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Change my Grip

Dreamed by Jack Nicklaus, 1964/6/24

A contemporary example of problem solving in dreams was described in the San Francisco Chronicle of June 27, 1964. Jack Nicklaus, the professional golfer, had slumped badly after winning a number of championships. After suddenly regaining his championship form, he told a newspaper reporter: "I've been trying everything to find out what has been wrong. It was getting to the place where I figured a 76 was a pretty good round.

"But last Wednesday night I had a dream and it was about my golf swing. I was hitting them pretty good in the dream and all at once I realized I wasn't holding the club the way I've actually been holding it lately. I've been having trouble collapsing my right arm taking the club head away from the ball, but I was doing it perfectly in my sleep.
"So when I came to the course yesterday morning, I tried it the way I did in my dream and it worked. I shot a 68 yesterday and a 65 today and believe me it's a lot more fun this way. I feel kind of foolish admitting it, but it really happened in a dream. All I had to do was change my grip just a little."

SOURCE: Some Must Watch while Some Must Sleep by William Dement (1972, p.101).

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