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Silky Cleans the Underworld

Dreamed 2023/5/26 by Wayan

I'm so tired of the underworld. Hell
modernized--a mall. Lit, mild; so few
three-headed mutts these days, but lots
of pitchforkless folk. Polite enough.

Still, eternal gloom. No sky. Blue
shadows aren't enough. Rough
ribs and dripping roof of stone
get old after moons without a moon.

Seeking a slither out, I try a dim
trackless subway tunnel I've never seen.
Pooling floor. Oh. Because a teen
girl with black hair, orange safety vest

camo shorts, yellow rainboots and grin
is blasting the Moria labyrinth clean
with a high-pressure hose. She's
my anima. All work today, no tease.

Skirt Silky's spray and showerdrain.
Beyond, a door. Locked again?
No! Rock funnel widens into bright
vaulted gallery. Arches. Light-

wells let day-shafts slant on in,
ethereal buttresses of sheen.
Bone-tired, I can't rev to a run;
vine-slow, I plod toward sun.

My anima Silky cleans the underworld with a firehose. Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.


LISTS AND LINKS: the underworld - frustration - loneliness - the closet? - my anima Silky - water - cleanup & maintenance - babes, hunks & sexy creatures - therapy - dream advice - perseverance - pencil dream art - Jane Gifford cleans her underworld too

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