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Spit Door

Dreamed 1997/9/7 by Chris Wayan

Long, intense dreams of a secret journey. I must keep the route secret yet flag it with unobtrusive markers. I'm creating the route for others to use later--a path through our world, from an established interworld door to a new one. I'm not alone, though now I recall only the cat I held in my arms (my familiar?), and the girl I wish I was holding...

I love my workmates, and I love my job setting up these secret paths and gates. Who knew that multiversal interphysics would be such fun?

Today I'm flying west over California hills, sloping down to the northern shore of Monterey Bay. Below my dangling tennis shoes, beautiful country rolls by: oak hills and scattered meadows, redwood valleys with lagoons at the creekmouths. I cut across the mouth of one cove, the first time I've flown over water. The cat in my arms seems calm; I thought it'd fear the water below. Not a bit.

The girl in our flock who I like, gliding alongside me, asks "Can you name the landmarks ahead for us?" I hesitate--it's so hazy, the peaks loom over gulfs as silver as the air, backlit by afternoon sun. Rather than the Santa Cruz Mountains, they look like Mount Tam and Point Reyes! Monterey Bay seems more broken than I recall, mixed up with San Francisco Bay. Maybe the sea level's just higher, but things seem scrambled, with features shifted fifty miles or so along the San Andreas Fault. Are we a few million years off in time?

No, there's Santa Cruz below us--the boardwalk, the roller coasters... If time slipped, it slipped sideways. A parallel world.

We touch down on a sandy point sticking into a lagoon. Roadless, and its tip is hidden from shore by dunes. Private, yet it's within Santa Cruz city limits! Ideal for us--my friends wanted a world-door that's close to town, an easy walk that won't attract attention. It's perfect!

Flying over a breakwater in Monterey Bay. Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.
A few boats pass, a few hikers; the outer shore of the lagoon is a chunky breakwater without beaches or causeway; few people climb out there. I don't think anyone'll notice a few more hikers coming off the spit than went onto it...

Yes. This is the place. A new door will open.


LISTS AND LINKS: dream jobs - happiness - flying dreams - other worlds - There Are Doors - shamanic dreams - Santa Cruz - more weirdness over Monterey Bay: In Watsonville California & Zelig Flies

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