Peaches and Cherries
Dreamed 1977 and early 1980s? by Phyllis Davidson
Phyllis Davidson is a painter whose work looks half collage (iconic figures juxtaposed on a black ground) and half Old Master (Caravaggio and Mannerist painting to be exact). She's a sleepwalker, tending to act out her dreams. It shows.
I was unable to find a color version of her "Unquiet Meals", mentioned below; sorry. It's grotesque enough, even in black and white, seeing her about to get... forked.
...I was working on "Unquiet Meals" (1977). I was painting an enormous fruit salad. Unable to prop up a canned peach half in the desired position to use in the composition, I resorted to holding the peach in my left hand while painting it. That night I dreamt that I was that canned peach half, snuggled up to a huge mound of cottage cheese. The sensation was one of blissful comfort, although I was irritated by the fact that there was a speck of cottage cheese on me--in my middle--which I did not like.
I might add that after this dream, I was not moved to paint slot machines, reels of cherries, or crazed women at motel windows.
SOURCE: Dreamworks: an Interdisciplinary Quarterly (v.4, no.1, 1984, article "It's My Own Invention", p.5-6)
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