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Dragonfly Bus

Dreamed 2023/3/28 by Wayan


Out my window, a plume of black smoke--a big fire in the Produce District a mile away. After five minutes, off to the right near the big smokestack bordering Bayview, there's a brilliant white flash. An electrical blowout? Our power stays on (only our web crashed) but I soon learn nearby areas did lose power. I recall those snipers in recent months blowing out substations, and worry it's sabotage, but no such evidence. Just my paranoia!

Our band the Krelkins practices new songs. Work out parts. Nic creates a new deep cello part for Gaia. Simple, nice. But after two hours, we tire out and get sloppy. Mike tends to push to exhaustion. He complains my dream song Migrate through Fire is "just too hard," but I think it's just fatigue talking. Migrate's a favorite of mine, so I worry he'll discourage playing and recording it.

Just before bed, I read part of Wen Spencer's Project Elfhome. As I go to sleep, I'm still thinking of Jane, Boo, Olivia, Law and Snow... Boy & girl wading & hugging. Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.


I have epic dreams--at least seven, totaling over 2000 words. I won't transcribe them all, but here are the clearest four.

DREAM 2: Grope Me in the Name of Art!

A blonde girl about 15 years old and smallish for her age. She's feverishly creative. I like her, but hide that my liking includes sexual attraction. Tell myself "She won't feel sexual yet anyway." Yet my intuition says that's untrue; I sense she has sexual feelings (not love, but strong curiosity plus trust) toward an even younger boy.

Because he's younger, she hides her feelings--like me, she thinks she's perverted for having them!

He doesn't. He adores her. Adults around them see none of this--assume their friendship is presexual. Indeed I discount my own impression, until they perform in an experimental film she wrote...

They wade into a lake. She leads, he follows. The water's clear, turns her ripply but doesn't hide her. At first she seems younger, a breastless tween, in a modest one-piece swimsuit printed with subtle bronze scales; but as the hovering camera moves in, the suit magically shrinks to a lower-cut maillot, then a halter bikini, then a very skimpy bikini, then topless; as her breasts swell from flat to small to medium, from 10 years old to 15 in a single minute.

As they reach waist-deep, the boy shyly touches her, strokes her back and butt. She beams and snuggles up to him. Wanted this, ready for this. Scripted the film to give him prompts and an excuse to touch her... the name of art.


Playing field. Kid in a Ravenclaw jacket pokes me. Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.

DREAM 4a: Dragonfly-Bus

I'm sitting with my friend Alder on a curved concrete bench in a courtyard by a theater. The show's soon, but few people here. Through the pedestrian entrance south of us, across the soccer fields, music is playing--and though the high frequencies are lost in the distance, I recognize the chord changes. My music! Stolen. I get up and go look...

The recreation area has soccer and baseball fields divided by straight raised dikes like railroad beds. I head east along the main dike. Baseball practice to the southeast; the fields to the north are empty.

A group of kids comes toward me. Tweens. The oldest, a girl in a jacket saying RAVENCLAW--a Harry Potter fan, then--eyes me curiously, senses something--so do I--what is it?

As we squeeze past--the raised path is narrow--she pokes me with one finger, and grins. I laugh-squawk, and as we part, both look back, intrigued.

As I walk farther east, alone now, I grow uneasy out here, trapped yet visible--a perfect target. "Why anything could happen!" Picture rain falling on me.

It promptly does. Out of a blue sky.

"But worse could happen. Predators. A gang..."

Out of the west comes a bus.

"But," I think, "it could just as well be a dinosaur, or a dragon..."

The bus promptly politely complies--it turns into... not a dino or a dragon, exactly--the bus riders have their own agendas, which (mostly) exclude being lizard guts. So it stays a bus inside--you can see riders through the windows--but the outside changes to a huge dragonfly on monster wings, not bus wheels. Like an ornithopter from Dune--the crosstown version. Colorful and elegant in an Art Deco way, but those five-foot jaws are scary.

It lunges at me, but overshoots. Massive, with a stiff neck, it's slow to turn. While it trundles round, I use a shamanic trick to hide--I split into two selves, one digging into the wood chips lining the banks of the dike, the other spreading them on top to bury "me"--even though me-the-burier is still exposed, and the buried me is really just my raincoat--just my outer shell, like a cast-off skin. But it still partially counts; the standing me is now glassy, faint--hard for a blurry insect eye to see.

I hold my breath. The dragonfly-bus waves its feelers, scenting me but not touching me. At last it gives up and heaves into the air like a living chopper. Flies away. Whew!


DREAM 4B: Furs and the Devil's Music

It's time for the play, so I go back to the theater. Late; rush up, pull out my big, tripartite ticket, like three bookmarks stapled at the corner. There's Alder. Go in right after her. Old woman at the door just waves us through, doesn't even glance at the tickets.

Oddly the entrance is onstage, though that's a mere technicality: the stage is just a big round patch of floor level with seats. More a circus ring than theatrical stage. We skirt the stage to three empty seats in the front row, so we won't sidle through audience as the show starts. We sit; have heavy packs, lay them between our feet.

Alder bought a ticket for the third empty seat; a friend from her women's circle was supposed to meet us and get the ticket. Door's closed now. "She chickened out," grumbles Alder. What, is live theater a test of courage now?

The show's a musical version of a familiar fantasy novel or film. It stars three actors I know--Lorraine O. made up as a faun-girl with horns, hooves, goatish shaggy legs, and a short tail. And there's Lisa D, playing a delicate bare-breasted centaur, and Jessica R. as a catgirl in a skintight fursuit a la Cats.

Three actresses play a faun, a delicate centaur and a catgirl. . Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.

All three are sexy--they look to be in their 20s again, not in their 50s, which they should be by now. All three feel unapproachable too--I'm sure they'll be all business, even if I meet them after the show. Disappointing, but I'm certain. I rarely quote Springsteen, but... "You can look but you better not touch, boy!" Guy in a red devil suit hogs a stage. Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.

Next I learn why Alder thinks this show's a test of courage. The music's all right at first, but soon a guy in a devil suit starts hogging the stage and the lead in all the songs--not a bad voice, but the composer wrote him some angry satanic music and unfortunately the band achieves it--louder and louder, uglier and uglier, til it's death metal. OW!

Devil Suit Dude shoves all the furry girls offstage and does a solo. He has to yell over the instrument din. Goodbye song, hello scream! A second solo. Ugh, a third. All the same. Yell yell yell...

As audio flogging #4 begins, I snap. Stand up to leave. Very mixed feelings. Am I chickening out by Alder's standards? But I feel manipulated--is he, or the producer, TRYING to drive us out?

Also... I think I've seen this particular production before. Not just a re-staging; every scene, line and gesture is familiar. Why? I'm slow to see it's somehow changed from a live production to canned--that damn film again!

No surprises ahead, then. At least when I saw it at home on video, I could fast-forward past the jerk. And did.

I walk out. Chicken or not. And as I choose, I wake... into another dream. And another...


A box full of creepy-crawlies. Dream sketch by Wayan.

DREAM 7: A Box of Bugs

Wake again, in yet a different bedroom. By my bed is a small box. I recall storing a seed or mushroom button in it months ago, hoping it'd bud or split. Open it. It split all right! The box is FULL of little mushroom-acorn-barnacle things, each capable of growing into something worth serious money.

Unfortunately, the original seed apparently had eggs hidden in it too--eggs of earwigs, beetles and silverfish, plus at least two species of centipede, a yellowish and a reddish--and a lot of slugs or leeches (but I slip and write leches) each pale yellow, 15-20 cm long, with round rasp-mouths. They crawl out and escape all over my bed. Great!

I'm fast enough to catch most, but need a bigger box to collect them in.

In the long run I may profit from the seed I sowed, but in the short term... ugh!


  • Open box, valuable mess: this profusion of dreams after a long dream-drought!
  • Box: in Project Elfhome, the family box of spells? or the box with dragon eggs in stasis?
  • A Box of Bugs: title an early comic by Rachel Hartman (Seraphina) about taking responsibility, not just drifting & clowning through life. The dream's urging me to own my fears and fantasies--figure out what's realistic, what's not.
  • Raspy, blood-draining leches: no, not Spanish for milk--it's short for lechers. Sexual guilt! It's a recurring dream-pun: a couple years ago I saw a swimwear ad for teens, and dreamed that night of leeches. So the "leches" are fear & guilt about even a hint of exploitation--a short-term eruption of creepies I gotta face now if I want the treasures in the box.


    I told these dreams to my therapist/counselor Shelley. Her reaction: "So if you feel interest in anyone at all, you expect not just rejection but punishment. That's not guilt. That's fear! In the MeToo era, everyone's on edge, so some fear's realistic--but most of it's from childhood abuse. You have to reality-test your fear. Start by just trying to catch such runaway fears and question if they're realistic--even if you think so."

    That night I have an intense dream agreeing this is my best tactic for now: Heron Catches Arrows.

    DAY: fire - boom! - fear (paranoia?) - music - The Krelkins - overwork - book-inspired dreams
    Grope Me for Art! kids - first love - frustration - swimming - flirting - shyness vs. exhibitionism - breasts - film - instant breasts again: Catch-Up
    Dragonfly-Bus: music - lucidity - kids - friends or flirting? - pedophilia? - guilt or fear? - summonings - weird dream critters - bugs - size matters - monsters - hunted! - fear - You are Lunch - self-defense - invisibility - shamanic dreams - nightmares
    Furs & Devil: drama - furries: fauns, centaurs & cats - babes, hunks & sexy creatures - exhibitionism - devils - music - pain - puns - similar dream: Mission Carnaval
    A Box of Bugs: dreamwork - dreams about dreams - bugs, worms & creepy-crawlies again - puns again - sex again - guilt & fear again!
    LATER & GENERAL: digital art - therapy - that confirmation-dream: Heron Catches Arrows - weeks later I learn the guy hogging the stage TWICE was predictive

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