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Boxed In

Dreamed 1984/3/25 by Wayan

Biking to work, I get boxed in by a stuck truck. Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.

I dream I'm jogging to Alaska, because... why not?

But as I lope along, I picture myself biking instead. "I bet I can materialize a bike, or at least skates; if not, I jog nearly as fast as a bike. And people can go hundreds of miles on bikes! So I can run all the way to Alaska!"

I 'reason' myself into this absurdly optimistic projection, and run north, waiting for a bike to appear under me, because I'm so virtuous, exercising like this, not to mention saving on fossil fuel and all.

Something does materialize, but not a bike--a cold headwind out of the northwest. Relentless, right in my face. I shiver and tire...

And then a huge trolley swings round a curve and traps me in the long bight between its axles; other vehicles pull up, blocked and honking, totally boxing me in.


I bike to work, pondering those dream-symbols, forgetting (in my abstraction) that I ought to bring a coat in case the cold northwest winds of spring whip up--as, halfway, they do. As my denial fades and my bad planning gets obvious, I shiver and tire... as in the dream.

Then a big slow truck pops out of a side street and turns--or tries. Gets stuck--just too big for the turn. I'm trapped in the bight between its axles. Other cars pull up, blocked and honking angrily, totally boxing me in--just as in the dream.

So much for symbolism.

LISTS AND LINKS: on the road - sports & exercise - trains & trolleys - biking - frustration dreams - predictive dreams - ESP in general - Alaska - more predictive commutes: Opels, Opals, This Can't Be REM! & Boat Meeting - and then there's a Connecticut woman's adaptation to the Commute

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