Mistress Touttmouss"--well, something like that--I know it's English, but can't make it out til I wake, when I see... |
MITHRAN'S LAKE: by Wayan; 1988/1/17, a predictive dream justifying personal reserve. DREAM: Gay boys, underage girls & my own sister all mock me, sure I want their forbidden sexual fruit at a beach where grotesque trees make their own precipitation and salt-dunes spill into saturated, toxic brine... NEXT DAY: I read Margaret Atwood's The Salt Garden--sex, guilt, and grotesque trees in saturated, toxic brine. CAUTION: SEXUAL GUILT, EXHIBITIONIST TWEENS, APPARENT E.S.P. |
MOM IN THE DRIVER'S SEAT: by a patient of Peter O'Connor; 1985 or before, a therapy-guiding initial dream. My mom's driving me to work. A nearby car has young people in it--I'd rather be with them. My mom seems to be dawdling; I'll be late meeting my colleague! I'm furious... |
MOON LAUNCH: by Andrea McFarland, 2021/9/25; a frustrating flying dream I'm scheduled to fly the first antigravity ship to the moon--if I can just get to the pad on time... |
MOUNTING PROBLEMS: by Wayan, 2021/5/22; an anti-Freudian punning math dream. I'm a giant wolf with a human girlfriend. A formula says I must shrink until my paws are 128 times the volume of her feet. But I'll still be way too big for sex! Eight seems more like the right volume... CAUTION: HORNY WOLF, MATH, CLIMACTIC PUN |
THE MOUSE: by Paul Nash; Feb. 1913, surreal bedtime experience triggers surreal nightmare We save a mouse from a man who claims he eats them. Later I dream I am the mouse... |
MUSIC SABOTEUR: by Amy, c.1973; Gestalt unveils the saboteur behind a frustration dream At college, my sheet music arrives from home, but vanishes when I try to play--or the piano does... |
MUSTARD VAMPIRE : by Wayan; 1984/3/1, a warning dream. I love a cute vampire. She's willing to go on a diet. Even so, do I have enough blood to spare? |
MY CUBIST CONSCIENCE: by Wayan; 1982/8/5; a dream warning of overharsh ethics. I dreamed I was trapped in the maze of my pacifist vegetarian feminist anarchist eco-conscience... |
MY DREAM OF CELIBACY: by Sibbie O'Sullivan, c.1984, a flirty lost-opportunity mermaid dream I lie on the bottom of the pool. The life guard lifts me in his strong arms. We flirt till my legs fuse, ready to go deep; but he says "It's only a part-time job" and turns away. In day, the highschool pool lies empty, widowed of water... |
MY EDUCATION: by William S. Burroughs, 1959-94, a recurrent dream theme or mantra. At the airport, I'm told I can't take my flight; I must finish my education first. Decades have passed, and I still dream of borders and officials who won't let me go until they decide I've finished my... |
MY LIPS ARE SEALED: by Wayan, 1989/6/3, a moody, psychic, epic, two-part dream. I'm a Romantic poet who defeats the curse of the fountain, to marry; but when our daughter's grown, a new curse strikes me mute, paralyzed. And I mistake this for old age! Then, in real life, my dad wakes up from a nap paralyzed... |
MY MOTHER'S CLOSET: by Rachel Hadas, c. 2000; a dream-poem provoking a 2008/9/16 dream by Chris Wayan I was in my mother's closet, trying on her outfits, and trapped in Hamlet, too... |
NET PROFITS: by Wayan; 1998/7/14, a dream of family values and Web credit. At a family picnic, my sisters and I fish for scholarships and grants. They put down my art, my website... |
A NEVADAN ASS: by Wayan, 2007/5/17, a dream-poem on sabotage in art AND love DREAM: on a Nevada ranch, I'm a were-horse into mares--when I'm human. And when I'm a stallion? Why, cowgirls! Always date the wrong species--just to be sure of rejection. NEXT DAY: I let a class of commercial artists critique my dream-comix. Just to be sure of rejection... CAUTION: FURRYPHILIA, SELF-SABOTAGE |
A NIGHT ON MOUNT DIABLO: by Wayan, 1984/6/8, an allegorical four-phase dream. I'm attacked by a narcissist firebird, a rabid rattler-manticore, a masochist bear, and a sexless succubus... CAUTION: INEPT DEMONS |
NO FINGERS: by Wayan; 1993/10/6, an indirectly predictive dream. My therapist has no fingers. A fingerless man intrudes on my session, and they use up my hour talking... |
NO GAS IN SANTA CRUZ: by Wayan, 1984/4/11, a predictive frustration dream I'm in Santa Cruz. Low on gas, but the pumps died. Hwy 17, the route home, is blocked. Drive back roads on fumes... Next day: a friend's in Santa Cruz. The power goes out, pumps don't work, 17's blocked. He drives back roads... |
NO ROOM ON THE MOON!: by Wayan; 2014/7/7; poem of a frustrating surreal dream I want to catch a crescent moon home--our transit system's been buying up old moons and running them across town--but tourists reserved all the seats... |
NOT A LICK OF E.S.P.: by Wayan; 2021/10/22, a sex dream not about sex (or ESP) After an impatient bookseller puts me down, I dream I'm licking a girl who nothing pleases... |
NUCLEUS: by Wayan, 1979/3/18, a surreal dream of character-insight, set inside an atom I dream my theatre friends are particles dancing inside an atomic nucleus-- particles that reveal their character, motivations and power. And I'm one too... |
ON BEING 29: by Gray Stanback; 2022/9/10, an uneasy milestone dream The night after my 29th birthday, I dream my youth is literally leaving me. I'm at a party full of kids and teens; I can't get anyone's name, and they slip away leaving me alone... |
THE OCEAN'S FLOOR: by Cheryl Fish, c.1986, a dream of failure-analysis? I dream we canoe down a river. You say it's barren because this was once the ocean's floor. You're protective but not longing. I wake on a beach, puzzled why I still feel for you a year later... |
ODESSA STEPS: by Wayan; 2022/3/18, a predictive dream? I hope! A man's stalking me and my friends. We try to escape but a circus is in the way. My friends shrink to babies, so I pop them in a stroller and flee over steep hills, bouncing down stone stairs! "OW!" the babies howl! Hey... why do I feel deja vu? CAUTION: INTERPRETATION INSULTS BOTH RUSSIA AND NATO |
ONE FRUIT REMAINS UNEATEN: by Catshall; November 1983, a journal dotted with dreams My day life as an artist and explorer of the San Francisco underground scene gets regularly commented on by my dreamlife... CAUTION: SEX, BONDAGE |
OPELS, OPALS: by Wayan; 1990/6/10; two dreamlets that turn out to be predictive I'm car-buying. My friend has an Opel, but it's sluggish AND a gas hog. How can a car be both? Then... I notice a jar of opals that my grandpa gave me has grown dull with algae! Sheesh, more opals gone bad... I wake and head to work. But at a bottleneck, I'm blocked by this loud group talking on and on about... |
OPEN THE DOOR!: by Wayan; April 2002, acrylic bas-relief of waking fantasy. I salvaged a door. When I painted it, a fox-woman wanted to open it and get out... CAUTION: FURRY NUDITY |
ORIOLE GIRL: by Wayan; 1992/1/23, psychic dream told as illustrated poem. While conducting a census of fairies in Golden Gate Park, I fall in love with an abused oriole-girl, and we try to heal one another... CAUTION: AWKWARD SEX |
OUT OF BODY TO THE MOON: by Hervey de Saint-Denys, 1860?-67? Early out-of-body dream I rise out of my body, find I'm invulnerable, visit the moon, with its volcanic rocks, re-enter my body, "wake" and write the dream--only to wake again and find all my notes gone!... |
PAD ON THE FLOOR: by Cory and Wayan; 2020/9/13, parallel, apparently telepathic dreams. CORY: I'm in a government complex. Tired, but guards harass me. At last they let me nap on a floor pad. WAYAN: I'm in the Student Union. Need to study, but guards harass me. Yet they let my friend sleep on a... CAUTION: APPARENT E.S.P. |
PAGES: by Wayan; 1993/9/2 & 9/3, punning predictive dreams. Dream-journal pages, Tarot's four Page cards, getting paged,and a girl named Page--all warn me I lie to myself about what I want... |
PARALYSIS: by Emily Y. Chan, 2016/5/3 or before; nightmare sketch Had sleep paralysis early one morning while trying to wake up, and "saw" this creature or woman looming over me. She had two spider legs (if more, I couldn't see) and was smiling--with no face. Terrifying. Amazing... |
PARVATI SAWS THE WALL: by Wayan; 2013/6/26, a dream-poem about a Himalayan kook Martial-arts student Parvati just won't fight the teacher she loves (too much!)-- not even for her final exam. Instead she gets a rotary saw and... |
PATIENCE: by Wayan; 1998, waking cartoon summation of my life. On my bad days, as I'm shackled to the wall of my illness or shyness... |
PEACHES AND CHERRIES: by Phyllis Davidson, 1977 and early 80s? two dreamlets of being inanimate PEACHES: after painting a peach all day, I find I AM one, reclining on a mound of cottage cheese... CHERRIES: after a day in Reno, I find I'm a wheel in a slot machine, whirling, coming up cherries... |
PELÉE: by J.W. Dunne, April/May 1902; a predictive nightmare with a scientifically important error I was on an island about to explode like Krakatoa. I warned the French colonial authorities "4,000 people will die if we don't get them out!" but no one listened. I woke. The paper came. "Mont Pelée erupts, kills 40,000". I had missed a zero! But 40,000 turned out to be wrong too, implying... |
PET ME DARE!: by Wayan; 1996/2/7, a sexy healing dream; 2p. dream-comic (or ill. text) After whining all day that I lost my anima, I dream I'm petting a cat. Who purrs, and grows, and grows, and purrs "Pet..." CAUTION: PUSSY TROUBLE |
PHARAOH HOOKS: by Wayan; 1989/7/31, a deadpan joke of a dream. My sister and her friend the snake-woman tell me the facts of life: the golden hooks, the piglets... CAUTION: UNRELIABLE GYNECOLOGY |
PIE HOLE: by Wayan; 2021/9/12, an Emperor's New Clothes dream with a twist I'm shyly making love with a classmate, Cynthia. Classmates gawk & point, through the pie-hole in the ceiling. But our perspective reveals that under our critics' skirts... CAUTION: UPSKIRT NUDITY |
PIG YOYO: by Wayan; 1987/11/21, a dream on how to end self-torture. A hog is tied so it bounces in a fountain, and at the bottom of each bounce, a fork jabs it! How to free this yoyo pig? CAUTION: PAIN |
PINK LIGHTNING: by Emily Y. Chan, 2017/12/15 or before; dream painting We were trying to catch this "harpy", who looked like a 1980s angel, but she teleported away. It was freaking weird... |
PISSING MEMORIES: by Wayan; 1999/5/20, a dream on self-sabotage. I desperately need to pee, but my bladder's full of two kinds of emotional trauma, and each blocks the other! CAUTION: BATHROOM PSYCHOLOGY |
POKEY?: by Wayan; 1993/4/15, a dreamtale on my soul. My lover's turned into a tiny living pull-toy, trapped ankle-deep in a wheeled platform. Can I free her? |
POOL OF TRUTH: by Katherine Metcalf Nelson; 1983/10/1; a dream of shamanic descent Night. A massive crash on the highway. Bodies strewn. Sickened, I descend a spiral stair to the Pool of Truth. It gives no answers. Women spout platitudes. I go on, in pain, down past the polar bears... CAUTION: THE DEAD |
PRESIDENTIAL TACO: by Robert Adams, art by Jesse Reklaw; pre-2000; a dream farce I botched President Clinton's taco. And on the way home, I fell in the river. Luckily, Jesse Jackson happened by and pulled me out, restoring my faith in... |
PRISONER OF DREAMS: by Margherita Guareschi, c.1951, as told by her husband; episodic dreams Margherita's dreamworld is lonely, empty, endless. She wanders on foot. Her husband gets her a bike, a patch kit, and when she crashes, hears her cry for help--while awake... CAUTION: MARITAL TELEPATHY OR ITALIAN HYPERBOLE? |
PSYCHIC FAMILIES ARE SO MUCH FUN: by Wayan; 1980/7/21, a true story of ESP. My sister's avoiding our nosy parents, but I sense they'll run into her soon. I just didn't know HOW soon... |
PUFF TIDE: by Wayan; 1993/5/1, a nightmare on indulging rage and tears. I'm swept off sea-rocks, as my scaly guardian watches calmly--letting me drown in the tears I shed... CAUTION: DROWNING |
THE QUEEN'S WAR: by Marianna as told by Gayle Delaney, before 1994; 2 daddy's-curse dreams Marianna escaped her bossy dad, only to end up with a bossy countercultural boyfriend. In these two dreams she makes the connection, and faces that she's picking Napoleons... CAUTION: BLOODY BATTLE, BAD SEX |
RANGE: by Wayan; three 2019/8/19 advisory dreamlets plus 2020/1/8 followup 1: My dad can't see my world. Literally can't see my world... 2: The House of Busyness is unlivable--busy, crowded, noisy... 3: Achievement takes twelve factors; any one can block you... |
RAVEN AT 5 O'CLOCK: by Raven and Wayan; 1996/11/30. Shared but stupid psychic dreams. My girlfriend Raven dreams I keep poking her awake, while I dream that a giant raven gives me weird advice... |
REBEL OWL: by Wayan; 1971/10/9, a dream so mysterious it mystified its inhabitants My city's invaded and occupied. I become a gigantic Owl and fight with impossible stamina. But in the end I'm dead, stuffed, on a museum wall. Can I let go NOW? CAUTION: WAR |
RECONCILIATION: by Martha Sherwood; 2003/6/19, a dream-parable Even after the Resurrection, a mother and daughter still have issues to clean up... |
RECORD: by Robert Brust; July 1990; a punning, possibly psychic dream I DREAM I buy a record I've wanted. But someone warns "You'll have trouble with it; you should have gone to another store." I WAKE as my phone rings. "A clerical error in our records will delay the supplies you ordered." Wish I'd picked another store... |
RECUR: by Roz Chast, 2023 or before, her recurrent dream types cartooned Is our brain trying to tell us something that, evidently, we haven't heard the last 70 times? Or is the dream-manufacturing area feeling a little lazy? I have no idea, but here are some of my "classics"... |
REDUCED TO THE STUDHOUSE: by Wayan; 1980/11/16, a warning dream. I'm not a normal wolf: I'm a were-woman. When I turn wolf again, I'm in heat; but I want to be alone! So... CAUTION: SEX TALK |
(THE MEANING OF) RINGS AND TURQUOISE: by Wayan; 1998/11/1, a dream on independence. I'm in the park, feeling sad, till a girl on the lawn near me semaphores a message via rings and turquoise... CAUTION: EXHIBITIONISM |
THE RIPPLE EFFECT: by Wayan; 1992/6/19, a double dream of false judges. A dream of innocent incest turns guilty, growing to a war of ghosts versus a cult of sexy but dishonest psychics... CAUTION: INCEST ISSUES, NIGHTMARE |
RONALD'S FORBIDDEN FIELD: by Ronald, patient of Jan Ehrenwald, before 1954, a telepathic dream? DREAM: a distinctive house with a tempting green field by it. But the field's forbidden... DAY: Ronald's analyst had rented that house--but the adjacent field was forbidden... CAUTION: E.S.P. THEORIES |
RUBY UNICORN: by Wayan; dreamed 2012/11/15; a sculptural dream. THAT DAY: My bandmates want to record crowd-pleasing songs. I want to record our strangest ones... THAT NIGHT: In a woman's art studio, I'm struck by a low, feline, muscular unicorn mare, carved out of a giant ruby. I ask, and she says "Oh, that's not mine. I found it in the trash"... |
SADDLED WITH AUTISM: by Wayan; 1999/10/1, an embarrassing yet advisory dream. I'm autistic; a TV host encourages me and another autistic kid to have sex on the air... CAUTION: UNDERAGE SEX ON NATIONAL TV; SERIOUS FINGER-POINTING |
SAFETY GETS ME HOT: by Wayan; 1997/3/27, a dream on sensitivity. I'm trapped in a post-apocalypse pulp story! Fun for my readers, but not for me! How to escape? |
SALAD DATE: by Wayan, 2023/11/10; a surreal dating dream I'm dating a sexy salad. But I just gobble the good bits and leave: I have an appointment in Chinatown. The salad understandably feels let down, but she's painfully familiar with guys who eat and run... CAUTION: WEIRD EVEN BY MY STANDARDS |
SALTY DOG: by Wayan, 2024/1/24; a surreal prescriptive dream I sit on a half-flooded pier and read a dream-journal--the first ever written by a dog. But I can't interview the dreamer; the dog followed a fad diet and just died of excess salt... |
SATYR: by Wayan; 1999/4/1, a frustrating wish-fulfillment dream (yes, both). I'm a faun, the oracle for a Greek village. But my predecessor set up rituals I want to change... CAUTION: SEX, PAGANISM, SELF-SATYRE |
SAVED BY A CYMBAL: by Wayan; 2021/11/29, a dream punning about dreamwork! Stranded on an island where a marching band drowned, I escape by paddling across the Pacific using a rusty, er, cymbal... |
SEARCHING FOR THE DEAD: by Acucena Q., 2007/3/4, a puzzling quest dream. I search rivers and lakes around the world for someone dead. But the living I meet act as strange as ghosts... |
THE SECURITY GUARD: by Wayan; 1994/12/30, a nightmare on anger. A crazy security guard with a squirt gun full of acid kills freely over and over, for the court system keeps paroling... CAUTION: VIOLENCE |
THE SELL-FISH WITCHES: by Wayan; 1983/6/29, an epic corrective dream My sister and I are runaways, developing psychic powers. A cult of fish-selling witches wants to use us... CAUTION: SIBLING INCEST, SPELL ABUSE |
SHE TOOK MY BALL: by Matt, 1994 or earlier, as told by Gayle Delaney; a sex-advice dream After moving in with Gemina, Matt suddenly had erectile dysfunction. He asked his dreams why. He dreamt he was a kid being bullied by his big sister Cindy... |
SHRIEK ADOPTION: by Wayan; dreamed 2015/8/23, a dream-poem exposing self-sabotage A man adopts two orphaned, talented musical griffins. But their previous guardians were so traditionalist & stifling that the cubs want to BURN all their instruments... |
SILKY CLEANS THE UNDERWORLD: by Wayan; 2023/5/26, a heartening surreal dream I'm lost in the underworld again. Happens a lot lately. But I run into my anima Silky, in yellow boots and a safety vest, blasting clean the walls of the land of the dead... |
SING TO SUMMON COURAGE: by Wayan, 2019/4/21, a surreal dreampoem Day: an exhibitionist teen uses sex to sell charity cupcakes, while her mom glares... Dream: I date the exhibitionist, but her dad imposes weird trials, as I sing for courage... |
THE SINGLE DIE: by Wayan; 1994/10/17, a dream on child prodigies. My sisters roll a single die. Miriel can influence it telekinetically, but can't shoot very well, since she hasn't grown opposable thumbs yet, as kittens do... |
SINKING: by Emily Y. Chan, 2019/7/19 or before; sketch of a nightmare I had a dream that everyone was sinking, drowning, but still alive. No one could move, and it was just getting darker and darker with bodies. Lovely... |
SKY AND PRESTER JOHN: by Wayan; 2009/9/30, two short dream poems with sketches; Dreamverse #57 My neurotic sister and I both lust for a girl named Sky; then I flee a gang of popes and lamas and mullahs... |
SLAVES DON'T DANCE: by Wayan; 1999/8/1, a 17-page Shakespearean dream-comic (or ill. text) Stolen by the Fairy Queen, I'm forced to nurse her great project: creating life! But her synthetic baby is... |
SPEAK UP, RISE UP: by Wayan; 1985/5/24, a witnessing-flying advisory dream I bike round the ring of women on the stage. Oracles! Whoever speaks, levitates. One advises me, but I can't act on it--too ill. "Gotta heal!" I blurt. My own oracle.. |
SPINSTER: by Michel Leiris, 1934/3/27, a Freudian orgy-frustration dream A little girl flirts with me as she grows into a teenage ballerina. We join an orgy, but my spinster sister-in-law disrupts it. The sailors don't resent her, but they shoot at the voyeurs in the closet... CAUTION: PEDOPHILIA, ORGY, GUN-HAPPY SAILORS |
SPIRAL LAUGHTER: by Alder; 1953, a child's feverdream The world is a whirlpool, a black and white spiral pulling me down toward a black hole, and it’s laughing... |
SPORECOUNT: by Wayan; 1990/1/5, a dreamtale on patience through change. I'm a hot archeology student till I open the wrong tomb. A plague turns us into green moldy monsters--at first... CAUTION: DISEASE, DEATH, GRIEF, SHAME |
SQUIRREL GIRL: by Wayan; 1973/10/19, a dream poem of love & rockets Squirrel Girl and I try to find a private room, but Hal the mad computer in 2001 spies on us and our spaceship captain orders us to clean the ion tubes... CAUTION: SQUIRREL NUDITY |
STARHAWK THE WITCH: by Wayan; 1983/8/19, 6. illus., an epic, milestone dream. DAY: I read Starhawk's Dreaming the Dark, on building unity, undoing capitalism; DREAM: I'm forced to become Time Pilgrim, warning of the dangers of community--indeed, of unity... |
STRUCK BY THOUGHT: by Wayan; dreamed 1956-7, 71/11/26, 78/12/28, 82/10/5, & 83/9/12 A picture-poem experiment: one dream per stanza! Five short dreams exploring the weight of culture on our animal selves... |
STUCK SNAKE: by Wayan; 2011/9/8; a set of dreams that out-Freud Freud Girls flash and strip and crawl into bed with me, but I'm blind to their interest-- till I become a snakeboy and discover the real limitations of phallic symbolism... CAUTION: NUDITY, STUPIDITY |
SWIMMING CATS: by Starvibes, 2012/1/20, a mysterious dream image Tracking two cats at night, I watch amazed as they dive in and swim gracefully across a swimming pool... |
SWIMMING IN VAN GOGH'S OCEAN: by Amandaclay; c.2011/12/9, a dream of love & beauty On a cruise to Catalina Island, I find friends, a boyfriend and a magical sea of color... |
TARZAN AND JANE IN SUBURBIA: by Wayan; 1993/7/11, a dreamtale. Well, Tarzan and Jane are living in suburbia now, but though Tarzan's given up so much, Jane complains... |
TENNIS UNDER STRANGE CIRCUMSTANCES by Nancy Price; 1948, (A comic frustration dream hiding a warning) Our tennis game's spoiled by rubber rackets, fierce grandmas, Good and Evil (those identical twins) and a bully on stilts... |
THAR SHE BLOWS!: by Madeline; 2008/3/27, a pirate mermaid shipwreck sex dream. On the run I meet a lycan, a pirate, and a mermaid. She causes a flood, and something floats by I just have to grab... CAUTION: INTERRUPTED SEX |
THAT WIND: by Wayan; 1986/8/29; an undream poem on a daymare Nightmares can warn. But when awake, what warning can you get from nonstop ill-luck? |
THEY DON'T BELIEVE ME: by Wayan; 1989/10/4, an unbelievable dream with 15 illus. My dog and I are abducted by aliens who turn us into cats. We escape & go feral to survive. How we got back, and what happened along the way, even my own shrink refuses to believe... CAUTION: LEWD SQUID AND KLEPTOMANIAC BUGS |
THEY USE ME TO MASTURBATE: by Wayan; 1980/9/18, a two-edged dream. My sisters and their best friends all use me for sex. Sick, but I discover it's better than I USED to be... CAUTION: JUST PLAIN EMBARRASSING |
THIEU, I'M SORRY: by Wayan, 1997/11/1, a troubling dreamtale. Visiting Time City, I witness the "suicide" of a woman named Thieu but suspect it was really assassination... CAUTION: SUICIDE? MURDER? |
THE THING ABOUT DREAMS: by Julia Wertz, a dream autobiography, 1980-2010 As a kid, my nightmares were of Sesame Street characters. In my teens I graduated to slasher nightmares and recurring lucid dreams. Alcohol trashed my dreams for years, but now they're not nightmares--just surreal. Hitler wrecks my sex life! What a spoilsport... CAUTION: (MOSTLY FRUSTRATED) SEX |
THIRTY-THREE YEARS OF BOREDOM: by Rachel Cusk, 1996 or before; a lucid comic nightmare An Arabian Nights city--but I'm enslaved. I escape. I'm caught. My sentence? I must sit 33 years atop a column, watching for Vikings. I get a Walkman, but no music, and a book, but I suddenly can't read... CAUTION: LUCID YET TOTALLY FRUSTRATED |
THUMBSUCKER!: by a patient of William Hammond, c.1868, an epic comic taste dream I paint my thumb with bitter aloes to break my habit of sucking it at night. I dream of wormwood, ox gall, mineral salts. I consult Dr. Save Me and even the Pope, but... |
THE TOOTH: by SAO (Shawn Allen O'Neal), 2003?, an epic, oracular, baffling dream Psychics give me an incomprehensible reading. A book from the tree-library gives only Victorian dating advice. At last a madman gives me a treasure-box holding a tooth that unfolds into slices carved in unreadable symbols... |
TORNADOES AND TESTOSTERONE: by Dream Junkee; 2008/9/3, a lucid dream of transformation I've always been scared of tornadoes, until I went lucid and became one... CAUTION: HORNY TORNADO |
TOWARDS BREAK OF DAY: by WB Yeats and Georgie Yeats, Dec. 1918; Simultaneous dreams sharing mood & theme not images. Yeats sees but cannot touch the waterfall he loved so in childhood; Georgie, the magical white stag in King Arthur... |
TRAVEL: by "SchlofM"; 2008/2/10, a dream about protection I'm on a trip to who knows where, with my young-again mom, my dead dad, and--who's that guy? |
TRESPASSER TRIANGLE: by Wayan, 2022/3/6, a comic frustration dream My girlfriend and I find ourselves naked in my neighbor's yard! A second neighbor spots us, and knowing my house is empty, she breaks in! The first neighbor, seeing her home's empty, breaks into hers. We go home, stomping loud so our burglar flees back home, driving her burglar out, and... CAUTION: UNINTENTIONAL NUDE PICNIC |
TRUMPOCALYPSE UNDERLING: by Wayan, 2020/5/3, a reality-based nightmare Donald Trump is Satan. I'm just a low-level devil, under his thumb. I feel helpless to stop his businesslike plans for the Apocalypse... CAUTION: POLITICAL RAGE; PREDICTS COVID'S LATER WAVES |
TURTLE BOATS: by Yi Sun-shin; 1592, a nation-saving dream. Japanese fleets invaded Korea. Admiral Yi dreamt of a giant turtle: no weapon pierced its shell, and it spouted smoke. Yi built his nightmare turtle, and defeated the invaders in battle after battle... |
MY TUTELARY UNCLE: by Wayan; 1993/5/28, a shamanic dream. I'm half Anglo, half Kwakiutl. My uncle the shaman died, but he still wants to teach me his medicine... |
THE 1200-STEP PROGRAM: by Wayan; 1987/12/17, an illustrated dreamtale. I'm climbing a tower, as my dad, Apollo, drunk, throws bottles at me from the top, breaking bones... CAUTION: DENIAL ABOUT ALCOHOLISM |
UNDER THEIR MASKS: by Wayan; 2000/3/17, an ecdysiastic dream Masked champions of Good and Evil fight, peeling off layers till they're elven-thin--what's left to hide? They can't keep stripping forever... |
UNDO THE PARALYSIS: by Wayan; 1985/7/14, a dream on persistence. In a future society, I'm deliberately, permanently paralyzed. Yet my home-grown cure slowly works... |
UNFINISHED DREAM: by Walter de la Mare, before 1922, a dream of Faerie cast as a poem The dream land was beautiful, but seemed empty 'til I heard piping voices. An elven band! I gazed in wonder. But they could not (would not?) see me... |
UNHAPPY CAMPERS: by Wayan; 1997/9/1, a stupid dream. I dream we're on a miserable camping trip. So why, when I wake, do I think it's a diagnostic dream? It's that triple pun... |
UNICOITUS INTERRUPTUS: by Wayan, 2024/10/21, a triple sex-frustration dream 1: My unicorn girlfriend and I are in bed. As we near orgasm, idiots bumble in, wanting help. 2: Deal with their demands, shoo them out, go back to bed. As we near orgasm, idiots... 3: Deal with their demands, shoo them out, go back to bed. As we near orgasm, idiots... CAUTION: SURREAL, BUT PREDICTIVE |
UNICORN PROFESSOR: by Wayan, 2024/4/7, a Star Trek dream DAY: the crew of the Enterprise sings about love & career(ism). DREAM: I'm taking a test at Starfleet Academy. But my teacher's a gorgeous unicorn, & my answers are filled in! I try to change one but my eraser breaks... CAUTION: MOCKS LA BERGE'S LUCID DREAMWORK? NUDE PROFESSOR, TOO |
A VIAL CRIME: by Wayan; 1984/5/21, a cartoon dream protesting that I wasn't me today I'm a flying fox in England. I see a poisoning and call for help. Ugly knockoffs of Peanuts characters attack me! The real Peanuts gang defeats them; Snoopy drives the victim to the hospital, saving her. It really is vital to be... authentic. CAUTION: PUNS |
VIEWPOINT: by Wayan; 1991/6/9, a dream on pastlife amnesia. I ask to see my past lives, and dream of a viewpoint where I can--but this Mormon ranger... |
VIRGIN ON THE VERGE: by Wayan, 1992/8/8. Digital picture-poem Ever since I was battered I feel like a virgin again: longing, but wary--scared where sex may lead... CAUTION: CARTOON NUDITY, SEXUAL THEMES |
THE VOICE OF GOD: by Wayan, 1993/1/31, a psychic nightmare-epic. Half-mad with fear, I massacre a cult, till my gun manifests stigmata: a gory miracle. Then I'm a cultist, resisting the Voice of God pushing all us mortals to murder in His name. I woke up haunted, and wondered for weeks what this was about... until the Waco Massacre. CAUTION: CREEPY VIOLENCE, CREEPY GOD, CREEPY PREDICTION |
THE VOICE OF GOD (THIS IS IMPORTANT!): by Rick Veitch; 1994 or before; a mystical "oops" dream God speaks in surreal images from the sky, and I hurry to write down what God says. But I find I wrote mere squiggles on the page... |
WARM MOTHER: by Jenny Badger Sultan; 2001/3/24, 3/29, 3/30 & 4/1; dreams I dream my mother takes over caring for my sick daughter; I feel pushed aside. When I wake, I try to paint a more positive image of mothering. For a week, dream after dream has opportunities for patience and letting go of jealousy... |
WASTE: by Wayan; 1990/5/7, a desert singles poem, 11 images. |
A road trip through New Mexico mutates into a tour of my relationship disasters... |
WATER, HORSE, TWO SUNS: by Dong Feng, 370s CE, a lifesaving dream |
A murder case. But the suspect had gone to an interpreter and told of an ominous dream. The investigator saw its strange images might be puns, naming the real killer--and they did... |
WATERSHIP DOWNTRODDEN: by Wayan; 1983/6/22, a dream of another life. |
I'm an intelligent rabbit in an alphamale's harem, organizing a feminist movement... |
WEREWOLF PARADOX: by Garvin Jabusch, art by Jesse Reklaw; pre-2000; an ironic nightmare |
I must outrun the rising moon so I don't turn into a wolf and kill my friends, but only a werewolf is swift enough to... |
WHARTON TOWER: by Wayan; 1985/7/24, 3 surreal dreamlets on gender & class? |
1940s reporters almost trap me in a mob shootout. I shelter in a gender-segregated hotel. The owner of Wharton Tower shakes the hotel so it swings between its butch & femme halves. I fall off the Hudson Palisades, but I land safely on the Glass Ceiling... |
THE WHEEL by Nancy Price; 1948, an early, intense dream of Future Shock. |
Lost in an industrial maze, my memories hopelessly outdated, I resign myself to the Wheel... |
WHEN YOU WERE HAVING A GREAT DREAM: by Miranda Tacchia; (pre?)2021, a universal frustration |
When you were having a great dream, but wake up for no reason... |
WHISTLE: by Dr William Hammond, c.1865; a self-flagging predictive nightmare |
On a long steamboat voyage, a living skeleton swaps a warning for my watch; when the whistle sounds, the boiler will blow. As it does, I dive in the river and wake to discover a real whistle... CAUTION: UNCANNY SYNCHRONIZATION? |
THE WHO IN HELL AM I: by Wayan; 1984/1/28, a stubborn dream. |
I'm Pete Townshend of the Who, climbing stubbornly out of Hell by noticing what I don't want... |
WHY PROGRESS IS SLOW: by Wayan; 1991/1/26 & 2/16, twin timetravel dreams |
Time-hopping through centuries, I learn how slow deep social change is. How we cling to the old horrors! |
WINGED DANGER: by Emily Y. Chan, 2024/3/30 or before; dream painting |
We found an injured girl with wings. We took her to the hospital and I warned them she might be dangerous, but no one listened to me... |
WINGLESS: by Emily Y. Chan, 2020/12/9 or before; painting of a non-flying dream |
In this dream, everyone had wings but me. I tried. making my own cloth wings but it didn't work... |
WITCH'S BUTTER: by Wayan, 2023/5/27, a science-geek dream. |
I live in four consecutive bodies: I'm a Bose-Einstein condensate, a cloud of particles moving as one-- unless overheated. No, I'm Witch's Butter, a mob of amoeboid cells who unify into a quasi-slug--temporarily. No, I'm a person, but soft and yellow as Witch's Butter. No, I'm firming up, but still entangled... |
WOLF DROOL: by Wayan; 2011/12/16, a seeming sex dream that's really health advice! |
Miniaturized, smuggled over a border inside a she-wolf's mouth, I long for where I got briefly hidden--her labia. But healing first, sex later! CAUTION: FURRY SMUT; WEIRD SCIENCE (BUT REAL!) |
THE WRAITH OF KHAN: by Wayan; 1982/6/2, a dream on brains and consequences |
I'm being stalked by Ricardo Montalban, playing Khan, Captain Kirk's enemy on Star Trek. Why? Oh, I know why! |
"YOU'RE INSANE": by Wayan; 2000/5/26, a nightmare warning I've been misjudged |
DAY: My dad's sick; my mom nags me to visit, though hospitals endanger me (weak immune system). DREAM: My parents say "You're insane. We must take control of your life." So I divorce my family... CAUTION: UGLY FAMILY VALUES |
ZELIG FLIES: by Wayan, 1984/4/29, a psychic, lucid dream epic. |
I careen from a sacrificial marriage-altar to the Oracle Harper's secret pool, into the jaws of Leviathan and the joys of lucid flight, shifting from male to female and gay to straight--till I meet the Dragonfly People themselves... CAUTION: STUPID, STUPID SEX CULT! |
ZEN INSURANCE: by Anonymous #38, art by Jesse Reklaw; pre-2000; a mystical frustration dream |
My Zen master keeps asking me koans. But every riddle is about insurance forms. I always reply "I am thirsty." He asks another. It goes on forever... |
ZILLIONAIRE'S TOWER: by Wayan; 2012/2/9, a financial climbing dream |
My mild yuppie friend Lou climbs a bank tower to reach his rich mentor, and wins an internship. But as he swears his oath to Get Rich Quick... CAUTION: DISSES CUTTHROAT CAPITALISM |
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