Dreamed 1982/3/7 by Chris Wayan
They tinkered with the Sun-- Warmed us up again. God, I hate that lava rain!
We settled in a Ring.
They knew our highwire
Springfall wilts and slinks
Christian, Buddhist hell on one side
Oh but you know
The railroad line saw dawn.
Don't tinker with the Sun:
I guess I must tell her
Yet she was and is |
I can't recall now what year it was discovered that Mercury was NOT perpetual day on one side, endless night on the other, but my dream took me to that lost Mercury of my childhood--fire side, ice side, but in between, at the dawn-dusk line, a temperate ring, where domed cities and farms might flourish. The ringworld that never was.
I was extremely fragile in 1982: still recovering physically as well as emotionally from an abusive relationship. The dream warned me I was as fragile as a fire-ice ecobalance... just not stable enough to get involved with a certain fiery girl.
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