Mom in the Driver's Seat
Dreamed before 1985; the initial dream of a patient of Jungian therapist Peter O'Connor
The... patient was a twenty-two-year-old single girl, whose presenting problem was one of depression, which had come to the fore during a recent holiday. She had this dream some time before she saw me, and it was this dream that... prompted her to contact me.
I was with my mother visiting a close family at a girlfriend's house and had stayed overnight and was sick in the morning. My mother was to drive me to work and I was very concerned about being late.SOURCE: Understanding Jung, Understanding Yourself by Peter O'Connor, 1985, pp. 135-6.We were driving down High Street looking across to the right and there was a friend of mine and three other young people in a car moving at the same pace slightly ahead of us.
I had a very strong desire to be in this other car with my friend but was held back in my mother's car. I was late for work and I missed my first appointment with a colleague and I had a strong sense of not living up to my responsibilities, of having let my colleague down and also of being very, very angry with my mother.
Dreams at the start of therapy matter. Some take a lot of interpretation, but this one's scorchingly clear. Mom's in the driver's seat, holding her back, and she's furious.
--Chris Wayan--
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