Genital Symbolism
A second problem I encountered in building this list is that you can see Freudian symbols everywhere; if I included dreams of cigars, trains in tunnels, baseball bats, honey jars, keys in locks, pencils... this list'd be endless.
The solution? When I say genital symbolism, I mean it! Below are dreams that openly and directly use genitalia (though often pretty strange ones) to express ideas--often abstract, quite nonsexual ideas! Such dreams use something we all grasp to illustrate more abstract insights--they might be called sexual analogies. That's the exact opposite of Freud's notion of symbolism as disguise.
This dream type was first explored by sleep researcher Ann Faraday in the 1970s, in Dream Power and The Dream Game, but the idea goes back centuries--Emanuel Swedenborg's 1744 dream Politics Bites expresses much the same idea.
So... if you dream you have a doorknob or a hamster or blank skin down there, don't panic. Maybe you are a sexual mess, but maybe your dream's warning you about your bank account, or research project, or best friend, or...
Anyway, whatever they mean, here's our Genital Dream Zoo: branched cocks, overheated cunts, migratory penises, decoy pussies, genuine dickheads, vaginal modems, blank crotches, fairies with vaginismus and hyperphallic satyrs...
RELATED TOPICS: sex dreams (many subtypes) - dreams about gender - switching gender in dreams - Freud - Jung - babes - hunks - nudity in dreams - pregnancy and birth - breasts - body image - satyrs - unicorns - cups, chalices, vessels - swords, spears, staves (though not many cigars) - See also the full INDEX OF SUBJECTS.
What this site is - Add your dreams! - How to read blurbs - Ratings - Copyright - Downloading - The World Dream Bank has 4000 dreams plus 1000 pages on dreamwork, shamanism, surrealism, fantasy, worldbuilding, creativity and genius. Site © Chris Wayan 2001-2022.
ACORN AND PELT: by Wayan; 1983/7/19, a simple sex dream growing to a mystical extravaganza I fall in love, defying kidnappers, dwarf-tossers and Toulouse-Lautrec, until I become a time-traveling bunny... CAUTION: SEX, SHAMANISM, DWARF-TOSSING (LAUTREC!) |
AICORN'S BANANA: by Wayan; 2016/6/13, a dream-parable on owning your tastes An artificial intelligence acquires fans and has orgies with her groupies. Her creators don't care as long as the advertisers get product placement. But she has this size fetish... CAUTION: VIBRATORS |
ALL THUMBS: by Wayan; 2022/9/27, a poem of an awkward dream I've gotten used to the second penis I grew, though it limits who'll want me. But this morning I woke with a third. And am I sure the sprouting's done? CAUTION: HORNY |
ANSWERING JUNG: by Wayan; 2005/7/5, a dream parodying one of Jung's key dreams After reading Jung's dreams, I have an anti-Jungian dream of sexy nightmare-statues waiting to come alive, like the tree I draw & bring to life with my literally magic marker... CAUTION: NUDE STATUES |
A PEEL FOR APPROVAL: by Wayan; 1990/9/24, a cautionary dream Ariana's a brilliant young writer, but how she plans to escape her family is alarming... CAUTION: TEEN PREGNANCY, SKIN MAGS, HORRIBLE CAREER PLANNING |
ASK NOT WHAT YOUR CUNT CAN DO FOR YOU: by Wayan; 1989/10/24. A mad nondream digital poster. JFK and Marilyn as our gender archetypes point out the real gender gap: lifespan, not votes! CAUTION: LANGUAGE, BUT I GUESS IT'S TOO LATE NOW |
THE B SIDE OF THE PENIS: by Wayan; 1996/8/26, a sex dream about reprogramming. I erase my sexual tape, and start over. Am I male, female, gay, straight? Uh-oh! What SPECIES? CAUTION: MESSY SEXUAL BOOBOOS |
BALLOONS: by Stan Brakhage; 1975/5/7, an epic, apocalyptic flying dream after a bad plane flight I'm a schoolkid again, fleeing an eruption of sewage. We escape in a balloon. Earth is beautiful, but I know this flood of shit will drown the whole world... |
BASEBALL NAGA: by Wayan; 1971/7/12, a sexy snake dream. Our toy train full of nude baseball players went under the park sprinklers, so naturally our shortstop shelters her friend the outfielder snake. But in there? Isn't it just as wet in there? CAUTION: SCALY SEX |
BEET: Five Dreams One Night: by Wayan; 2013/10/30, Halloween dreams as minipoems Parasites, Rambo, huge fetus-beets, an exhibitionist and a living statue advise me on my love life... CAUTION: NUDITY |
THE BOARD OF KIBITZERS: by Wayan; 1993/10/18, a pseudo-psychic dream about dreams. My therapist changes into a good ol' boy? I can handle that. But that State Board of Kibitzers behind him... |
BOY BODY: by Wayan; recurring dreams on body image, 1959-62, drawn Jan. 1996. Or illus. text version A recurring childhood dream on how weird a boy-body is when you've been a girl too many lifetimes. CAUTION: PUBLIC HUMILIATION, NUDE MONSTERS, SILLY GENITALIA |
BOYS: by Wayan; 1993-99, a gender-equity poem. When girls get their clits cut, even the UN takes notice. But mutilate boy genitals, and... big yawn! CAUTION: TALK ABOUT SEX AND VIOLENCE--BUT HEY, IT'S ONLY BOYS |
BOYS DON'T CRY: by Wayan; 2000/1/7, twin sex nightmares reacting to a movie seen two days later! DREAM 1: My date Lana changes to my housemate Alder to my dead friend Beryl, who talks of pastlife trauma... DREAM 2: Sexy deer-girls and ice dancers get me and my sister hot, but a ghost disrupts impending incest... TWO DAYS LATER: I see Boys Don't Cry--settings, situations, characters & even names from my dream! CAUTION: DEER BREASTS, NEAR-INCEST, FILM ON TRANNYCIDE |
THE BROADS: by Wayan; 1978/11/19, a dream on self-image distortion. We all wear magic beltbuckles. Twist one--your body stretches from squat to willowy. Except mine... CAUTION: SEX, BODY-IMAGE DISTORTION |
BROWN DRESS: by Wayan; 1984/2/11, 9-page digital comic of a sexy healing dream. A champion swimmer tells me how she turned a sexual humiliation into excitement and liberating power... CAUTION: NUDITY, SEX, SHAME, PSYCHOLOGICAL COMPLEXITY |
BUMBREE SYNDROME: by Wayan; 1984/3/14, a comic dream about dreams. Princess Chinchilla and I use an umbrella to escape the Wizard. Now to escape the Dream Researchers!... |
THE CAMBODIAN GIRL: by Wayan; 1996/4/2 dream, sculpted 1998/11/9. VERY mixed media--the boat is warped wood. And the story is warped more... CAUTION: SEX, SHAME FROM EARLY TRAUMA |
CAMERA STRIKE: by Wayan, 1996/10/19, a dream within a dream with a point. I dream I'm a lemur-girl in an emotional maze. I wake to find I'm really a satyr cartoonist. Funny, we have a lot in common! I wake to find... CAUTION: PHALLIC SATYRE |
CENTAURPEDE: by Wayan; a bizarre 1983/3/15 dream predicts a bizarre art job in 2002! Like a long molecule floating in darkness, this dream creature could loop and link to itself... CAUTION: EQUINE NUDITY, LANGUAGE |
CHAPERONE AND REBEL: by Wayan; 1998/5/18, a flirtatious dreamtale. A girl with a magic swimsuit flashes me, as her Iranian fundamentalist aunt glares from beyond the veil... CAUTION: NUDITY? OR ILLUSION? |
CHESS DEVIL: by Wayan; 1997/8/5, a humiliating nightmare. I try to rescue my girl friends losing a boat-chess game to a devil, but they'd rather be with bad-boy him than me... CAUTION: NUDE DEVIL |
CHOCOLATE BALLS: by Wayan, 2022/5/10, a surreal furry dream on Covid bloat I find I'm a self-made... critter. A plushie sewn with zippers so I can stuff any bits of me that seem flat or limp. But my filling's not cotton, polyester or foam. It's chocolate! So I have... CAUTION: CRUDE DREAM, AWFUL PUN |
CIRCLES OF BONE: by Linda Puffer, 1977/4/27, a poem on a surreal body-image dream I realize a bone is protruding between my left armpit and breast. I put Maria's hand on my breast and ask her to feel the bone. But no one grasps what it really is--something sticking out from my heart... |
CIRCUS GIRL: by Wayan; 1993/1/10, a dream of love and trouble. I fall for a circus girl. Her brother is jealous, so all the dwarves show up with guns... CAUTION: INCEST ISSUES |
CLAY AND HOP: by Wayan; 2009/10/30, a dream poem with sketches; Dreamverse #63 I touch the secret soul of a cancer survivor, upsetting her. To apologize, I become a goofy hopping god... CAUTION: FONDLING SACRED FIGURINES |
CLEO'S REVENGE: by Wayan, 2017/1/7, a sculpture of a dream warning "Don't hide sexual attraction" I meet Cleo from Monster High. I like her. Why, that's pedophilia! (Huh? She's AGES old.) Once I hide my Cleophilia, ALL sexual feelings vanish! "I'm sickly & sexless." Oh. The Mummy's Curse! CAUTION: SEX-DENIAL; NUDE CENTAUR |
CLIFFMARE: by Wayan; 1988/10/8; a dream of lust vs freedom. I was a wild mare in heat, torn between longing for sex, touch, love...and the fear of being tamed. CAUTION: HORSE FRUSTRATION |
"CLIT!": by "D'Jeanna"; 2009/9/11, a breakthrough dream after coming out The day after my mom outed me to my dad, I dream a great storm has passed and everything's just glowing... |
THE DARII: by Wayan; 1994/8/15, a predictive dream of another life. I'm trying to prevent a race war, but can I kill someone I admire? And if so, can I live with it? CAUTION: RACISM, VIOLENCE, INTENSE GUILT |
DENTATA: by Emanuel Swedenborg, 1744/10/9, a dream of a toothy vagina--yet not a nightmare Swedenborg's in bed with a woman, but finds she has teeth in her vagina. He interprets it not as revealing some fear of women but as advice about pacing his scientific work. And the surrounding dreams hint he may be right... CAUTION: ALMOST-SEX |
DESERT EYES: by Wayan; 1984/3/4, a dream of portals. We desert-hobbits break through to a world of jungle giants who see differently from us. Will they believe us about the UFOs? |
DETACHABLE PENISES: by Wayan; 2012/8/9, a brain-mapping conundrum dream I don't have an erection. I have two. But how can my brain register feelings from an extra organ it's not built for? CAUTION: PHALLIC SYMBOLISM? OR SOMETHING ELSE? |
MY DEWCLAW: by Wayan; 1997/6/30; dreams within dreams within dreams Body after body is peeled away revealing truth inside truth... CAUTION: GROTESQUE |
DIANE'S TRIANGLE: by Wayan; 1985/10/18, a psychic warning dream. A disturbing dream of my sister and her best friend turns out to be warning me of a sex secret... CAUTION: INCEST TENSION, SURREAL SEX, CHEATING |
THE DILDO SHOW: by Wayan; 2010/1/24, a truly awful dream sitcom I dream of a TV sitcom with passive boytoys, dildo balloons & a relentless laughtrack... CAUTION: OH, READ THE TITLE |
DOCTOR OR LOVER? by Norma, as told to Gayle Delaney, 1994 or before; a therapist-inadequacy dream? SITUATION: I was attracted to my prospective therapist. I asked my dreams what to do... DREAM: His wife vanishes. We get in bed. I feel such love I ignore how tiny his penis is... AFTER: In the morning, I decide I'd be wise to work with a different therapist... CAUTION: SEX |
DREAMS BLOCK VAMPIRE ARROWS: by Wayan; 1995/3/30, an encouraging nightmare. Fighting vampire archers is risky enough WITH proper armor! And all I have is dream-journals... CAUTION: MENTIONS BATTERING |
A DRY DREAM: by Wayan; 1999/8/30, the opposite of a wet dream. A nightmare turns to a sex dream turns to a weird demonstration just how out-of-body a dream can get... CAUTION: (PUZZLING) SEX |
THE EGYPTIAN GOD: by Wayan; 1991/12/21, a 7-year precognitive dream. Egyptian archeologists dig up a living god. He sees us as dolls to play with, but we've grown up... CAUTION: GOD AS A RAPIST |
THE ELEVATOR PROPOSAL: by Wayan, 2004/10/15, a dream baring a subtle lifelong pattern I'm in an elevator with a giant guy with a hotel cart bearing a silver platter. On it, an erect penis. The guy tries to enlist me in his program to... what? CAUTION: CARTOON PENIS |
ERECTION 2000: by Wayan, 2000/11/28; ceramic sculpture 9" tall; response to stolen 2000 election. A candidate glad to shake your hand... though not all you voters will want him to... CAUTION: ANOTHER PRICK RUNNING FOR OFFICE |
THE EVEREST MARATHON: by Wayan; 1986/4/12, a wild dream epic, part 3 of Unicorn Tag. In the great race up Everest, I become an e-snake, cross 3 eco-bubbles, beg a wary deer-taur to splice my spine, help Ariane my childhood crush, and solve the Dream Equations. Climbing Everest takes not strength but... trust? |
FIRE-CATS: by Wayan; 1981/10/10; twin dream-poems on over-discipline For mere disobedience, I EXECUTE a forest-fire-fighting cat! So next I'm trapped in a security-obsessed job; how do I like it? I flee... |
FISH BIRTH: by Katherine Metcalf Nelson; c.1978/11/15; a nightmare My little son accidentally tears the tail off our goldfish. The wound looks vaginal. The fish, moaning in pain, turns into my daughter... |
FISHERGIRLS: by Wayan; 2.6M, 42 illus.; 1996/7/15; a sexy dream epic. I had an epic dream lasting subjective weeks--a true other life. It wasn't Earth and we weren't human. I was a teenage lemur, sailing with two friends into unknown waters--a rite of passage. One night, my friends curled round me, I saw I didn't WANT to pass the test, be declared a woman, marry, and have pups. I loved my girl friends. In a world lacking the very word, I was groping toward queerdom. Sailing into unknown waters! "Here be dragons," the old maps say. And they were right... 2600K loads slowly? Try it in parts: 1: HOME, 650K, 2: VOYAGE, 1200K, 3: BACK 750K. CAUTION: NUDITY, SEX, QUEER TEEN ANGST, ANTI-FUNDAMENTALISM |
FIVE HEARTS: by Wayan; dreamed 1989/1/11; sexy psychic unicorn dream-comic (text only: FIVE HEARTS) I'm a nurse pulled through a glowing well to a world ruled by a five-hearted unicorn, who wants me to... CAUTION: NUDITY, SEX FANTASIES, LONGING, MELANCHOLIA |
FIVE-HORNED BULL: by Michel Leiris; late 1954, a comic nightmare I need money, so I sign up to be the sacrificial bull in a corrida. I've grown the contractual five horns. But at the last moment I won't sign--it's suicide!... CAUTION: WHERE'S THAT FIFTH HORN? |
FLYING, FIGHTING, LOVE: by Emanuel Swedenborg, 1744/4/23, a dream of... oh, guess! Swedenborg fights a flying woman over a lake, then is in bed with another. After some language and privacy problems, all goes so well he thinks they've made a child... CAUTION: VIOLENCE, SEX |
FOINBREK THE MOOSE: by Wayan; 1993/12/4, a dreamtale on love and work. My lesbian twin, who lives in the unemployment line, falls in love with a pushy moose from Brooklyn... CAUTION: INEPT SEX |
THE GIANT: by Jim Shaw; c.1994, a dreamlet on rage about... what? At a beach, a man attacks the genitals, buttocks and thighs of a giant who sits half in the surf, ignoring him... CAUTION: NUDITY, MUTILATION ATTEMPTS |
THE GLOWING CLIT: by "Allison Skywalker"; 2009/6/21, a bizarre dream-surgery fragment I'm a revolutionary hiding in the woods. I wake to find an erect penis crudely stitched onto my crotch... |
GOOEY DICK: by R. Moreau; c. 2015/12/25, c. 2016/3/12, 2016/3/26, a recurring ambivalent sex dream I keep dreaming of sex with my friend Connor. But a wound on his dick oozes white gunk. He says it's common... CAUTION: SEX, WEIRD GENITALIA |
GOTTA BE ME, OR...: by Wayan; 1989/9/5, a surreal sex dream with advice A friend tells me her sex fantasy. We try acting it out, but roleplaying has bizarre effects... CAUTION: SEX GAMES |
HALF-COCKED: by Larry Vigon; 2004/1/4; an alarming dream I'm in the army, in line for a prostitute. An earlier dream cut my cock in two. It heals, but my stodgy technique bores my assigned girl; and the cops break the legs of girls who try to leave. A riot begins--can I even escape? CAUTION: STARTS SORDID, ENDS BRUTAL |
HAVE YOUR COCK AND EAT IT TOO: by Wayan; 2007/4/14, a dream of happy autocannibalism I grew extra penises which bud off me like fruit. So I fry them up like sausages, and... CAUTION: GENITALIA FOR LUNCH |
HAWK CENSORS: by Wayan; 1988/7/7, a surreal predictive dream on censorship All the photos of hawk people I can find show them with bizarre genitalia: males with hawk-heads for penises, and females with nothing. Blank! Then I go to work... CAUTION: REVERSE SEXISM |
HOT, BOTHERED AND BEWILDERED: by Wayan; 1981/5/8, a dreamtale. In a club, a new genderbending band. One singer gets me hot, but completely confused--for good reason... CAUTION: SEXUAL SITUATIONS, GENDERBENDING |
A HOT SKATER: by Wayan; 1997/5/8, a suggestive dream. A skater so hot, she tears her clothes off and starts melting the ice! I'm shy with her: thin ice, you know... CAUTION: NUDITY |
THE HUMAN BUTTERFLY: by Peter Wortsman; 1986, a bizarre dream I wanted to be human, but Mom said "You'll always be just a lousy caterpillar." So I slipped inside a human girl. After some arguments with her boyfriend, I got born as a human-faced butterfly... CAUTION: UNDERAGE SEX AND MOM |
I FIND MYSELF CRYING: by Anonymous #51, before 1978, a cathartic dream of acceptance I was in a sort of commune. A girl snuggled up to me and I got an erection. I felt embarrassed and apologized. She said "NEVER apologize for THAT..." CAUTION: SEXUAL SHAME/HEALING |
I MIST MY SISTER: by Cory and Wayan; 1992/9/20; a dream-comic. Cory's healing dream triggers one by Wayan My friend Cory's sore back is healed by a dream. So I ask for the same, and get this dream of incest... CAUTION: KARMA, SEX/NUDITY, INCEST ISSUES |
THE INCEST DREAM: by Maxine Kumin; 1979? a dream-poem As my brother was dying, I had a series of vivid premonitory dreams about him. But I was unprepared for... |
I'M AN INTERSEX AND I'M OKAY: by Wayan; 1992/11/7, a body-image dream. I discover I'm not exactly a man OR a woman; so why not throw out their standards and roles and be me? CAUTION: SEXUAL SELF-EXAM |
INTERNAL SCROLL: by Carolee Schneemann, 1975, an embarrassing dream acted out on stage I dreamed I was pulling a scroll out of my vagina and reading it like a tickertape. I was reluctant to perform the dream--I knew I'd get into trouble!--but I felt compelled... CAUTION: NUDITY |
THE KEYRING OF ATTACHMENTS: by Wayan; 1974/5/31, a dream gone too far. Swayed by sinister surgeons, I go all Buddhist and give up my attachments, including various organs... CAUTION: DIVESTABLE GENITALIA |
LIE TO AVOID MURDER: by Wayan; 2016/3/3, a sex dream prompting nonsexual action Two jealous women symbolize Hillary Clinton & Donald Trump. Trump wants me to KILL Clinton. I lie to avoid... CAUTION: SLEAZE? OR A SLY WAY TO PROTECT VICTIM? |
LONELY NO MORE!: by Wayan; 2000/3/27, a sculpture of American singlehood. The Dating Fairy, built on lonely evenings waiting for her to call me back--whoever "her" was that week... CAUTION: NUDITY, SEXUAL THEMES |
MAGIC FINGER: by Katherine Metcalf Nelson; 1982 (May?); a nightmare veering into mystery Morocco. Horseback mercenaries attack a town. A boy says "Take their lifestyle, and you must remove their brains." A protective Hand of Fatima dissolves, leaving a finger, a feather, a... vagina. "What a slit!" We burst into laughter... |
THE MAN-EATER: by Carl Jung, 1879; a precocious formative nightmare. Jung (at age three and a half) sees a terrifying god deep underground, and is told “That is the man-eater!”... |
A MARKET STREET CONCERT: by Wayan, 1998/4/2, a sexy dreamfable. On a downtown street, a classmate is singing for change. I can't resist seeing if I can distract her... CAUTION: THEY'RE BOTH EXHIBITIONISTS |
MINOR SURGERY: by Wayan; 1999/2/25, a dream misinterpreted. A man goes in for minor surgery and wakes up changed. I feel creepy, but for all the wrong reasons... |
MIRRORCUNT: by Wayan; 2011/3/24, a peculiar erotic dream image After singing dream songs on stage, I dream of a girl on a talkshow displaying the strangest vagina in history... CAUTION: NUDITY |
NIGHTMARE QUARTET: by Hans Rickheit; before May 1991, four Dada nightmares Ow! My body parts grow & shrink... A mad orchestra leader pulverizes me for nonconformity... The Brady Bunch crams siblings into a waterpipe one by one. I'm next! My bones crunch... I'm blindfolded, perched on a miles-high needle piercing my big toe. Blood drips down... CAUTION: GLEEFULLY GROSS |
NORASINGH: by Wayan; 1987/1/15, a Tantric Frankenstein dream. I fall in love with my sculpture of a mythical Southeast Asian creature. Then a mad yogi breaks in... CAUTION: SEX, TANTRA, AND GENERAL WEIRDNESS |
NOT A LICK OF E.S.P.: by Wayan; 2021/10/22, a sex dream not about sex (or ESP) After an impatient bookseller puts me down, I dream I'm licking a girl who nothing pleases... |
NUMB CUNT COMES ALIVE: by Wayan; 1996/6/18, a dreamtale on flow. My lover's half-mechanical cunt wakes fully--a first. But what inspired my dream wasn't sexual at all... CAUTION: SEXUAL SYMBOLISM |
ORIOLE GIRL: by Wayan; 1992/1/23, psychic dream told as illustrated poem. While conducting a census of fairies in Golden Gate Park, I fall in love with an abused oriole-girl, and we try to heal one another... CAUTION: AWKWARD SEX |
OSENTO: by Wayan; 1991/2/15. Digital painting based on a dream. Osento is a bath house that my friends all love. But women only. So I dream I change sex just to... CAUTION: NUDITY, GRATUITOUS HAPPINESS |
PENIS IN A BREADBASKET: by Beverly, 1994 or earlier, as told by Gayle Delaney; a marriage-advice dream Beverly dreamt her party guests all wore masks. What were they hiding? Next she dreamt they passed around a breadbasket. In it was her husband's penis! She woke, asked around, and found he'd had affairs with half their guests... CAUTION: GENITAL SYMBOLISM |
PIXY CONCUSSION: by Wayan; 2006/3/11, a diagnostic sex-dream comic, 9 p. (or illus. text) Janet's obsessed with a creepy guy till her pixy friend Kay decides to "knock some sense into her cunt"--literally... CAUTION: LANGUAGE, NASTY LOVE SPELL, PIXIE NUDITY |
POIROT AND THE DICKHEADS: by Wayan; 2010/3/11, a comic antilucid dream I'm detective Hercule Poirot, but I'm losing my case and my brain-- because my story isn't by Agatha Christie, it's a knockoff... CAUTION: PINK DILDO HATS |
POLITICS BITES: by Emanuel Swedenborg, 1744/4/13, a dream of... read the title! |
Swedenborg's in bed with a woman, but she has teeth down there. Oh, now and she's not a woman, but his political buddy Johan! Well, maybe it means not to get involved with women, or men, or... politics? CAUTION: JUST WEIRD |
ROCKY LOVE: by Wayan; 1984/1/18, a dream farce. |
A friend's tragic accident confines him to disco roller skates for life! Worse yet, he's in a Rocky Relationship... CAUTION: "ROCKY HORROR" REFS, SEX |
SATYR: by Wayan; 1999/4/1, a frustrating wish-fulfillment dream (yes, both). |
I'm a faun, the oracle for a Greek village. But my predecessor set up rituals I want to change... CAUTION: SEX, PAGANISM, SELF-SATYRE |
SATYR AND TWILIGHT: by Wayan; 2018/9/1, an epic dream perhaps foreseeing the pandemic |
A spell kills off nearly all humanity and mutates the rest of us. Now I'm a satyr living in a co-op home with unicorns, dryads, cattaurs, and shy vampires. Thing is, I prefer the Apocalypse to what came before... CAUTION: NUDE CREATURES |
SEX FLOWER: by Wayan; 1996/11/8, clay & acrylic sculpture, 9" tall. |
Robe or petals? Head or lilybud? Face or tongue or clit or slit? An eerie hybrid of person and flower... CAUTION: SOMETHIN' HAPPENIN' HERE, BUT WHAT IT IS AIN'T EXACTLY CLEAR |
SHHHH!: by Wayan; 1981, daydream in ink. |
A sudden image of a woman whose other lips not only talked, they wouldn't shut up. Worse yet, they... CAUTION: NUDITY |
THE SHRINKING POPE: by Sorcha; 2005/4/1, a Jane Bond dream |
I’m the only one who can stop the plot to kill the Pope--but if he keeps shrinking like that, will it matter? CAUTION: RECOVERING CATHOLIC |
SILKY'S WEDDING: by Wayan; 1988/1/6, a dreamtale. |
Silky, my often-animal anima, leads me into a strange pagan church where we get married at last... |
SING A HAPPY TUNE: by Wayan, daydream, crayon, 2003/7/27. |
A sketch of a whistling punk girl somehow mutated into a fairy holding a songbird of sorts... CAUTION: "THE BIRD" |
SINK JOHN: by Wayan; 1981/5/25, a dreamtale on "when in Rome..." |
My friend sleeps with an alien. He's ugly, but I don't care. What bothers me is, he eats bits of himself... CAUTION: SEX, RECREATIONAL CANNIBALISM, PROSTITUTION, THE KITCHEN SINK |
THE SPARE: by Wayan; 1998/6/9, a disorienting dreamtale. |
I wake to find I have two penises, one connected, one free-floating! How do its sensations reach my brain? CAUTION: WANDERING WEENIES! |
SQUASH WITH WHITE SAUCE: by Wayan; 1983/12/17, not a symbolic dream, no no |
I'm in a department store trying on clothes when I notice there's a large zucchini growing from my crotch... CAUTION: SQUASHY PENIS, ICKY RECIPE |
STALLION, NOT MARE: by Wayan; 2018/2/12, a road-rage weirdo provokes an even weirder dream |
DAY: a stranger screams "BITCH! Plant a TREE!" Thinks I'm female and wants to fight over an old bumper sticker? DREAM: I'm a horse detective. In shades, lipstick, & high heels I try to pass as a mare. Absurd! A stallion in drag... CAUTION: HORSE NUDITY. OH WAIT, THAT'S NORMAL. |
STUCK SNAKE: by Wayan; 2011/9/8; a set of dreams that out-Freud Freud |
Girls flash and strip and crawl into bed with me, but I'm blind to their interest-- till I become a snakeboy and discover the real limitations of phallic symbolism... CAUTION: NUDITY, STUPIDITY |
SUBMERGED IN THE WAVE: by Jenny Badger Sultan, 1988/8/3, a comic nightmare |
I'm holding a pornographic novel, trying to keep it dry, as huge waves flood the room. The book and I are both going to get drenched... |
SUCK MY CONE!: by Wayan, 1995/1/11, a bluesy dream. |
Nerds built the blues. Rick Moranis, famous blues-nerd, makes a groupie suck his ice cream cone... CAUTION: MOCKS MUSIC, RACE, VANILLA ICE (CREAM)... |
THE SUMMONERS: by Jim Shaw; between 1987 & Jan. 1995, a mysterious dream |
Two nude women (drawn Wally Wood style) dance ritually in a forest, summoning a worm-snake-dragon with a ring of fangs... CAUTION: NUDITY |
SURPRISE THAT PENIS: by Wayan; 1986/2/18, a subtly psychic dream. |
I hijack a Lacewing Chopper to install a new rubber-band engine, but the motor becomes a talkative penis, and... CAUTION: ONE WEIRD WEENIE |
SWISS-CHEESE FAIRY: by Wayan; dreamed 1983/7/15, sculpted 2000: ceramic/wire/silk, 17" |
I met an elfin girl who's tattooed realistic vaginas all over her body, as... decoys? For she has... CAUTION: NUDITY, TATTOOS, TABOOS... |
TAKE STOCK OF YOUR PELVIS: by Wayan; 1980/1/11, a sexual dream that isn't. |
A friend stockpiling for Armageddon shows me what I thought was lust is really a need to learn... pelvic anatomy? Why? CAUTION: NUDITY; LANGUAGE; WE FIND OUT WHY |
THE TALE OF A MISFIT COCK: by Wayan; 1999/1/25, a media-fable dream. |
I'm in Japan, where Rumiko Takahashi tells me of a tragic chicken who longs to be a lounge singer... |
TEMENOS: by Wayan; 1997/6/17, a psychic dream. |
I'm at a Robert Bly camp for men only. But I'm no man--not even human--some faun or satyr-like species... CAUTION: THIS 'TEMENOS' IS A SACRED PHALLIC IMAGE |
THIEF OF DREAMS: by Wayan; 1996/11/29, a sexy soul-swap dream; a 22-page comic (or text w/pics) |
I was a mermaid trying to find Count Coyote's stolen dreams, so I could marry my human girlfriend... CAUTION: NUDITY, SEX, LESBIAN MARRIAGE, ANTI-FUNDAMENTALISM |
THIRD EYE: by Wayan; 2009/3/25, three diverse dreamlets on the same theme: enlightenment |
1: Three sisters flash me; one has a third eye in there! Clothed, it's blind. Was she just enlightening herself? 2: In the future, most cars self-drive. I'm the last driver using my own muscles and mind. Can I hold out? 3: A friend charts all of history's wars to prove: democracies don't fight each other. So to get peace... CAUTION: NAKED EYE |
THUMBSUCKER!: by a patient of William Hammond, c.1868, an epic comic taste dream |
I paint my thumb with bitter aloes to break my habit of sucking it at night. I dream of wormwood, ox gall, mineral salts. I consult Dr. Save Me and even the Pope, but... |
TINA FEY TRIES TO FLY: by Wayan; 2017/4/24, a mystical feminist farce of a dream |
In a world where speech is in Mayan glyphs, comedian Tina Fey (dressed for prom night) climbs a Tibetan peak to learn levitation. But the flying monks are scared of women... CAUTION: COOTIES; ROWDY JESUS; MAY FLUNK THE BECHDEL TEST |
TOUGH GLOVE: by Wayan; 1999/12/4, an advisory dreamlet |
I finally find a way to safely indulge in heavy petting as well as puns) with a playful but scratchy cat... |
THE TRAIN: by John Hollander; spring 1974; a poem based on a shared dream |
A couple slips in and out of sleep, dreams, one another's bodies and dreamworlds, trying to connect... CAUTION: FREUDIAN SYMBOLISM, LITERATE WRITING |
UNICOITUS INTERRUPTUS: by Wayan, 2024/10/21, a triple sex-frustration dream |
1: My unicorn girlfriend and I are in bed. As we near orgasm, idiots bumble in, wanting help. 2: Deal with their demands, shoo them out, go back to bed. As we near orgasm, idiots... 3: Deal with their demands, shoo them out, go back to bed. As we near orgasm, idiots... CAUTION: SURREAL, BUT PREDICTIVE |
UNICORN BOY: by Wayan; drawing 1984, shaded 2001; dream-self portrait. |
Me as a unicorn boy. Though I got a haircut since then, and most people can't see the horn... CAUTION: NUDITY |
UNICORN SIXTY-NINE: by Wayan; 1982, ink, a recurring nondream sexfantasy. |
A bizarre image I had of unicorns whose horns really were horny, with some maidens and princes... CAUTION: LEERING SEX! LURID COLOR! LAME LINES! |
THE VAT MESSIAH: by Wayan; 1985/2/27, an epic dream of magic, flight, and sex |
In our cult, we lie in vats of goo till we grow wings. But we're feared more than we knew... CAUTION: SPECIST LYNCH MOB, NUDE IN SCHOOL, LESBIAN FEELINGS, OBSCENE CARROT |
VIRGIN ON THE VERGE: by Wayan, 1992/8/8. Digital picture-poem |
Ever since I was battered I feel like a virgin again: longing, but wary--scared where sex may lead... CAUTION: CARTOON NUDITY, SEXUAL THEMES |
WARIA: by Wayan; 1987/3/23, digital painting of a pointed advisory dream. |
My life was a sex disaster. I felt ugly and sick. Then I dreamed I found a counselor who really helped. But my parents warned me against her. Why? They explained: WARNING: NUDITY |
WERTZ!: by Wayan; 2023/10/14, a night of cartoonist-inspired dreams |
After seeing Julia Wertz's cartoon history of her entire dreamlife (on one big page!) I dream Wertz style all night! I don't mind the nightmares--what gets me down is comics' black & white... CAUTION: NIGHTMARES, SEX |
THE WHITE WAVE: by Jenny Badger Sultan, 1988/8/3, a comic nightmare |
I'm holding a pornographic novel, trying to keep it dry, as huge waves flood the room. The book and I are both going to get drenched... |
WHO'LL BE MY LOVE?: by Wayan; 1986/4/14, a dream noir farce; part 4 of UNICORN TAG. |
I'm a hardboiled detective wincing as I grill a meek little psychic (probably me) about squish-softboiled topics like unicorns and love... CAUTION: SMUTTY UNICORN MAKES EVEN COPS BLUSH |
WILD MAGIC: by Wayan, 2018/1/8, a dream on finding a place |
A teacher drafts me into her magic class to shake up her sheltered wizard-wannabes. My magic's wild, ignoring spells and rules. I don't think I realized how wild... CAUTION: NUDITY |
WIRES: by Wayan; 1957-1963, a recurrent childhood nightmare resolved by drawing, 1999/12/8 |
I was bodiless but trapped. All I could see were these moving wires. Whenever a knot drifted by... CAUTION: MADNESS, TORMENT, TELEPATHY, SEXUAL REBELLION |
A WISE WRITER PROTECTS HER EYES: by Wayan; 1998/8/19, an advisory dream. |
A writer I meet is either flirting with me obscenely, or advising me about eyecare, or... are those the same? CAUTION: EXHIBITIONISM |
WOLF DROOL: by Wayan; 2011/12/16, a seeming sex dream that's really health advice! |
Miniaturized, smuggled over a border inside a she-wolf's mouth, I long for where I got briefly hidden--her labia. But healing first, sex later! CAUTION: FURRY SMUT; WEIRD SCIENCE (BUT REAL!) |
THE WORM: by Emily Dickinson, mid-1870s?, a nightmare-poem |
Emily Dickinson ties up a worm she mistrusts. Bad move! It grows into a talking snake with a score to settle... |
XANTHE'S TUNNEL: by Xanthe & Wayan; 1999/6/11, two possibly telepathic dreams |
I'm a dyke playing baseball in Golden Gate Park. Some guys harass us and run into a tunnel. I follow, but... |
ZUCCHINI GIRL: by Wayan; 1996/9/23, a dreamtale on acting out. |
I find the truth about my childhood. My parents lied! I hide for days, then dub myself Zucchini Girl and go onstage, humping squash, calling it performance art! So do my friends see a problem? Hmm... CAUTION: EXHIBITIONISM |
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