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Clone Breakup
comics version

Dreamed 1994/2/27 by Chris Wayan
for notes see illustrated text version

Page 1 of 'Clone Breakup', a dream-comic by Wayan:
Page 2 of 'Clone Breakup', a dream-comic by Wayan. .
Page 3 of 'Clone Breakup', a dream-comic by Wayan: .
Page 4 of 'Clone Breakup', a dream-comic by Wayan: .
Page 5 of 'Clone Breakup', a dream-comic by Wayan:

for notes see illustrated text version

LISTS AND LINKS: psychic dreams - precognition - doubles and clones - inheritances & genetics - beauty - babes and hunks - fashion & hairstyles - body image - dance - dream humor - dream-comics - illustrated text version of Clone Breakup - more dream-kicks: Kick the Faerie Bell, Entwined, Kick her to Death, Go-Go Gang, Mahakala, Mozart, and the Crippled Bird, Kick the President

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