Penis in the Breadbasket
Dreamed by Beverly, 1994 or earlier, as told by Gayle Delaney
Sometimes people first admit to themselves in a dream that their partner is actually having a secret affair. In such cases, the affair's telltale signs are somehow missed or ignored until the dreaming individual creates an undeniable eye-opener. For a couple of years, Beverly had this recurring dream:
I am at one of my husband's and my frequent dinner parties, but I seem mostly to be an observer. I notice that although everyone looks normal, I know that they are all in costume.Finally one night she dreamt:I awake crying terribly, without knowing why.
My husband and I are at another one of our dinner parties. The bread basket is passed around to the women only. When it gets to me, I see not bread inside it but my husband's penis.Beverly awoke shocked. She summoned up her courage and asked her husband if he was having an affair. He said "I can't imagine why you'd have such a silly dream."
But this time Beverly was so disturbed by the dream that she did some investigating and discovered that her husband had indeed had sex with most of the women who regularly had attended their dinner parties.
Beverly cancelled her next dinner party and divorced her husband.
SOURCE: Sexual Dreams by Gayle Delaney (1994 ed) p.138-9
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