Crocodile King
Dreamed 1855/3/9 by Christina Rossetti
Hear now a curious dream I dreamed last night
Each word whereof is weighed and sifted truth. I stood beside Euphrates while it swelled
Each crocodile was girt with massive gold
He battened on them, crunched, and sucked them in.
He knew no law, he feared no binding law, But ground them with inexorable jaw: The luscious fat distilled upon his chin, Exuded from his nostrils and his eyes, While still like hungry death he fed his maw; Till every minor crocodile being dead And buried too, himself gorged to the full, He slept with breath oppressed and unstrung claw. Oh marvel passing strange which next I saw: In sleep he dwindled to the common size, And all the empire faded from his coat. Then from far off a wingèd vessel came, Swift as a swallow, subtle as a flame: I know not what it bore of freight or host, But white it was as an avenging ghost. It levelled strong Euphrates in its course; Supreme yet weightless as an idle mote It seemed to tame the waters without force Till not a murmur swelled or billow beat: Lo, as the purple shadow swept the sands, The prudent crocodile rose on his feet And shed appropriate tears and wrung his hands. What can it mean? you ask. I answer not
--Chris Wayan
2023 NOTE
A note by her brother William Rossetti says Christina marked this poem "not a real dream" in her own 1875 copy of her collected poems. I'm astonished. She wrote at least eight other poems purporting to be dreams, but this is the one with the clearest assertion it is, and the most convincing too--the clear opening, the dreamlike broken-off ending, and the disclaimer "What can it mean? you ask. I answer not / for meaning, but myself must echo, / What? And tell it as I saw it on the spot." This insistence that the dream baffles her too is what I'd expect of a real dream; why say all this if it isn't?
Yet her own scrawled testimony declares it a fake. Baffling.
Rossetti titled this piece merely "My Dream", an unhelpful name on a site with thousands of dreams! "Crocodile King" is strictly my title of convenience. Evidence it's not a dream is from The Complete Poems of Christina Rossetti (Penguin Classics 2005), p.893.
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