Ships and Boats
My nightly craft is winged in white; A dragon of night-dark sea. Swiftborne, dreambound and rudderless; Her captain and crew are me. I sail a hundred sleeping tides Where no seaman's ever been And only my white-winged craft and I Know the marvels we have seen. --Anne McCaffrey, "Dragonsinger", 1977 |
What do dreamboats mean? Well, McCaffrey's poem suggests one consistent theme: historically, ships took you places ranging from exotic to utterly unknown. It's only in our era the world was fully mapped! So in dreams, boats often take you to mysterious places, new lands... In contrast, cars or planes follow known routes in a shrunken, mapped world: mere transportation. But ships, especially sailing ships, are exploration. That's as far as I'll generalize; and of course even this has exceptions.
Ships, as opposed to mere boats, have another traditional meaning: they take teamwork to sail. Organization, community, hierarchy? Ships of state. Ship of fools. Arks. First class versus steerage on the Titanic...
One specialized sort of ship has another meaning, at least to English speakers. If you dream of submarines, you can bet on it: there's a pun in there. Subconscious, subliminal? Something's happening under the surface! If you're on a sub mission, who or what is your submission to?
And of course if you dream you're on a cruise ship with friends or relations, well, friendships and relationships may be an issue. Or, of course, cruising. But you knew that.
RELATED TOPICS: beach dreams - swimming - underwater dreams - shipwrecks - breathe! (drowning dreams) - balloons and dirigibles - cars, trucks and busses - trains and trolleys - today's unknown sea: space and starships! - See also the full INDEX OF SUBJECTS.
What this site is - Add your dreams! - How to read blurbs - Ratings - Copyright - Downloading - The World Dream Bank has 4000 dreams plus 1000 pages on dreamwork, shamanism, surrealism, fantasy, worldbuilding, creativity and genius. Site © Chris Wayan 2001-2022.
AIDA'S TOILET BOAT: by Wayan; 1993/4/7, a short- AND long-term predictive dream. A sexy comedian and her troubles down the drain. A dream that turned out to be true six days later, and again in a different way six YEARS later... |
AIRACUDA: by Wayan; 2008/9/9, a dream-poem, Dreamverse #25 The jeweled fish over San Francisco grew and grew until it landed and the crew told me the secret code... |
AMERICANS SHOOT ANYTHING: by Wayan; 1990/5/2, a predictive dream. Canals and locks. American soldiers find an underground village and force everyone to evacuate to a warship, "for safety". The villagers turn into birds so if it's a trap they can escape. Next morning... CAUTION: ESP, GUNBOAT DIPLOMACY |
APPOINTMENT IN VENICE: by Alex Gotfryd, 1981, recurring dreams he photographed! |
Haunted by a recurring dream of a mysterious affair in Venice, I talked friends into modeling for a photo shoot, and over two weeks we re-staged my dream... |
THE ARRIVAL: by Elizabeth Gibbons, 2014; a spiritual dream about dreams |
I'm a priestess from an island of women; I meet an angel who charges me to harvest all the dreams of the world... |
BABY, I'LL BLOW YOUR MIND: by Wayan; 1995/3/21, a surreal nightmare |
Allied submarines attack the giant Nazi toddler who's hunting us with sonar, occupying my playroom... CAUTION: VIOLENCE AND GUILT |
BEGGARS IN SPAIN: by Wayan; 1994/12/10, a dream on reason & intuition's mutual mistrust |
Two rivals stand for reason & intuition. Why can't they cooperate, see each others' virtues? Trained insecurity... |
A BIKE ODYSSEY, or, ARABELLA'S ARTIFACT: by Wayan; 1994/7/24, a day trip echoed in a dream. |
DAY: I bike across San Francisco writing down what I actually see. DREAM: I'm an abused English heiress with a dangerous alien artifact... CAUTION: HAUNTED BY CHILD ABUSE |
BILLIE: by Billie's Mom; 1945/1/20, a psychic warning dream |
My son Billie, his Navy uniform soaking wet, cried "Oh, Mom--it's so terrible!" and shrank into a baby again as I held him... CAUTION: EXPLOSION |
BIRD CRASH: by Emily Joy; 2007/3/12, a set of didactic nightmares |
Such pressures there are on the sick to act well! I implore you, ignore them all... CAUTION: EXPLODING TEACHER |
THE BLACK CURRENT: by Wayan; 1985/6/16, a slice-of-life dreamtale. |
A dream-voyage round the world on the Black Current, only to wake up back in my animal village... CAUTION: GORILLA MARRIAGE |
BLACK MAGIC: by Wayan; 1986/11/10, a dream of love and rage; |
Chapter 8 of UNICORN TAG, though it can stand alone. A packet of magic soupmix sends me upstairs to a secret wizards' lab. They've summoned a demon they can't handle: the furious Black Unicorn... |
BLUEBEARD DRAG: by Wayan; 2008/9/5, a creepy dream-poem, Dreamverse #22 |
On the waterfront, I meet a seductive girl. Well, guy. Well, serial killer. Um, I think I'll leave now... CAUTION: HOMOPHOBIA OR SURVIVAL INSTINCT? |
THE BOAT IS SINKING: by Mrs Griffiths; 1734/8/6, a recurrent warning dream |
Mrs Griffiths has the same nightmare three times before she asks her nephew to skip a fishing trip... |
BOAT MEETING: by Wayan; 1985/4/28; a predictive dream that hints at its own nature |
I swim far out in a lake to a business meeting on a dinghy; but that's trivial. What matters is mapping the murky lakebottom, dive after dive... |
THE BOATMEN OF LAOLONG: by Viceroy Zhu, before 1679, as told by Pu Songling; an incubated dream |
Traders were vanishing. Newly installed Viceroy Zhu fasted, focused, and dreamt the gods sent him a riddling poem. Each line suggested one word--together, they... CAUTION: BRUTAL ORGANIZED CRIME |
BOATS: by SAO (Shawn Allen O'Neal); March 2001, a doubly predictive dream. |
Were the rowdy face-boats really ghosts haunting this old house, harbingers of my future online... or both? |
BOSCHTON BEINGS: by Wayan; 11x14" ink drawing, 1983/6/26, surreal nondream tribute to Bosch
This picture does not actually contain any authentic boston beans, just Hieronymus Boschton b... |
BREAD LIBERATION: by Georges Perec; March 1971, a dream of a lame revolution. Dream #60 |
Mobilization, war, troop transport, slogans, marching bands and orgies, all in an apotheosis of dough... CAUTION: ENDS IN SEX |
BREAKAWAY ISLAND: by Vladimir Nabokov; 1964/11/5, a travel-anxiety dream turned predictive |
Hurry to the station to catch the train--or is it a sky tram? a ship? a hill? an island? Climb its flank, but fissures open--it breaks up. I'm adrift. Next day, on TV... |
THE CHANGED RIVER: by E.M. Martin; 1914/11/25, the quietest apocalyptic dream on record |
Humanity improves a river to death, so the river just disappears. Ominous since it’s the river of nature, time and God... |
CHEAPSHIP!: by Wayan; 1996/8/6, a nightmare on trained stinginess. |
Why did I sign on as a crewman on the Cheapship, a freighter that's falling apart? And yes, I do mean that literally... |
CHESS DEVIL: by Wayan; 1997/8/5, a humiliating nightmare. |
I try to rescue my girl friends losing a boat-chess game to a devil, but they'd rather be with bad-boy him than me... CAUTION: NUDE DEVIL |
COLLISION COURSE: by Wayan; c.1998/5/10; digital sketch of waking life-situation. |
Being a hippie artist in San Francisco today feels like being an animal in an African game park... |
CROCODILE KING: by Christina Rossetti; 1855/3/9, a weird dream-poem she may have faked. |
On the Euphrates, a monstrous crocodile eats all his kin. But when a winged ship appears, he feigns remorse... |
CRUISE: by "Michelle", 1990s; a recurrent predictive dream |
I never go on cruise ships but I keep dreaming I'm on one and meet the same man, and marry him..... |
DEATH CHANTY: by E.M. Martin's friend; 1914/9/21, a psychic dream |
An endless parade of drowned sailors sing a dirge. The dreamer woke in tears. Then the news arrived. |
DIRECT ACTION SAVES THE SHIP: by Alder; 2006/11/5; a dream-fable with instant replay. |
A bomb's planted on our ship! But when a teen finds it, rather than fetch a responsible adult... |
DREAM HERDING: by Nancy Potter; 1978/11/8 & 11/11, two comic, surreal dreams |
FERRY: the crossing is rough, but I'm warned I must find my own sea-legs... BUZZ OFF: I step into a family photo, but I'm not welcome in the past... |
DREAM OF DANIEL: by John Masefield, c.1920-21; a dream poem. |
John's friend, Charles Daniel, a historian, printer and medievalist, died. John dreams he climbs through a magical castle to find Daniel in a tower-library: his scholarly heaven... CAUTION: ARCHAISMS |
DUCK HUNT: by Craig, age 4; 1950/11/18, an ignored predictive nightmare |
"I dreamed you were in the water, Daddy. You kept trying to come out of the water to me..." |
EEL TOWER: by Wayan; 1981/4/23, a dream of longing. |
I dreamed living in a body of flesh is like being trapped on a sinking cruise ship... CAUTION: NUDITY (but she's just crying, not giving that guy a blowjob, okay?) |
EGBERT DEFIES DREAMS: by one of Boisil's disciples, c.688, as told by the Venerable Bede; a stubborn dream |
Egbert decides to go convert the Germans. A brother monk dreams twice that God wants Egbert in Scotland, but he sails--and nearly drowns. At last he gives in. Another monk sails to Germany. Two years later he returns defeated... CAUTION: STUBBORN MONK, DEITY, AND GERMANS |
EMADRO: by Wayan; 1983/6/4, a wild dream on clinging--and letting go. |
An elephant sinks in the North Sea, and the Oracle Mink says a wizard did it. Can old Lady Gandalf help? |
FAMILIARS: by Wayan; 1986/4/2, a dreamtale on the dark side of reading. |
In ancient Britain, as Christianity moves in, I'm a slave--sailing through centuries, but never free... |
FISHERGIRLS: by Wayan; 2.6M, 42 illus.; 1996/7/15; a sexy dream epic. |
I had an epic dream lasting subjective weeks--a true other life. It wasn't Earth and we weren't human. I was a teenage lemur, sailing with two friends into unknown waters--a rite of passage. One night, my friends curled round me, I saw I didn't WANT to pass the test, be declared a woman, marry, and have pups. I loved my girl friends. In a world lacking the very word, I was groping toward queerdom. Sailing into unknown waters! "Here be dragons," the old maps say. And they were right... 2600K loads slowly? Try it in parts: 1: HOME, 650K, 2: VOYAGE, 1200K, 3: BACK 750K. CAUTION: NUDITY, SEX, QUEER TEEN ANGST, ANTI-FUNDAMENTALISM |
FISHERGIRL IN WATERCOLOR; OVAL: by Wayan; 1996/7/26 pencil & watercolor |
Leaf and me, on our boat in the lost city, from the epic dream FISHERGIRL. My first sketch of the dream... CAUTION: TRIBAL NUDITY |
FLIER MISJUDGES REEFWORLD: by Wayan; 2018/12/16, an otherworldly dream on... social media? |
A girl from a low-gravity, dense-air world, where you strap on wings and fly, tours a world of tropical atolls with me. I love sailing, but flight's spoiled her for it--too slow... |
FOX TEMPLE: by Wayan; 2019/11/16, a mythic dream with sharp advice |
AWAKE: I watch Okko's Inn. Little Okko sees spirits--until she grows up and quits settling for ghosts. DREAM: I explore a temple, meet a fox-spirit... and see I never was human. Time to quit settling for... CAUTION: GAUZE-ROBED PRIESTESS |
FREIGHTER DROPS A NUKE: by Wayan; 2021/6/8, a health-warning nightmare |
Am I on this ship's bridge, or only watching on video? It matters, because that other ship half a mile ahead just exploded, and the shockwave's about to crush us like a soda can... CAUTION: NUCLEAR DISASTER |
FURRY TRINITY: by Wayan; 2021/3/1, a dream painting three facets of... me? Or of dreaming? |
Three furry people show off their collected art & pets. But then they dissolve into their art & pets! The room itself dissolves into a river-raft. A unicorn girl in a gauze ritual robe studies a map... CAUTION: MILD FURRY NUDITY |
GALLEY SLAVE: by Wayan; 2008/11/27, a punning career-advice dream; Dreamverse #47 |
Shipwrecked and claimed as salvage on Crete, Ed the writer became a dishwashing slave! In contrast, Marie the musician... |
GENDERBENT LUCID DREAMS: by JHM Whiteman, pre-1961, compared to Wayan, 1979/8/29 |
Celia Green, lucid dream expert, claims nearly all lucid dreamers keep their waking bodies, their self-image. But Whiteman & Wayan both have genderbent lucid dreams... |
GRAMPA HAS SPOKEN: by Wayan; 1989/11/26, an oracular dream. |
In a worldwide junkyard full of warring spooks, I finally meet the one whose message I need to hear... |
HERE IN MY IMPOVERISHED PSYCHE: by Tracey West, 1987? 88?, recurring nightmares |
I'm Mary Ann on Gilligan's Island. But the theme song repeats endlessly--not the later version with my name, but the early one dismissing me and the Professor as and the rest. I wake up screaming... |
HUBRIS EGGS: by Wayan; 1981/6/11, a short defiant psychic dream. |
I'm wrapping my heavy-metal eggs too slowly, so the Judges sink my car! I set out to get revenge... |
HUMMINGBIRD MEME: by Althea; 2022/1/14, a dream of 15 minutes of fame |
I rescue a hummingbird who drinks nectar from my ear. It becomes an Internet star. But then a girl rides a waterslide with her tits showing, and my meme is over ... CAUTION: CARTOON BREASTS |
I GOT OUT: by Wayan; 1992/1/4, a psychic dream drawn as a 9-page digital comic |
I flee our love triangle when Abe turns mean. He's telepathic, but I have my escape all planned: the goldfish, the snakepit, the caves... CAUTION: THREESOME, SNAKES, MOTORCYCLE FATALITY |
I'M AT MY RAINY MORNING WORKDESK: by Jack Kerouac, late Aug? 1954, a lucid dream-prompt missed |
I look down by the dock and see the Navy vessels anchored in the bay and the crowds of sailors walking on the water towards the land... |
IMPOSSIBLE SHIPS: by Wayan; winter 1966?, a child's lucid-prompting dream; & longterm prediction |
The fog parts. A huge ship's on San Francisco Bay. Impossible--half a mile long! I must be dreaming. But half a century later... |
JANE GIFFORD: dreams drawn/painted by Jane Gifford 2001-'23 |
From the dream-sketchbooks of Jane Gifford: odd creatures, flying, coping with Covid, and cleaning the underworld (as one does)... |
JOVIAN REVOLUTION: by Wayan; 1987/2/22, a dream-poem of another life. |
Deep in Jupiter's atmosphere it's dark as a moonlit night, but warm; we sail a world-sea. And mutiny against our commanders! Clouds clear to a red dawn... CAUTION: RED POLITICS, GREEN NUDITY |
JUMP OVERBOARD: by Graham Greene; 1925/12/11, a possibly psychic nightmare. |
Wednesday night I dreamed I had to jump overboard... that night there was a wreck off the Yorkshire coast in a storm and the captain ordered his men to jump into the sea... |
KING KONG CRAB: by Wayan; 2008/9/20, a dream poem; Dreamverse #29 |
One wizardry-classmate summons strange beings; another's learned how not to. Because some things need to be dealt with alone, where they can't harm...... |
A LAKE DEMON: by Wayan; 1979/11/3, an anti-lucid dream. |
I walk through worlds, fight a deadly lake demon, and work magic--but I mustn't go lucid... |
THE LEMON SEA: by Wayan; 1982/2/22, a dream warning. |
I wake up as someone else. I go through her working day, till Captain Kirk comes to take me to... |
LINDA'S NAVAL by Linda W & Wayan, 1991/8/16; parallel surreal exhibitionist dreams |
WAYAN: My housemate Linda shows me her weird navel--and pussy, to compare... LINDA: At Christmas, I run through snowy streets, naked except for earphones... CAUTION: NUDITY & AWFUL DREAM-PUN |
LOLA: by Wayan; 1995/4/22, a wild dream: psychic, shamanic and... economic? |
How the hell do I summarize this? Lola, a werefox I'm hot for, becomes my feudal Japanese brother, and her fox-shape reappears as the truck-driving maid for a Han Dynasty lady. We counter the interdimensional energy vampires by importing ghost unicorns on sailing ships, who have an orgy. Two weeks later, it all comes true. Literally? No, but closer than you'd think.... |
THE LOST DUTCHMAN BURNS: by Wayan; 2011/11/17, a smelly dream censoring itself for safety reasons! |
I smell smoke. I know I'm dreaming; did my sleeping body scent smoke in my home, and insert it in my dream to warn me? But the dream sees my worry, and erases the scent to clarify it's symbolic smoke! Now I can finish my nightmare in peace... |
MAJOR F.'S EXPERIMENT: by Major F., Nov/Dec 1920, dream experiment urged by J.W. Dunne |
DREAM 1: On green grass, a red & blue boat with a net draped atop. Predictive. DREAM 2: Climbing a ladder with square rungs in a space w/o walls. Predictive. DREAM 3: A small boy with a toy boat. A sail's laid out flat for washing. Predictive... |
MAN OVERBOARD: by Sir Stephen King-Hall; 1916, a lifesaving premonition acted on |
I was officer of the watch in the Southampton. I knew that as we passed an islet a mile ahead, a man would fall overboard... |
MARIANNE'S DREAM: by Marianne Hunt c.1817, as told by Percy Shelley; a dream-poem. |
A black anchor floats in the sky to the east. Impossible cities rise on mountaintops, only to erupt in flame. The sea rises to drown them. On a plank, I ride the flood. In the ruins, I find angelic statues--who wake... |
MORAL FIBER: by Wayan; 1997/11/10, a dream of trouble in Ecotopia. |
We hippies won, but now we're backward and isolated; it's time we joined the rest of our alternate Earth... |
MUSKRAT, OTTER, MINK: by J.P., c.1900, a trapper's shamanic-fistfight dream |
Three men chase me. I can't get away so I turn and fight, and put out one guy's eye. That makes them pause! At last they back away. As they paddle away in a boat, I realize who they are: Muskrat, Otter and Mink... CAUTION: ANTHROPOLOGISTS! |
NOT OUR HAWAI'I: by Wayan; 2008/8/20, a dream poem; Dreamverse #10 |
My sister & I swim round a weirdly shrunken Pacific. Near Fiji, we blunder too close to the drain... |
THE OCEAN'S FLOOR: by Cheryl Fish, c.1986, a dream of failure-analysis? |
I dream we canoe down a river. You say it's barren because this was once the ocean's floor. You're protective but not longing. I wake on a beach, puzzled why I still feel for you a year later... |
OFF DOVER: by Wayan; 2010/9/30, a dream-based mini-sestina (poetic experiment) | I'm biking over the English Channel. So mild & easy after the Greenland-to-New-York run... |
THE ONION: by Sunshine; 2015/3/16, a magical dream voyage |
My love and I steal the only onion in the world! To make our getaway we sail off the edge of the earth... |
OVER THE VOLCANO: by AE (George Russell); c.1900, an embarkation dream. |
We're spirits over a volcanic fountain of energy. And some of us prepare to ride the current up to... CAUTION: ASSUMES MYSTICAL LITERACY |
PYLONS: by Louis MacNeice; Jan. 1940. A surreal political dream. |
I was on a steamer run amok, in a boiling yellow incredible sea out of which great pylons rose... |
REELS OF LIGHT PROPEL THE MOON: by Wayan; 2000/11/17; ink/digital sketch of the dream-voyage. |
The moon's a sailing ship propelled not by wind but light: the light of night-movies. Dreams... |
ROAR OF THE SAILS: by Wayan; 1973/9/6, a magical scavenger-hunt dream goes lucid--absurdly. |
Our teams search through fountains and pavilions, finding & trading the glowing stones. None of the magic makes me go lucid, but as we sail toward the finish line... |
THE ROWAN: by Graham Greene; 1921, a possibly psychic nightmare. |
The ship I was on going down in the Irish Sea. It was not till yesterday, looking at an old paper, I saw about the sinking of the Rowan in the Irish sea... |
THE RUNES: by Denise Levertov; c.1963, an identity-bent oracular dream |
I'm a small child in Finland writing out the meaning of three ancient runes about trees, ships and elbow room. They seem to hold serious advice... |
SABOTAGED BOAT: by C. G. "Chinese" Gordon; c.1861-4, a recurrent warning dream |
I recognized the saboteur. If I had neglected that dream warning we all would likely have drowned... |
SAINT HELENA: by Edmund Halley; 1676, a predictive dream. |
Astronomer Edmund Halley had dreamed of sailing to St Helena in the South Atlantic, but until he arrived hr didn’t realize how accurate his dreams had been... |
SARITA'S DREAM: by Sarita Johnson, 1980/8/17, epic dream with a surreal ending |
Cops hunt my girlfriend & me all over town. Strangely, whenever I ask them to back off, they do! Alma's resigned--lets them arrest her and put her on a raft. But she turns into a... |
SAVED BY A CYMBAL: by Wayan; 2021/11/29, a dream punning about dreamwork! |
Stranded on an island where a marching band drowned, I escape by paddling across the Pacific using a rusty, er, cymbal... |
SHIP OF JADE: by Wayan; 2009/11/7, an illustrated dreampoem on dreampoetry! Dreamverse #64 |
My dreams are made of lovely carvable jade. Too bad my tools and skills suit our plastic age... |
SHIP OF THE SUN: by Carl Jung, c.1917/1/10; trance image |
An version of the Egyptian Ship of the Sun with a mutant Osiris at the helm, in a monster-infested sea: image of the spark of consciousness in a sea of... |
THE SHIP'S BOY: by Wayan; 1996/12/1, a dreamtale. |
Dinosaur people demand to take our Ship's Boy with them. But he knows them! They RAISED him? |
A SIRIUS MISSION: by Wayan; 1983/9/21, a nightmare predicting a painful fall |
Exploring a planet in the Sirius system, we raft down a river. A local guy warns there's a waterfall ahead, but my raftmates won't believe him! Over we go. Ow... Next day, glad my druggy housemate's leaving, I learn of a big letdown... |
SKY-BOAT: by J.W. Dunne, c.1889; a long-term predictive dream |
As a child I read Jules Verne's Clipper of the Clouds--a metal craft with many propellers on spars, not wings. Soon I dreamt I designed & flew quite a different craft, like a small boat of canvas on a wood frame. 20 years later, I was test-flying a new aeroplane with a boatlike cockpit of white canvas on a wood... |
SPECKLED EGGS: by Starvibes; 2008/6/16, a dream of intrigue. |
I dreamed of speckled eggs, Caribbean drug traffickers and of almost drowning near a sinking boat... |
THE STARSHIP CURE: by Wayan, 2024/8/6, a surreal predictive dream |
DREAM: I'm trapped in a museum-questionnaire--each room's a riddle, like: which meal will cure a sick starship? A WEEK LATER: I'm stuck in jury duty, filling out a questionnaire bringing back sickening memories of abuse... |
SUB AND SEALERS: by Wayan; 1996/8/9, a dream on trusting your senses. |
Earth scientists ignore the natives' tales of abyssal monsters, but the locals easily track a Terran sub... |
SULE SKERRY: by Wayan; 1984/8/13, a non-nightmare. |
My sister and I are on a ship abandoned by its crew, heading full-steam for the rocks, when... |
SWIMMING IN VAN GOGH'S OCEAN: by Amandaclay; c.2011/12/9, a dream of love & beauty |
On a cruise to Catalina Island, I find friends, a boyfriend and a magical sea of color... |
TAROT: HOKULE'A (the Star): by Wayan; Tarot card, 3x5", summer 1979. |
Hokule'a, the "Star of Gladness", guided Polynesians across thousands of miles of ocean... |
TARTAN ACID SPIDER TORPEDO: by "Thomas Mountain"; 2008/1/31, a cliffhanger dream. |
I get speared by Irish warriors, slipped an LSD dose, chased by giant spiders, torpedoed--hey, I'm not bored! |
THE TEMPLE COAT: by Gayle Delaney, fall 1972, a pastlife dream |
A ship-captain insisted some castoff clothes were mine. They fit. As I put on an elegant coat, I recalled it was made in a past life to disguise me so I could enter a temple excluding women... |
THANOS: from Dream to Performance: by Lili Berko, 1988 or before, a dream of birth & death |
The ship carrying my mom to America sails on, as I drown in the sea; They strap me down to pull out the pieces of my stillborn baby Obdale; A family/gang called Thanotos invites me to join them... CAUTION: MISCARRIAGE, DEATH |
THAR SHE BLOWS!: by Madeline; 2008/3/27, a pirate mermaid shipwreck sex dream. |
On the run I meet a lycan, a pirate, and a mermaid. She causes a flood, and something floats by I just have to grab... CAUTION: INTERRUPTED SEX |
THIEF OF DREAMS: by Wayan; 1996/11/29, a sexy soul-swap dream; a 22-page comic (or text w/pics) |
I was a mermaid trying to find Count Coyote's stolen dreams, so I could marry my human girlfriend... CAUTION: NUDITY, SEX, LESBIAN MARRIAGE, ANTI-FUNDAMENTALISM |
THUMBSUCKER!: by a patient of William Hammond, c.1868, an epic comic taste dream |
I paint my thumb with bitter aloes to break my habit of sucking it at night. I dream of wormwood, ox gall, mineral salts. I consult Dr. Save Me and even the Pope, but... |
THE TIGER WHEEL, by Wayan, 2009/4/25; a dream-poem, Dreamverse #44 |
A tiger-couple on an ice floe must choose: swim for land, or ride the current full circle back home, risking starvation? |
TIME PIRATES: by Wayan; 1979/6/6, a genderbent pirate dream about... healthcare? |
I'm a modern girl facing pirates from the 17th Century Caribbean. Outgunned, but I have something intimidating to bluff with: perfect teeth... |
TIN FISH: by a ship engineer's wife; 1914-1918, a precise lifesaving dream |
I dreamed my husband's ship headed for India, but a 'tin fish' sank it with just one casualty--him. I rushed down to the dock... |
TITAN: by Morgan Robertson, 1898; a fiction that came uncannily true |
14 years before the Titanic sailed, Robertson wrote of a great liner, the Titan, with 3000 people aboard, that strikes an iceberg and sinks in the North Atlantic... |
TITANIC: by Nina; 1979 or before, an incubated nightmare |
I ask how my relationship with Scott was going. That night he asks me to sail on the Titanic. I say "That ship will sink!" but he won't listen. I see a skeleton-baby and know I have even more to lose... CAUTION: NIGHTMARE, UNFIT DAD, ABORTION |
TITANIC IMAGE: by Graham Greene; 1912/4/14?, a child's nightmare as the Titanic sank |
One image has remained with me for more than sixty years: a man in oilskins bent double under the blow of a great wave... |
TITANIC NIGHTMARES: by J. C. Middleton; 1912/4/3 and 4/4, two predictive dreams saving two lives |
I saw the Titanic go down and people struggling frantically in the water. After my second nightmare I told my wife... |
TRESPASSERS IN MALANCHAI: by Hyal; Feb 1996, an epic dream with a psychic intrusion. |
A maneless lion-boy wins his people's respect. While training, he sees weird trespassers who seem to be from someone else's dream... and ten years later, he finds that dreamer. |
TRUST YOUR CANOE: by Wayan; 2012/8/16, two diagnostic dreamlets |
I ride a magical self-guiding canoe, seeking the right beach and cove for me. Even when the boat climbs hills so I can explore inland, I expect it to fail... |
TURTLE BOATS: by Yi Sun-shin; 1592, a nation-saving dream. |
Japanese fleets invaded Korea. Admiral Yi dreamt of a giant turtle: no weapon pierced its shell, and it spouted smoke. Yi built his nightmare turtle, and defeated the invaders in battle after battle... |
U.F.O. P.O.V.: by Steve, recurring dreams, spring 1966 to 1971, as told by his friend Barry Windsor-Smith |
Night. A London suburb. A UFO big as a city block looms over us. It's seen all over South England. Yet we go blank-- forget! Though not quite--for years after, Steve has recurring dreams. When he tells me one, I recall the same event... CAUTION: INTENSE UFO EXPERIENCE |
U.F.O. PROJECTION by Carl Jung, 1958/10; an ego-humbling dream |
UFOs hover near enough so I can see they're truly lenses--lenses projecting images. I judged UFOs to be projections from our minds, but now I see I am their projection! |
UNCORK A SUB GOD: by Wayan; 1998/8/11, a cryptic warning dream. |
Exploring a sunken sub, my buddies salvage a something ticking. Toss it back, but it won't stay sunk... |
UNICORNS, ARABIAN NIGHTS... STARSHIP?: by Wayan, 2023/12/3, a dream predicting 3 incompatible motifs |
I find myself on the bridge of a starship. But the décor is Arabian Nights--and half the crew are unicorns, grazing built-in flowerbeds. Some humans on board treat them as mere pets. But one's piloting the ship... CAUTION: PREDICTIVE |
THE WAR HISTORY LIES: by Wayan; 2023/3/18, a personal dream? Or a political one? |
A TV documentary shows the history of war. Or does it? In what war did great clouds of flame swallow sailing ships? Every scene they show is a natural disaster. Why are they lying? |
WARM FUZZIES: by Wayan; 1990/2/20, an origin-myth dream. |
I take a shortcut with the Warm Fuzzies, boating on lava through the earth's core, and now when a volcano erupts, I know who it is that's quarreling beneath.. |
WHISTLE: by Dr William Hammond, c.1865; a self-flagging predictive nightmare |
On a long steamboat voyage, a living skeleton swaps a warning for my watch; when the whistle sounds, the boiler will blow. As it does, I dive in the river and wake to discover a real whistle... CAUTION: UNCANNY SYNCHRONIZATION? |
THE WHITE SUBMARINE: by Wayan; 1974/7/6, a dream of love and flood. |
My girlfriend and I ride out the Great Flood in the White Submarine, but there are romantic complications. Some things never change... |
WITCH'S BUTTER: by Wayan, 2023/5/27, a science-geek dream. |
I live in four consecutive bodies: I'm a Bose-Einstein condensate, a cloud of particles moving as one-- unless overheated. No, I'm Witch's Butter, a mob of amoeboid cells who unify into a quasi-slug--temporarily. No, I'm a person, but soft and yellow as Witch's Butter. No, I'm firming up, but still entangled... |
WORLDSTONES: dreamed fall 1895 & Aug 1898 by Mark Twain, & 2002/6/27 by Robert Moss |
Mark Twain dreams we're cells inside God, and writes of Huck Finn among the microbes. A century later, unaware of Twain's dreams, Robert Moss... |
THE WRECK: by Denise Levertov 1980 or before; a surreal dream-dilemma |
We go swimming in a sea full of wrecked tankers. We explore one derelict, but ebb tide pries it off the bank, out to sea. Do we swim for shore, or wait, hoping high tide will wash it in again? Guess wrong and we die... |
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