Parvati Saws the Wall
Dreamed 2013/6/26 by Wayan
A Himalayan vale; green barleyfields snowfree
below the raw horns. By the old hall, one tree. A martial arts school. Parvati crushes more than boards with fists! Crush on Master Kumar. He awkwards like a novice at her touch; all no.
The final exam: each student alone
But Parvati in love gets a rotary saw
Master Kumar can't jump her (so to speak). He
opens her hole, it lets in day. Parvati beaming sees
Is this a long-planned tactic, or illicit longing's haze,
So you tell me, O reader wise! Is Parvati
No moralizing here. I can only say
to love. To crack conundrums too.
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