Is This the End?
Dreamed 2024/9/4 by Miriel Wayan
Night. Berkeley. I'm with my sweetie Jay; other friends are near us, in a crowd of perhaps a thousand. Concert, political rally? If so, it hasn't begun. We're waiting--for what?
Silver streaks across the sky. Weird sounds--"Pew, pew." Fireworks? Meteors? Shells, missiles, as in Gaza? I think bitterly "We almost deserve it. We supplied the bombs getting dropped on Gaza."
People freeze, then panic. Jay heads toward a high point to assess the situation. I know he'll go seek his daughter Josie. I think "Don't leave me!"
Later, the crowd's broken into several groups. Jay hands me a script. I must speak to the crowd, to calm them. I'm not the sort to take charge, but now I have to. I bang on a bucket to get their attention. But then the script dissolves in my hand! I must improvise.
"Think of what matters to you. Check your neighbors and make sure kids & older people don't get left behind."
Later, on the Berkeley campus. Rooms full of scientists and students--oblivious to the crisis.
I head for the stairs. Crowded with panicky people. I urge them "Slow down, don't slip. Do you want to get trampled?" They do slow a bit.
Run into my friend Carolyn, in a long floral dress with an almost bridal train, upset that people are stepping on the fringe. She made a date with Jay, and is determined to go despite the crisis. I'm doubtful but say "Have fun." She answers snarkily--does she think I'm jealous?
The stairs, I know, represent hierarchy--everyone in Berkeley cares so much about their rank and level. None of them are thinking of the big picture--finding out what the threat is, and coping as a community. I'm sick of it--I want out! I seek Jay & Josie, thinking "they're the only more-or-less ADULTS in this town!"
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