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Dreamed 1994/5/1 by Chris Wayan
Small screen, slow connection? try illustrated text version
- Locked in: This echoes my recent dream In the Shadow of Man, where I was an experimental animal, genetically tweaked into intelligence. Imprisoned in a human lab, I was slowly winning freedom and personhood through words...
- Krelkin film = John Sayles's new film "The Secret of Roan Inish", chronicling a biracial family with seal/selkie blood and a history of shapeshifting...
- The Moral Kiosk = hand-me-down moral values! Like letting your mom buy your clothes all your life.
- A Reading Man, not a Leading Man = I read all evening...
- My isolation is NOT from illness! It's mistrust and condemnation of other humans--and moral righteousness.
- I feel I don't deserve to be the happy, loving, but nonhuman creature I really am! But I do. And I'd better start acting like it.
- the arts unlock my self-imposed prison, just as in "In the Shadow of Man".
- ACTION: SING MORE! Song frees me.
Krelkin and the Moral Kiosk sculpted by Wayan 1999-2007
Over the next few months I did take a voice class, but when I sang in front of an audience I got so sick from fear I finally dropped out. And yet... when I DO sing... I feel the Krelkin purring in my belly. I need to try again.
My shaman friend Mark recently told me our colleague Dee's spirit-guides left her on her own some months back--but they gave her an information kiosk in her dreams where a guide will answer any question she poses! I had several dreams of kiosks this spring, and after dreaming of Dee's LAST big vision, I suspect this too is telepathic spill-over. But she didn't keep notes on just when she first dreamed of HER kiosk...
Over the next few years I DID finally stick with voice classes until I worked through my fear of audiences. Our band, The Krelkins, is finally recording our first few songs.
Dream songs, of course!
recurring dreams -
intuition & urge -
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I'm Just Not Myself Today! -
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krelkins -
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compassion &
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musical dreams -
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interspecies sex -
dreams about Dee - Dee's great vision:
Sock Puppets of the Gods - a second kiosk dream:
In the Shadow of Man -
prisons &
freedom -
Red Diaper Babies: radical guilt -
goals & values -
dream-comix - the sculpture this dream inspired: Krelkin & Kiosk
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