Reflections in the Pool
Dreamed 1994/7/2 by Chris Wayan
One night I found myself in a glass maze. In starlit mirrors, the faces of preachers and gym coaches mouthed contradictory commandments at me... Ignoring them, I wandered deeper, till at the maze's heart, I found a steaming pool. Chill fog slithered above and a few snowflakes fell. But I slipped naked into the water--and even as the snow fell, I was warm, in the riddle's core...
And then... I was not alone. She coalesced from a current. We made love, fused... and from us, from the pool's glowing depths and the reflections of the mirror-maze, flowed great cats and sphinxes, crowding out the preachers... till all was silence, all was magic, all was love.
And then I freeze in horror. They're FIGHTING. The sphinxes ask riddles, and tear at any who go blank or err. Haven't they learned a thing in three thousand years?
Furious, I dive into the whirlwind--a devil among angels, with my black bat wings. They fear me, and I USE that. I force the fighters apart with a scornful riddle of my own: "Is THIS what you want? Is THIS all your beauty and wisdom and wings are for?"
They visibly wonder: "Devil? Man? But he questions like a sphinx!"
Why fight my own sphinx-nature? Let me challenge others, be a whole-hearted gadfly... and leave myself in peace.
As I shame (and thus save) the cat-angels, with my nagging, embarrassing questions... I suddenly can't help yelling to them all, "I love it! I LOVE this job!"
And wake.
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