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Birds of Dream

Dreamed between 1981 & '87 by Kathleen Raine

Those birds of dream,
Circling high as eagles the skies of sleep,
Descending to rest in trees --
I saw with wonder birds of paradise,
Rainbow-hued, luminous
Their plumage, and others grey as doves.
Again into that inner sky they rose, but then
Returned once more to await. Are these
Birds of soul's country images
Of earth, remembered? Peacocks
Adorning miniatures of Brindavan, or Persian pages
Painted with two squirrel-hairs by craftsmen
Skilled in marvels,
Are they of inner or of outer skies,
Nature's splendour, or memory's?
Or are earth's peacocks' jewelled ocelli
Mirrors of paradise? Their plumes
That make the light shimmer are only dust
Of the earth, their lustre in the beholder's eye.
Where, of what land are they?
Or when did dust and spirit
So separate that creatures of clay
Ceased to mean heaven,
The birds of heaven fly from our waking world away?


I renamed this from her generic title The Dream. Even within her own body of work; Raine named at least three poems A Dream or The Dream. And she's not alone; every poet (or prose writer, or painter for that matter) seems to do this--not Cows in Space or Doorknob Orgasm or whatever the dream was--they record the mere fact they remembered a dream at all. Handy for those of us searching the undream world for dreams, but here on a site devoted to dreams...

--Chris Wayan

SOURCE: Collected Poems by Kathleen Raine, 2001, p.300

LISTS AND LINKS: birds - color - Paradise? - dream poems - more Kathleen Raine

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