Inheritances and Legacies
trials & the law -
parents -
family inheritances:
habits and customs,
gay or
lesbian orientation,
non-family inheritances:
climate change,
past lives -
See also the full INDEX OF SUBJECTS.
What this site is - Add your dreams! - How to read blurbs - Ratings - Copyright - Downloading - The World Dream Bank has 4000 dreams plus 1000 pages on dreamwork, shamanism, surrealism, fantasy, worldbuilding, creativity and genius. Site © Chris Wayan 2001-2022.
THE ANCIENT BOOK: by Wayan; 1993/11/11, a political dreamfable. I'm a schoolkid in the future who finds an ancient book the censors overlooked... |
BEAST BIRTHS: by Wayan; 1989/9/19, a predictive dream of family secrets. My family has a hidden gene for incest--and griffins. When I bring the family skeleton from the closet... CAUTION: RAPE, INCEST |
BEFORE BED: by Mary Ruefle, ca. 1995, a dream-poem on stewardship In the cathedral, before the nation, I solemnly crown someone with my own detached head... |
BERNAL ISLET IN 2250: by Wayan; 2007/4/2, an epic undream painting My neighborhood becomes a Huck Finn Eden after global warming turns it into a tropical island... CAUTION: NUDITY, AMBITOPIA |
THE BIBLE REDUCED TO FLOWERS: by Wayan; 1994/9/8, a dream of the future. In the future, books morph as they crawl round the web, till just the popular bits are left... CAUTION: YOU TOO COULD BE CENSORED |
BLIND ANCESTORS: by Wayan; 2007/8/6, a nightmare poem about all of us While we’re at work, Blind Ancestors come smash up our homes... and we all see zombie vandal relatives as normal... |
BODY-SWITCH: by Wayan; 2000/6/10; a dream of a castaway soul Spies kidnap a girl and move her soul into a madwoman's body. Can she survive? Recover? Thrive? The TV dance show helps... |
BREAK FREE: by Emily Joy; 2006/5/11, an encouraging dream on the price of safety. I search for family skeletons, but then a talking plant on TV inspires me to seek the sun and fly free. But certain velociraptors and barbarian swordswomen object... CAUTION: DUELS, FISH ABUSE, THE F-WORD |
BROWNIE: by Wayan; 1984/9/26, a sexy dreamtale. At last my girlfriend and I manage to peel off the Brown Dress of Shame, and ... CAUTION: SEXUAL HEALING |
CENTAUR QUARTET: by Wayan; 1982/2/26, 83/12/24 & 84/10/16, recurring dreams of my spirit family. Can our interspecies family survive? Our very instincts clash around solitude/boundaries, sex and incest CAUTION: SEX, INCEST, REPRESSION/DENIAL |
CHANGE THE CORE PROGRAM: by Wayan; 1995/6/28, a dream of sudden progress. I meet a tragic heroine--great heart, rotten luck. But I open her magic sword and find a bad chip... |
CHEAPSHIP!: by Wayan; 1996/8/6, a nightmare on trained stinginess. Why did I sign on as a crewman on the Cheapship, a freighter that's falling apart? And yes, I do mean that literally... |
CIRCLES OF BONE: by Linda Puffer, 1977/4/27, a poem on a surreal body-image dream I realize a bone is protruding between my left armpit and breast. I put Maria's hand on my breast and ask her to feel the bone. But no one grasps what it really is--something sticking out from my heart... |
THE CITY, NOT LONG AFTER: by Wayan; 1998/4/22-30, acrylic cityscape of our flooded future. What my home town will become, if you fools keep burning gas and spewing CO2... |
CLIMB FROM THE PIT: by Wayan, 1996/11/9, a dream parable. I'm in the Mideast. No wonder it's a war zone--it's a vast pit BUILT for war! But a spiral stair leads slowly out, to... |
CLONE BREAKUP: by Wayan; 1994/2/27, 5p. comic of a psychic dream (or as illustrated text) I model with ten blonde clones. They want to be seen as individuals, so it's their last fashion show before... |
COUNT COUP!: by Plenty Coups, 1857; a child's defining dream I sought a dream of Helpers. But rather than give me gifts, they gave me a daunting challenge... |
COYOTE'S VAULT: by Wayan; 1994/5/4, a shamanic dream of the future. One of the Time Vaults has opened. That means a historical crisis is at hand. Guess who gets to go in... |
A CRAIGSLIST BARGAIN: by Wayan; 2006/10/1. A dream of another life; possible ESP. I'm an Asian kid in Pacifica, California. I offer my annoying parents for sale on Craigslist. Enter a cop... |
CREATURE BECOMES CREATOR: by Wayan; 2015/2/5, three linked advisory dreams on world trends A weird little forest god bred me from an ordinary deer into a creature who can almost pass for human. But World War 2 killed my god, and now I'm growing into... CAUTION: NUDITY, CROSSBREEDING |
CROCODILE KING: by Christina Rossetti; 1855/3/9, a weird dream-poem she may have faked. On the Euphrates, a monstrous crocodile eats all his kin. But when a winged ship appears, he feigns remorse... |
D, D, D: by Wayan; 1988/2/1, trance-poem during automatic writing (done to rewire my brain) I always wrote some letters strangely--my 'd' was nearly illegible. So I set out to retrain my deep motor skills... |
DAMOCLES LODGE: by Wayan; 1998/12/22, a dream on what hangs over us. I meet a nice werewolf in a hall of past-life junk, so sharp and rusty we dare not play... |
MY DEWCLAW: by Wayan; 1997/6/30; dreams within dreams within dreams Body after body is peeled away revealing truth inside truth... CAUTION: GROTESQUE |
DID YOU THINK IT WOULD BE EASY?: by Wayan; 1995/1/15, a dream of slow liberation. Our Appalachian town revolts against fundamentalists, but brainwashing takes time to undo... CAUTION: SEX AND INJUSTICE |
DIPSOMANIA: by Dick in L.A.; pre-1961, a suicide-preventing ghost/voice I couldn't find Mrs. B and feared she was suicidal. But I heard my late mother say "She's in that hotel..." |
DOME: by Wayan; 1999/1/31, a dream peeling off a lie. I'm actress Nicole Kidman, clinging to the dome of City Hall like King Kong, ripping it to shreds! Why? CAUTION: VANDALISM, REVERSE SEXISM, EXHIBITIONISM |
DON'T GET UPSET: by Wayan; 1996/4/10; a warning-nightmare comic (small screen, slow loading? Illus. text) A mob chases me chanting "Lyin' Wayan!" I get dizzy, fall off a bridge, and wake. Then comes REAL trouble! CAUTION: FATAL FALL |
DON'T TREAD ON ME: by Herdis Bollisurdottir; c.1040, a psychic dream of a ghost with an agenda A ghost complains Herdis's grandma bothers her. Herdis wakes, tells Grandma, and they dig up the floor to find... |
DRAGON BANNERS: by Wayan; 1987/3/19, a dream on the value of inner emptiness. A dragon's daughter seeking her inheritance defies a sneaky dragon-realtor out to own the world... |
THE DRAGON ECONOMIST: by Wayan, 2011/1/7, a surreal dreamlet prodding me An economist gets a job as a dragon guarding a data-treasure. Heroes plot to slay him, but I trust the dragon more than the heroes... |
DRAGON-JEWEL: by Wayan; 2013/6/27, a 1001 Nights epic dream disturbingly predictive of ISIS In Old Palmyra, I stumble on a dragon-hoard. Wizards and caliphs hunt me--how to get out of town? Magic carpet? No. I put on a brown coat, borrow a delivery bike, and slowly pedal... |
DREAM-CHILDREN by Charles Lamb, Nov. 1821, an early, eerie parallel-world dream. My children ask me to tell our family history, up to the death of their mother. I wake to find myself single, my late wife alive but married to another, and my beloved children, phantoms... CAUTION: 19TH-CENTURY LOGORRHEA |
A DREAM OF HELL by Herbert Palmer, 1919; recurring nightmares of loneliness I'm in Hell. No fire, no guilt. Just endless forests under the moon. My mother paints endlessly but never gets it right. A sunny day, but I can't go out to play. Cut off... CAUTION: DEPRESSION |
DUBIA: by Wayan; summer 2003, a nondream sculpture/prophecy/travelog. What Earth will look like 1000 years from now, with doubled CO2, flooded coasts and melted poles... CAUTION: CALLS GEORGE W. BUSH A BIG FAT LIAR |
DUMP: by Thom Gunn, between 1993 & '99, a nightmare about legacies His literary afterlife was just six inches of shelf space. But then friends brought more, trucks more, til I slid down hills of paper... CAUTION: DEATH'S AFTERMATH |
ELIZABETH'S SOLE ESCAPE: by Wayan, 2017/7/29, a genderbent nightmare on... genes? I'm Queen Elizabeth I, but I made a mistake--focused too much on art and culture. Now, plotters who I overlooked smash in my bedroom door. I snatch a vial of poison... CAUTION: NIGHTMARE REFLECTS REALITY |
EMISSARY: by Wayan; 2000/3/22, an astral dreamtale. I signed a prenatal agreement for weird, uneven luck to turn my life toward art and spirit. I want to broaden it, but I've lost the contract! So my spirit wife Silky sets out to find it... |
THE ENCHANTED WOMAN: by Anna Kingsford; Feb. 1877, an epic prehistoric dream. Goaded by a green spirit of envy, an Ice Age sorceror kidnaps Adam's Eve, arresting human evolution... |
EVIL ARCHY: by Wayan; April 2008; a non-dream poem in terze rima Money, power, race and gender stifle my working friends less than hierarchical structures... |
FAMILY STORE: by Mark Ian Barasch's father, c. 2000; a subtly psychic dream healing a family I dream my son the writer's living above our old family store, the one that failed in the Depression... |
FATHER LOOMS: by Wayan; 1983/?, a nonliteral diagnostic nightmare. I was a 30ish woman discovering that my chronic pelvic inflammation was from childhood molestation... CAUTION: MOLESTATION IN DREAM-PAST |
THE FIREBREAK OF MEN: by Wayan; 1997/2/13, a herstorical dream. The Europeans have another great war, killing off their men. Will that break the cycle of violence? Like a... |
FIVE ELVISH DREAMS: by Dolores J. Nurss; 2005/6/10-2005/6/19, an incubated lucid-dream sequence 1: I visit Elrond and Bilbo in Elvenhome, but overthinking traps me in a timeloop; 2: Elrond says he renounces seriousness for joy, and plans a great, inclusive party; 3: I feel unworthy, but set out on a desert quest with Elrond's young apprentice; 4: I meet joyful, drunken, singing elves but hide in a tree, too shy to join in; 5: I meet a nervous elven singer and a dolphin trapped in a tiny pool in my bedroom... |
FLEEING KAMPUCHEA: by Laura Lawrence; early 1990s?; recurring nightmares of a future client's life My Cambodian village was burned, my family murdered. At 12, I was the oldest survivor; I led a band of kids to the border... |
FOOT ON THE GAS: by Wayan; 1982/3/16, a creepy little warning dream. My car's idling too fast. After hours of diagnosis, I notice a foot's on the gas! But not my foot... |
FOUR EYES!: by Wayan; 1984/5/28, a metaphoric dreamlet. I started life as twins, but slowly we fused. I still have four eyes, though. Then, one day... |
FOX-MOTHER: by Wayan; 2008/8/12, a dream poem; Dreamverse #2. The goddess of the Cult of Clutter catches a little thief, and tastes her to see if she's worthy... |
FOXY ANCESTOR: by Wayan; 1998/7/25, a subtle dream. A famous inventor is descended from foxes. Their faces teach me something about beauty and character... |
FRANKLIN'S TOWER: by Wayan; 2008/2/13, a meditative music-dream After a trip to a failing mall, an old Grateful Dead song haunts my dreams. Mall, song; opposite political poles... CAUTION: HIPPIE/JEFFERSONIAN DEISM |
GHOSTS PUSH TOWARD THE SUICIDE DOOR: by Wayan, 1997/8/7, a nightmare that wants a break. I live in a haunted house where ghosts push you to suicide. But they're as tired of it as I am... |
THE GIVE-AWAY: by Wayan; 1982/6/7, a career nightmare. My parents pray for my success, and arrange a great learning opportunity for me. Really. |
THE GODDESS OF WYRE: by Edwin Muir; 1925, a dream of soul-rebirth After 25 years I land on my native island of Wyre, to touch an ancient clay figurine, who grows young and wakes... |
THE GREAT WAVE: by Wayan; 2009/4/24, a dream-poem about the future; Dreamverse #52 I find myself sketching the slope of progress up to the coming singularity, and notice a hidden stability... |
HALF-ELF: by Wayan; 1996/2/14, a predictive dream fable. A biracial girl doubts her own heritage; a human friend has to confirm the obvious. So what am I blind to? |
HARRY AND KUVYRKIN: by Vladimir Nabokov, 1916, a punning long-term predictive dream. Nabokov's uncle left him a fortune but the Revolution took it. He dreamed his uncle said "I shall return to you as Harry & Kuvyrkin." 40 years later filmmakers Harris & Kubrick paid Nabokov a fortune for the rights to Lolita... |
HEALING THE RING: by Wayan; 1984/8/22, a nightmare on... anger? |
I bear a Ring of Power meant to corrupt me. I cleansed it, at a cost, but can't wield it till I've read its spell... |
THE HEDGE KING: by Wayan, 1992/6/14, a gender-bent dream epic. |
I change sex to infiltrate a sinister castle, unaware its Lord can spot a shapeshifter--being one himself... CAUTION: A DISTURBING BEDSIDE MANOR. I MEAN, MANNER. |
HEIRESS AND MORTAL: by Wayan; 2011/2/16, a dark advisory dream |
I'm a misfit--a mortal in an immortal world. Then I meet a girl with an unpredictable illness... |
HER STINGY DAD: by Wayan; 1998/7/29, a dreamtale on parental ambition-stunting |
A single dad loves his daughter, but is so pathologically cheap he's teaching her an unintended lesson... CAUTION: CHILD NEGLECT |
HILLMAN ON DAIMONS: by Wayan; 1998/9/7, on Greco-Roman and Jungian ideas of a life-goal |
James Hillman and my own experience suggest we enter life with an agenda. But what if our goals are sick? |
A HOBBIT IN L.A.: by Wayan; 1990/1/8, a dream on wishes. |
I'm a hobbit woman in Los Angeles, hiding a magic weapon from Sauron. No, not THAT weapon. The wishing-bucket... |
THE HOLY HARP: by Wayan; 1994/3/22, a dream of musical guilt. |
The Goddess's harp, that calls in the seasons, just passed on. But the new harper has a shocking admission... |
THE HORSE VOTERS: by Wayan; 1995/4/30, a time-travel dream on... race? |
I'm back in the 19th century, learning that horse breeders cross-bred more than the public thinks. One suggests I look hard in the mirror... CAUTION: UNSEEMLY SENATORIAL DISCOURSE |
HORTA'S EGGS: by Wayan; 1984/1/17, a dream of re-evaluation. |
I fight to save a nest of 50,000 eggs that'll hatch... psychics! But my friends want to exterminate them! Who's wrong here? |
HOUSE OF BLUE LIGHT: by Wayan; 1994/4/3, a dark dream. |
As my grandmother is dying, I have a dream about what really went on in her house... CAUTION: CHILD SLAVERY |
HUNG BY ELDER: by Wayan; 1997/7/30, a nightmare. |
A disowned heiress and I sneak onto the family estate, but they'll go pretty far to hide their skeletons... CAUTION: VIOLENCE |
I FIGHT FOR BEAUTY: by Wayan; 1990/1/1, an incubated dream within a dream within a dream. |
From Hawaii to Wyoming, I fight for beauty, always waking to find I'm someone new... |
I WANT MY INHERITANCE: by Wayan; 1989/12/18, a dream on family brainwashing. |
My family calls me a blonde bimbo and won't give me my inheritance, so I take drastic steps... CAUTION: MORAL HAIRSPLITTING |
IN THE VAULT: by Wayan; 1983/4/6, a dream of treasure. |
I was a sheltered girl till I entered my family's secret ancestral vault. I didn't expect to meet... |
INSURANCE: by a young widow; 1947, a dream of lucrative ghost advice |
After my husband's death, I dreamed he pointed at a small black bag I hadn't opened. It held insurance policies... |
THE INVISIBLE SULKY: by Wayan; 1995/9/20, a dream on resistance. |
I feel a drag, and take off my safety belt. I find I've been towing an invisible buggy with two men in it... |
ISIS HELPS TERI GARR: by Wayan; 1988/3/27, a meandering predictive dream. |
Actress Teri Garr and Isis the talking cat recur all night, but so does a baseball glove I haven't pulled out in years. Why? A few days later a friend asks for that glove, and I find... |
JACK OF GREATNESS: by Mistress Abbot of Guilford; 1562; a predictive, pregnancy-craving dream. |
Mistress Abbot dreams if she eats a jackfish her child will be great. Next morning one swims into her waterbucket... |
JAMES MERRILL REMEMBERED: by Rachel Hadas; around May 1995; two dream-poems |
Soon after my friend and mentor James Merrill died, I had recurring, elusive dreams about him... |
JOKE PILOT: by Wayan; 1995/7/15, a dream of defiance. |
Among aliens, humans are jokes. Fragile and blind, we can't fly starships. Unless we build our own... |
THE KANGAROO EXECUTOR: by Wayan; 2023/7/3, a surreal dream poem |
The will named a strange executor: a kangaroo. Turns out there's some logic to it: executors need burglar-skills, and few quadrupeds can climb in bedroom windows... |
THE KEY TO OUR INHERITANCE: by Wayan; 2010/9/12; a nightmare whose victims organize |
The dead treasure-hunter's will ordered us, his heirs, to convene in the wood. Attacked there by a knight in armor, we near-strangers must unite to win our... |
KIBBLE FROM HEAVEN: by Wayan; 1986/10/13, a dream on love and money. |
I'm a dog princess, on a world where kibble falls from heaven. When I meet our species' guardian angels... CAUTION: DOG NUDITY, LAWYERS |
KIDS' WORLD: by Wayan; 1996/8/2, a dream on solitude. |
The children of some castaways refuse to go 'home': to them, this shore IS home. So what won't I leave? |
LEARNING TO SING AND DANCE: by Marilyn Barrett; 1988 or before, a dream of heritage |
I'm a kid again, waltzing with my dad, though he's long dead. He hands me the trumpet inside his chest. When I wake, I feel it still. My mom just died; I've reclaimed a playful part of him she condemned all her long life... |
LET'S PLEASE THE RICH: by Wayan; 1998/6/24, a disgusting proposal |
The rich block reform. So let's offer the rich what they really want: ranking and attention... CAUTION: CHIMPONOMICS |
LIFECYCLE: by Wayan; 1980s. Pencil sketch of daydream |
The life-loop. A woman bears a child who grows up to become herself, who bears a child who... CAUTION: SKETCHY NUDITY |
LONG ROAD TO HEAVEN: by Edwin Muir; 1920, an epic hypnogogic shamanic initiation |
Creatures in the primal sea touch my third eye, dragons cry their eyes out, I fight the Sphinx, and arrive at last in... |
THE LONGEVITY INSTITUTE: by Wayan, 2019/5/7; a dream on a family mutation |
On the show Finding Your Roots, it turns out my dad's a genetic experiment born in... 1880?! The experiment worked; my sisters and I are slow-maturing, long-lived mutants... |
THE LOST RING: by Helen Fraser; 1924; an astral lost-and-found dream |
A friend in Heaven promises Helen a lost ring would return to her. Three days later it did; but its path had been strange... |
MAMA BEAR'S ADVICE: by Wayan; 1985/12/8, a dream on love-tactics. |
A bear-girl seduced by her coyote professor gets a little advice on revenge from her anthropologist mom... |
MARY QUEEN OF SCOTS' JEWELS: 1845, a hypnotic experiment by a Major Buckley |
Mary Queen of Scots' will (1556) was lost for centuries. In 1845, Major Buckley hypnotized a fellow officer and had him 'read' a family heirloom. He said it was Mary's! Her lost will was found in 1854 and published in 1863. Turned out the claim in the trance was right... CAUTION: MARY'S LIFE WAS BRUTAL |
MENDELIAN CHIMERAS: by Wayan; 2015/1/1, a New Year's dream warning of medical uniqueness |
I meet a girl who's a Mendelian hybrid of human, animal and peavine! But I'm no more human than she is... |
MOM THE ALIEN: by Wayan; 1981; a nightmare on family |
Many kids anxiously dream their parents aren't their real parents. I dreamed my parents ATE my real parents... CAUTION: HUNGRY MONSTERS |
MOON BLOOMS: by Wayan; 1997/7/22, a dream on traces of love. |
Everyone has a personal moon. At first, mine disappointed me, till a bard dumped his trash on it, and... |
THE MURDERS: by four Wayans! 1971/7/14; a family has simultaneous psychic nightmares. |
Nearly everyone in my family dreams of a mass murder as it happens nearby. But my dad's sure it's his own evil id, and my mom clams up, and my sister forgets. And me? I doubt the whole thing for ten years, until... CAUTION: NIGHTMARE VIOLENCE |
MY MOTHER'S CLOSET: by Rachel Hadas, c. 2000; |
a dream-poem provoking a 2008/9/16 dream by Chris Wayan I was in my mother's closet, trying on her outfits, and trapped in Hamlet, too... |
MY MUSLIM MOTHER-IN-LAW: by Wayan; 1995/3/25, a dream on repression. |
How exactly did I acquire a mother-in-law snooping on my phone calls, when I don't have a wife? |
MY PLACE: by Wayan, 1998/2/21; an envious book review |
Sally Morgan, in her famous autobiography, details racism and family silence, but also her family's matter-of-fact acceptance of premonitions and dreams. I feel acceptance envy! |
NATIVE LANGUAGE: by Wayan; 1996/11/17, a dream about senses and speech. |
I'm at the beach, seeing it through English linguistic filters. Or do I? Is there a language under language? |
NET PROFITS: by Wayan; 1998/7/14, a dream of family values and Web credit. |
At a family picnic, my sisters and I fish for scholarships and grants. They put down my art, my website... |
NEW BODIES: by Dreamy; around 2007/1/25, a transformation dream |
My best friend and I qualify for new bodies. The new me is taller, but poor Ken may take years adjusting to his new... |
THE NEW DALAI LAMA: by Wayan; 2011/9/9; a prescriptive AND predictive dream. |
I dream the new Dalai Lama's a kind woman who gives me startling health advice AND shows me how to fly. The next day... |
THE NIGHT OF CHANGE: by Wayan; 1994/2/8, a dream on the order of deep changes. |
Festival night in a strange town, where, one night a year, dancing in the street transforms you into... CAUTION: SEX TALK |
NO "I": by Wayan; 2003/10/22, a dream of identity loss. |
I'm in San Francisco trying to throw Sauron's Ring into the Cracks of San Andreas. But a sexy sorcerer steals my sense of I! How can you act without a self? |
NO VACATIONS?: by Wayan; 1999/8/14, a spiritual nightmare. |
Before I was born, I set up this life to learn loneliness, boredom and fear. Good move, soul! No vacations? |
OBISPO'S OUT OF RANGE: by Wayan; 1997/2/2, a dreamtale on ESP. |
I move hundreds of miles away to escape my family's psychic broadcasts. Pathetic, but... does it work? |
THE OLD YOUNG MAN: by Anna Kingsford; 1880/2/21, a dream of a step-in soul |
Malaria nearly kills a talented young artist; he must retrain from scratch. Why? Well, he's not exactly himself... |
ORDEAL BY INFRASTRUCTURE: by Wayan; 1987/11/22, a Clintonian dreamtale--before Clinton! |
I want to join the inner circle of America's political elite. But to do that I have to survive the Ordeal by Infrastructure... |
OUT OF THE PIT by Wayan, 1997/7/6, a genderbent dream of inherited... drama? |
I tell Socrates "All my life, I've dreamed that the Orchestra Pit in the Phantom Theatre tries to swallow me." Years pass, my daughter grows up-- and she dreams of the Phantom Theatre too! But without that hungry Pit... |
THE OUTSIDERS: by Grady Towers; 1987, article on genius. |
Towers, before he was killed, argued Terman was wrong: geniuses are often isolated and maladjusted... CAUTION: UNCOMFORTABLE TRUTHS |
PASS THE VIAL ON: by Wayan; 2000/4/18, a dream of renunciation |
A vagabond king showed me the way into Faerie, and it made my fortune. But now it's time to pass the gift on... |
PICARDIAN ANGELS: by Wayan; 1993/1/7, a dream of time and wishes. |
I walk on Martinique with Captain Picard of the starship Enterprise. He's here to see a dreamy boy... |
PIKETTY'S CAPITAL IN THE 21ST CENTURY: by Wayan; 2017/1/19, my take on his controversial book |
Thomas Piketty argues we obsess on income, ignore capital. My experience suggests he's right. Track wealth, tax wealth... CAUTION: NON-DREAM RANT, ECONOMICS, HOW TO GET RICH SLOW |
PONYGIRL'S DIET: by Wayan; 2010/3/31, a furry health-advice dream |
I dream of a half-pony half-human girl who can't eat either hamburgers or hay. She figures out an appropriate diet... |
POPEYE MUSCLES: by Wayan; 1986/7/14, a grotesque dreamtale. |
My body turns protean: big Popeye muscles pop out as needed, relaxing into stick-figureness... |
PORTRAIT OF LADY DRACANTHRA: by Wayan; mid-2001, acrylic dream painting. |
Among the family portraits in the hall of my ancestors was this one of a formidable old... woman, I guess. |
THE PROBLEM OF PAIN: by Wayan; 1984/5/15, a devious dream. |
We sail to the Isle of the Blest, but God exiles me to Fargo, North Dakota. But God's up to something subtle... |
THE PRODIGY-ALLERGY LINK: by Wayan; 1994/7/21, a clipping and reactions |
Child prodigies may develop allergies due to immunosystem damage from too much testosterone in utero... |
PSYCHIC FAMILIES ARE SO MUCH FUN: by Wayan; 1980/7/21, a true story of ESP. |
My sister's avoiding our nosy parents, but I sense they'll run into her soon. I just didn't know HOW soon... |
RAGNHILD'S TREE and HALFDAN'S CURLS: by Queen Ragnhild and King Halfdan of Norway; c.850 CE |
twin dreams predicting their children and nation will prosper. Ragnhild sees a lovely tree rooted in her pain and blood; Halfdan sleeps with pigs and dreams he has a great head of hair... CAUTION: KIDNAPPING, ARSON, GENERAL BARBARISM (check the date!) | RAINBOW TUNNEL: by Wayan; 1995/4/9 (MP3+lyrics), a global-warming nightmare song |
In our steamy future, after the cities drown, I'm hiking through Rainbow Tunnel, when I meet a holy man... |
RAZOR GHOST: by Wayan; 1974/5/5, a nightmare posing a problem. |
A man slowly walled in by neighbors till he died, is now a mad, murderous ghost. And he's me! Can I exorcise MYSELF? CAUTION: VIOLENCE |
REGEANA'S DRAGON: by Regeana; 1996/3/9, a dream of generosity |
The jewels in the hoard had strange powers, but the advice of the dragon guarding them was even stranger... |
RIBBING: by Wayan; 1992/12/25, an assertive dreamtale. |
After seeing 150 years of family photos, I dream of being teased by time-traveling cheerleaders, and... |
ROBINSON JEFFERS AS A SHAMAN: by Wayan; 1996/7/28, a life-review, with 2016/10/22 followup |
Jeffers, that harsh, visionary, ecological poet, seems drunk on Darwinism, blind to kindness--or is he just reporting Big Sur's true, mean spirit(s)? CAUTION: LITERARY AND MYSTICAL |
ROBOT DREAMS: by Wayan; 1985/2/5, a dream on dreamwork. |
I'm a robot in high school. I have my first dream, but I'm deaf to its message cuz it's not spectacular... |
SAGAN: by Wayan; 1996/5/3, a psychic dream in response to Carl's challenge. |
DAY: on the radio Carl Sagan calls those who've experienced ESP or UFOs "proto-fascists"... DREAM: a flying pewter teapot orbits a round blue vase--like a starship round the Earth... NEXT WEEK: My mom calls. She's selling that pewter pot after a century in the family... CAUTION: DISSES SAGAN |
SATYR: by Wayan; 1999/4/1, a frustrating wish-fulfillment dream (yes, both). |
I'm a faun, the oracle for a Greek village. But my predecessor set up rituals I want to change... CAUTION: SEX, PAGANISM, SELF-SATYRE |
THE SEA WOLF'S BRAIN: by Wayan; 1999/11/21, a psychic dream. |
For years the Sea-Wolf enslaved me. He said I had to fight him and win to be free. I'm ready at last... |
SELL THE GODS, AND RAISE HELL!: by Wayan; 1994/1/26, a dream riddle. |
Reactionaries smash a paper. To rebuild, the editor must sell the sacred tiki carvings! But gods don't LIKE being sold... CAUTION: MORAL QUANDARY |
SEVEN SQUARED: by Wayan; 1994/2/18, a dream about the IQ closet. |
In our wizard-war, I've hidden my nature. At last I come out; but I can't tell the whole truth... |
SHELL AND STONE: by William Wordsworth; late 1840s, a dream of a new Great Flood |
An Arab shows me a stone he calls a book, and a prophetic shell that warns of a flood rushing toward us... |
SIEGFRIED MUST DIE: by Carl Jung; 1913/12/18, an archetypal (and predictive?) dream. |
Jung and a little brown man shoot down Siegfried the German Hero, riding his chariot of bones. Wait... his what? CAUTION: GRIM |
THE SINGLE DIE: by Wayan; 1994/10/17, a dream on child prodigies. |
My sisters roll a single die. Miriel can influence it telekinetically, but can't shoot very well, since she hasn't grown opposable thumbs yet, as kittens do... |
SOCK PUPPETS OF THE GODS: by Dee and Wayan; 1994/4/14. Parallel shamanic dreams! |
I dream I'm suicidal; but I'm saved when I'm shown the flow of human development--the same pattern, from souls to civilizations! Eddies and knots recur, but the challenges slowly get more spiritual. NEXT DAY: I learn what my shaman-friend Dee just dreamed. And now I'm unsure whose dream this is... CAUTION: IDEAS |
SORRY WE DRANK ALL THE BEER: by Wayan; 1986/6/3, a dream on the use of rage |
The future. Humanity's trapped--no energy. Because aliens looted our world before we evolved! Now... |
SPEWING WINE: by Wayan; 1992/8/17, a Freudian-slip dream baring family dysfunction |
My family moves into a damp, leaking basement. My dad just sneers at us for fussing about the cold, the damp, the mildew, the leaks. "I'll show you REAL leaking..." |
A SPHINX IN CLAY: by Wayan; 2017/2/25, a dream urging me to face my heritage. Also sculpt! |
I'm a half-sphinx--human dad, sphinx mom--stuck in human form so far. Will I ever learn to shift? I practice--sculpt my elegant feline future self... CAUTION: SPHINX NUDITY |
SPLASH!: by Wayan; 12" acrylic painting, late 2002, from 1983/1/16 dream. |
While I study how humans went extinct, my daughter happily splashes in the sea... |
SPORECOUNT: by Wayan; 1990/1/5, a dreamtale on patience through change. |
I'm a hot archeology student till I open the wrong tomb. A plague turns us into green moldy monsters--at first... CAUTION: DISEASE, DEATH, GRIEF, SHAME |
STARVATION?: by Wayan; 1995/8/28, a journal extract on body image. |
On a poster of a model who's around my weight, someone's scrawled STARVATION IMAGERY... CAUTION: DEFENSE OF SKINNY PEOPLE |
STAY ON THE SIDEWALK: by a Utah boy, pre-1961, a flawed warning nightmare |
He said "Oh, Mom, I had a terrible dream. A car ran me down." I said we could not live by dreams or we live a life of horror... |
STREAMLINING: by Wayan; 2004/11/10, a dream within a dream |
I dream I'm an otter, and wake into a dream about sculpture--and learn my style's due to my species... |
SURRENDER DARCY!: by Wayan; 1982/6/14, a dreamtale on pride and prejudice. |
I'm Doctor Who, being chased by an air-surfer who demands we give up a reserved, proud man named... CAUTION: MILD NUDITY |
SWEATERPANTS FOR CHRIST!: by Wayan; 2011/6/30, a comic sartorial nightmare poem |
I pull my mom's sweater onto my legs but get tangled (and bits of anatomy dangle). Worse, I'm emulating Jesus. Is this any way to get a date? CAUTION: WARDROBE MALFUNCTION, GENDER MALFUNCTION, MOM MALFUNCTION |
TEN THOUSAND MAD GHOSTS: by Wayan; 1996/9/3, a psychic nightmare. |
A toxic site in Silicon Valley isn't a chemical spill, but angry ghosts, killed in a camp and forgotten... CAUTION: THE CAMP TURNS OUT TO BE REAL |
THEFT OF THE ARK: by King Solomon, c. 960 BCE; a dream acted on too late |
Ethiopian records say Solomon and Makeda, the Queen of Sheba, had a son who stole the Ark of the Covenant! Solomon dreamt of the theft but didn't check til it was too late... |
THE THIRTIES REVISITED: by Maxine Kumin; late 1970s; a dream-poem |
Dreams of my childhood--bootlegger dad, critical mom, gun- happy uncles, slaughtered squirrels, slaughtered Jews... |
THREE DREAMS: by Robley Wilson; July 4, 1975?; a dream-poem |
Dead fish in a poisoned stream, dead kittens in a pit... and advice from the woman who revives them with a touch. |
TIBETAN DISASSEMBLY: by Wayan; 2007/7/5, a dream of a desperate ploy |
A woman in Tibet disassembles herself! A local god hires her spirit, but she uses the office equipment to backup her memories and... CAUTION: DON'T TRY THIS AT HOME |
TIME-BUBBLE: by Wayan; 2008/9/1, a dream-poem, Dreamverse #19 |
In a city crawling across a marshy world, I find a detonating bomb frozen in a time-ball. Why not detonate it somewhere harmless, why carry this around? |
TITANIA: by Wayan; 1981/12/7, 83/1/7 & 2/13 and 84/10/2, a dream-epic in installments |
Clarence the sappy angel from It's A Wonderful Life and Milton's Lucifer land on Earth, offering treaties. Who to sign with? Clarence thinks we're fine as is, but the Devil's a tinkerer, learning from failures. Failures like me and my girlfriend Titania, the first android with a full palette of feelings. Like the feeling she's fake... |
TRAIL OF POGS: by Wayan; 2004/9/6, my dreams' response to the first Burning Man dream-workshop |
A trail toward Freedom has extra markers, for it's three trails, superimposed! Not all the cues are for us... |
THE TRAIN ON TIME CAFE: by Wayan, 1981/12/20, an epic political dream. |
Silicon Valley goes enthusiastically fascist. I hide in a berry patch. They build a shining world, and then... |
MY TUTELARY UNCLE: by Wayan; 1993/5/28, a shamanic dream. |
I'm half Anglo, half Kwakiutl. My uncle the shaman died, but he still wants to teach me his medicine... |
THE 1200-STEP PROGRAM: by Wayan; 1987/12/17, an illustrated dreamtale. |
I'm climbing a tower, as my dad, Apollo, drunk, throws bottles at me from the top, breaking bones... CAUTION: DENIAL ABOUT ALCOHOLISM |
TWO GUITARS: by Marc Ian Barasch, c. 2000; a multileveled psychic dream |
I dream my daughter's selling two unused guitars. They seemed symbolic until I told her the dream and... |
UNDER THE HEIRESS'S SPELL: by Wayan; 1997/7/30, a wish-fulfilment fable. |
A glamorous heiress casts a spell that spills over, so I can have anyone I see! But who DO I see?... |
THE UNICORN MASK OF IGNORABILITY: by Wayan; 2009/10/13, a predictive dream; Dreamverse #59 |
My family home's invaded by ancient Egyptian architects. So I put on my unicorn mask and eavesdrop on their plans... |
VIEWPOINT: by Wayan; 1991/6/9, a dream on pastlife amnesia. |
I ask to see my past lives, and dream of a viewpoint where I can--but this Mormon ranger... |
THE VISION: by Robert Herrick; 1648, an eroti-political dream poem |
I dreamt Anacreon the poet reeled with drink and lust--and I am wild and wanton like to him... |
VRILLASSA'S ONLY PRIEST: by Jo; 2007/2/10, a dream of meeting God |
A job as the only priest on an island colony sounded perfect, only I'm the wrong religion... CAUTION: DOGMATISTS AND DEAD BIRDS TALKING |
WASTE: by Wayan; 1990/5/7, a desert singles poem, 11 images. |
A road trip through New Mexico mutates into a tour of my relationship disasters... |
WE GO IN PEACE: by Florence; pre-1961, a telepathic dream-report of another's death experience |
My father-in-law looked me in the eye and said, 'Florence, the Lord is my shepherd and we go in peace'... |
THE WELL OF WOMEN'S WISDOM: by Wayan; 1991/3/25, a dream on gradualism. |
I find the Well of Women's Wisdom. Lucky I'm female tonight! A girl sneers "Narrow!" Is it, or her? |
WHAT'S IN THE BASKET?: by Ceridwens_Descent; 2007/8/4, a dream of embarrassing head loss |
I cut off my own head! But I grew a new one. Only what to do with the old one? It's starting to rot... CAUTION: SELF-DISMEMBERMENT |
WHERE IS MY MOTHER?: by Kelly Simon; 1992?; an epic time-traveling dream of roots |
I'm nine years old again. But my mom acts like a child--crawls into a hole. I follow, scared, and find my grandfather packing to leave the Old Country before the Nazis kill us all... CAUTION: FEAR & PERSECUTION |
A WHITE-FACED MARE, 29 YEARS LATER: by an Iowa grandma; 1918, a predictive dream |
My grandmother dreamt a white-faced black mare trampled me in our orchard. We had no such mare. But 29 years later, I boarded a man's two mares... |
WHOSE DREAM IS THIS, ANYWAY?: by Anonymous #25, c.2005, as told by Patti Allen; a cledonic dream |
A dreamer I know dreamt she was fired by a Mr Bleeden. Baffled her, but made shocking sense to me! My dad... |
THE WILD HUNT: by Wayan; 1998/7/24, a dream of myth--or abuse?. |
We're exploring the English farm we inherited, when The Wild Hunt storms over the hill... |
WIRES: by Wayan; 1957-1963, a recurrent childhood nightmare resolved by drawing, 1999/12/8 |
I was bodiless but trapped. All I could see were these moving wires. Whenever a knot drifted by... CAUTION: MADNESS, TORMENT, TELEPATHY, SEXUAL REBELLION |
WOMBERS: by Wayan; 1997/8/23, a journal entry on peace-at-any-price personalities |
Nancy Friday describes a kind of weak guy disturbingly like me--I think chronic illness has... |
WONDERFUL SPECTACLES: by Anna Kingsford; 1877/1/31, a clairvoyant advisory dream |
A mystic postman delivers a letter on the world's best glasses and a reply from me, telling how to find them... |
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