Crystals and Gems
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What this site is - Add your dreams! - How to read blurbs - Ratings - Copyright - Downloading - The World Dream Bank has 4000 dreams plus 1000 pages on dreamwork, shamanism, surrealism, fantasy, worldbuilding, creativity and genius. Site © Chris Wayan 2001-2022.
THE BATTLE FOR THE RAI DRAGON: by Rikutsu; 2015/12/6, a dream declaring change is ready at last In a corrupt world, a talisman called the Rai Dragon offers hope of real change-- IF it can be found, AND used by someone decent-hearted... |
BLUE CRYSTALS: by Wayan; 1979/5/20 dream offering guidance. Throw a dream-crystal, or dangle it by a thread, and it'll point the way to go... CAUTION: NUDITY |
BREAKING THROUGH HER SHELL: by Mimi c.1985, as told to Patricia Garfield, a what-if dream A bride flies as a ghost, invisible, inaudible, sealed in a crystal shell; a guide shows her what'll happen if she can't shatter her armor and show her love... |
CASSANDRA AND OTTER: by Wayan; 1982/3/14, a reassuring nightmare. I take Cassandra's prophecies seriously, but she can't make sense of my future. So we go see an otter with a crystal ball. But he's installed a new security system... |
CRYSTAL WAVES: by Wayan; 1990. Digital sketch of music-trance. How Bach sounded to me after seeing Fantasia... |
THE CRYSTALLIZERS: by Wayan, 2014/11/21, a surreal dream on the lost art of talking to strangers I'm in an airport full of aliens who, when bored, crystallize until things get fun again. My long planeflight glows like a dragon-hoard! But it's lonely... |
DRAGON-JEWEL: by Wayan; 2013/6/27, a 1001 Nights epic dream disturbingly predictive of ISIS In Old Palmyra, I stumble on a dragon-hoard. Wizards and caliphs hunt me--how to get out of town? Magic carpet? No. I put on a brown coat, borrow a delivery bike, and slowly pedal... |
DRAGON/WOMAN: by Pam Cardiff, 1994/6/20, a dream of a dad's curse A mage turns his daughter into an ugly dragon. She pines for a sailor, but though they make beautiful music with magic crystals, he rejects her... |
EAT THE MOON: by Wayan; 2013/9/4; a weird shamanic dream-poem Lights on the moon! Future cities shine. Gotta fix that time-slip. But in shaman-space, the moon's a deerskull up a tree! I take it down, pocket its jewel-city-eyes and try to stew the moon. I'm Coyote, so my cookery goes wrong... |
FALLING INTO A TESSERACT, and Meeting a Being of Pure Energy: by Dustin Latham, 2019/11/7 I knew I was on my bed, yet I felt myself falling into a tesseract--huge, crystalline, colorful. Inside I met an energy being who explained I'm not meant to die yet; this was just training... CAUTION: UNCONVENTIONAL GOD |
FROM THE HORSE'S MOUTH: by Roswila, August 2002; a dream-poem illustrating dream reentry My horse and I dove into a lagoon and sought buried treasure on the sea-floor. What are we really after? |
GEODE: by Anonymous #30; pre-1961, a clairvoyant dream I dreamed of a valuable geode on a gravel bar in a nearby river, a place I'd never been. The next day I went... |
THE GIFTED CHILD: by Brenda Ferrimani, 2013?, a painting of an incubated dream Previous dreamwork had made it clear my mother had betrayed me; I asked my dreams how to protect myself from those who do not love me... |
GOLD EGG: by James Russell Lowell: 1850s? a dream-poem I dreamt a couple toss out a shabby old hen. But it lays golden eggs! She becomes an eagle and carries me off to... |
GOLD VERSUS DIAMONDS: by Wayan; 1972/1/20, a shameful dream fable. We're children seeking gold in a fairy wood. We meet some elf-kids, chase them off, and dig where they played. Then their parents show up... CAUTION: INTERSPECIES BULLYING |
HORTA'S EGGS: by Wayan; 1984/1/17, a dream of re-evaluation. I fight to save a nest of 50,000 eggs that'll hatch... psychics! But my friends want to exterminate them! Who's wrong here? |
KITTY WANTS TO DIE: by Wayan; 1981/11/9, a nightmare baring a side of me ready to DIE to avoid stuff Kitty, exhausted, stops fighting what's inside her, and lets herself die. Crystalline alien worms burst out, growing till they loom over the spaceport... CAUTION: ADDICTION ROOTED IN AVOIDANCE |
LONG ROAD TO HEAVEN: by Edwin Muir; 1920, an epic hypnogogic shamanic initiation Creatures in the primal sea touch my third eye, dragons cry their eyes out, I fight the Sphinx, and arrive at last in... |
LOST OPAL: by Anonymous #27; pre-1961, a clairvoyant or subliminal dream The opal fell out of my ring somewhere around town. I was heartbroken at the loss. But that night my husband dreamed... |
MINER'S LETTUCE: by Wayan; 1989/1/4, an indigestible little dream. Our cowboy posse tracks a fugitive to a strange amethyst mine, where we're offered peculiar jobs... |
ON THE NIGHT RIDE HOME: by Wayan; 1971/11/8, a dream-poem on pushing past prejudice As I bike home at night, strange doings--a rat is sacrificed; gemstones delivered; an astronaut shows glowing alien objects; a second rat becomes a... firefighter? |
OPELS, OPALS: by Wayan; 1990/6/10; two dreamlets that turn out to be predictive I'm car-buying. My friend has an Opel, but it's sluggish AND a gas hog. How can a car be both? Then... I notice a jar of opals that my grandpa gave me has grown dull with algae! Sheesh, more opals gone bad... I wake and head to work. But at a bottleneck, I'm blocked by this loud group talking on and on about... |
ORBITING THE CRYSTAL PALACE: by Wayan; 1998/1/12, a dream of making a home. A wild flying dream lands me among feral children fighting to live in a glass conservatory of lost flowers... |
THE PHOENIX: by A.C. Benson; 1894. A dream-poem. I don't understand this poem's symbolism or even its style. It came to me whole, in a dream... |
ROAR OF THE SAILS: by Wayan; 1973/9/6, a magical scavenger-hunt dream goes lucid--absurdly. Our teams search through fountains and pavilions, finding & trading the glowing stones. None of the magic makes me go lucid, but as we sail toward the finish line... |
TALISMAN: by Wayan; 2016/3/3, a dream hinting I need some long-term dreamwork! I'm a boy from a Southwestern tribe whose rite of passage is a bike race. I wear a jasper pendant with mysterious powers... |
TAROT: MINE CHILD: by Wayan; Tarot card, 3x5", summer 1978. Deep in the strata inside you, gems lie waiting in the dark for this child to dig them free... |
TWILIGHT'S OVAL GAME: by Wayan; 2017/10/4, three dreams arguing "Friendship is Magic"--literal magic. 1: I failed to save a magic tree. It fell and killed someone. I'm racked with guilt... 2: A giant pinball game on a tilted oval relief-map. But you can only win as a team of six friends... 3: A Caribbean girl with a weird aura tries to align two magic crystals to heal herself... CAUTION: BREASTS, MY LITTLE PONY AS ROLEMODEL |
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