Dreamed 1981/10/10 by Wayan
Dream 1 | ||
We're fire lookouts. Our cabin, glass,
Heron-rears atop a forest hill. I rule a team of fire-fighting little cats being field-tested. Not just trained-- they become a train! Fire-cats link
Camp at eve on riverbeach. We'll reach
If you call that justified! Felicide
Next morn, we climb over pillow-hills
We're packing to chuff on home to Lookout
when a human fire brigade comes red-clad with a gleaming truck all envy. Golden bell. They bear a small red coffin. Their pall Bearers hold a kitten-cinder: brave daughter of the greenhouse cat I martinetly slew. The poor kit scorched to death. Fire-heroine. I
Say "You're right, and I'm glad you did.
Half awake now, I feel my leader-fuss
Or like that crazy Frenchman in the film
You only hurt the ones you herd. They're cats.
And pussies train themselves. They learn. Oh, let the bedfire burn. |
Dream 2 | ||
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