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Ego Factory

Dreamed Jan 1974 by Rick Veitch

Naked artists in a factory build abstract structures: their real selves! Dream-comic by Rick Veitch.
Naked artists in a factory build abstract structures: their real selves! Dream-comic by Rick Veitch.


I admire this dream's deadpan humor. Take Jung's idea we build an authentic self slowly, turn it concrete, then show us what it really takes--naked honesty and hard work. The dream even spells out for Rick what his true identity and fulfillment will be--an artist.

--Chris Wayan

SOURCE: Rick Veitch's Crypto Zoo, 2004, King Hell Press (a collection of his comics series Rare Bit Fiends, issues 15-20, showing his initial, intense burst of shamanic dreams, 1973-4), p.73-4. Untitled: "Ego Factory" added to aid searches.

LISTS AND LINKS: artists & the arts - creative process - on the job - nudity - abstract art - Jungian dreams - life-paths - dream comics - ink - more Rick Veitch

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