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Parrot Tames Businessman

Dreamed 2011/10/6 by Wayan

I'm a bearded businessman on a balcony in Brazil
(thank God. Not a bear in a bra in a Borneo bar
again) when

a giant chartreuse parrot outa blue cottonball sky
lands on my shoulder, introduces herself, bites my
earlobe hard, presu-

mably so I'll recall her name--earmarked in pain--
though later, awake, I don't. Namenesia! I never do.
After lobe nip,

she's friendly--snuggly--trusting for a wild bird true.
Her aura reveals she's no feral--quite as new to

as I to megabirds. She urges a film on her people who
now nest in those ruined alien castles scattered through
Amazonia. Stone

scrollwork's bloomed to rainbow screech. She'll teach
me video. My (a)vocation true? Well, my import firm
never flew

and Wildwood Natural Foods bombed too. I lack
the cut for throat. But intuition's sure tonight--
Parrot interviews feel right.

Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.


I often argue that dreams aren't devious and often aren't even symbolic, but literal. And it's true Freud and followers do overcomplicate.

But no matter what your dream-theory is, this one's not so friggin' obvious.

LISTS AND LINKS: I'm Just Not Myself Today! - identity-bent dreams - weird dream careers - animal people - birds - corvids & parrots - color - pain in dreams - shamanic dreams - aliens - more Amazonian ruins: Sporecount - dream career advice - TV & film - Amazonia - dream digital art & poems

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