My Dream of Celibacy
Dreamed c.1984 by Sibbie O'Sullivan
Last night a life guard swam to me.
I was waiting on the bottom, like treasure. He took me in his strong blond arms and swam to the 3-feet side where he stood me up. With my hips under water he smiled at me and shook shells from my hair; then he ran his hand down my shoulder, "That was a close one," rearranging the strap of my suit. "Yes, but didn't you see the moon," I said, "how it hung its stockings on the line to dry." "I understand," he said and moved closer and placed one blond finger on my lip, as if to brush off sand. Suddenly I could say no more and the water rushed out around my legs and I was growing together getting ready for the sea and large rocks. It was April. "It's only a part-time job," he said, turning, and with the ease of a sailor lifted himself from the pool. I saw the water run down the deep crease of his back, the deep blond hair of his calves. In the day I walk to the highschool
SOURCE: Dreamworks: an Interdisciplinary Quarterly (v.4, no.1, 1984, p.13)
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