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Gold Necklace

Dreamed c.1970 by Elaine, as reported by Ann Faraday

...A friend of ours, Elaine, who has been keeping a dream diary for many years and has given us several examples of apparent ESP coming into play in a defensive role, as an extension of the heart's normal watchdog mechanism.

In a dream that took place some years ago she saw her husband placing a gold necklace around the neck of a young, slim, dark girl, and woke up in distress. It later transpired that her husband had indeed been having an affair with a girl of this description at the time and that on the very night Elaine dreamed of the gold necklace, he had given her one for her birthday that corresponded in detail with Elaine's recorded description of the dream necklace.

While Elaine might have picked up subliminal vibes from her husband's behavior about the ongoing affair, there was no way she could have known about the birthday or the necklace, since her husband had bought it while away from home and destroyed the receipt.

This seemed like a genuine case of ESP being used like psychic radar to spy on her husband. Elaine said he had never given her a necklace and had always seemed totally uninterested in birthdays, often forgetting hers altogether.

Soon afterward, Elaine divorced her husband...

SOURCE: The Dream Game, Ann Faraday, Harper & Row, 1976 ed.; pp 323-4. Passage untitled; 'Gold Necklace' added to aid searches.


Faraday tells this to support her theory that apparent ESP may be hard to prove or disprove, but why it crops up is consistent--to aid the "underdog" side of the psyche, in Gestalt terms. It's not under conscious control and serves unconscious emotional goals (here, jealousy & insecurity) thus explaining some of its notorious inconsistency.

--Chris Wayan

LISTS AND LINKS: love - triangles - envy - gifts & generosity - privacy & secrets - truth & lies - breakups - subliminal or psychic? - Gestalt top- & underdogs - Ann Faraday - more examples of her "underdog's radar/sonar" model of apparent ESP: Artie Shaw, Ronald's Forbidden Field, Hatchet Job, Long Johns

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