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Dreamed 1994/6/20 by Pam Cardiff

Silhouette of dragon. Art stamp; artist unknown.

Some friends and I are writing stories, which we'll contribute to a book or magazine. My old friend Marty from high school arrives at my house all excited. There's a story he wants me to read because he knows it will inspire me.

Marty hands me three cards--they look like Tarot cards--that show the characters in the story: an old, powerful wizard; a horrible purple dragon, and a handsome young sailor. The story is written on a huge sheet of heavy paper; it's like a poster with beautiful illustrations. I begin to read it, but soon I'm actually in the story watching it unfold...

The wizard has a daughter, who he has turned into the horrible-looking dragon. She loves a sailor, longs for him, but knows he could never care for a creature as foul as herself. Nevertheless, she draws the sailor to her. He cross the sea and enters the crumbling house on a rock cliff where she lives alone. When the sailor sees the dragon/woman, he is repulsed by her and wants to leave. Although it pains her terribly, she agrees.

But before he goes, she asks to show him something. She takes the sailor to her room, where she has an amazing collection of crystals hanging from a metal pole. The crystals are in many different shapes: a heart, a turle, other animals. Some are pink. The dragon/woman begins to tap the crystals with a wand. They chime against each other and the pole, making the most beautiful sound in the world. The sailor is entranced; he begins to tap the crystals, too. For a moment, it looks as if he'll stay, and the dragon/woman feels hope.

But when the chiming stops, the sailor turns and leaves her alone with her beautiful crystals and a broken heart.

SOURCE: First Person: True Stories by Real People (The Dream Issue), by Tracey West, (1995, self-published zine), p. 8; untitled. I added title to aid searches.

LISTS AND LINKS: family values - bad parenting - dads - mages - spells & curses - dragons - beauty & ugliness - love - flirting & come-ons - crystals - music - rejection, frustration & loneliness - more First Person

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