Sky and Prester John
dreamed 2009/9/30 by Wayan.
I bike to Rainbow Grocery to use a discount coupon. Go on a shopping spree. Well, I fill my bike-basket. Dinky spree.
Then my friend Mike and I tear down three dead chimneys that'd shade my new solar panels. One turns out to be live, a vent for a basement waterheater, so we just shorten it; but we demolish most of the other two. Work til sundown, but can't finish--we lack a ladder tall enough. Damn.
I watch The Colbert Report for the first time. He shows a video of the Pope with a spider on his neck. "What if he were bitten--we may get a Spiderpope! Webspinning PLUS infallibility, a one-two punch! Seeks out sin with... Popey Sense?"
Next, a documentary on showcat breeders, who say they love their cats but keep 'em in cages or locked in houses--what are they, stuffed toys?
Before bed: read Ariel Schrag's memoir Likewise, on growing up bi in Berkeley. Ariel guiltily wants both Sally (away at college) and her sister (here now). Resonated for me, since I spent last year loving both Em (east coast) and Cheryl (here).
Dream 1: Sky Dates my Neurotic Sister
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I love my classmate Sky, but I've gone shy
ever since she told me that she's bi and has been dating my sister. Rivalry! And not a sister I have in day, not Miriel nor Althea; they're fused to Mal. Lovely, twenty-five, smart... neurotic as hell. Convinced she's trouble, in endless therapy,
Sky feels down. Feels jerked around. She
Feel so sad. But uneasy too. Am I better? Sky
but I never propose: "Date me--I'm sane!"
Dream 1: Notes and Guesses
Dream 2: Hide from Prester John
I'm early for my next class. I have a key,
But the holymen helplessly hover: no pope has a key.
So far, the front steps seem free of their
Dream 2: Notes and Guesses
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