Hummingbird Meme
Dreamed 2022/1/14 by Althea
I dream I'm visited by an Anna's hummingbird--small, iridescent, red-throated and red-crowned. It seems thirsty--it nearly drowns in a birdbath.
I fish it out and perch it on my shoulder. It rides around with me, recovering.
It sips water from my ear. Or is it nectar in there? Never thought of my ear as a flower, but the bird seems to think so.
It builds a tiny nest in my hair.
My hummingbird becomes a media meme. But it's ephemeral. A girl at a water park cuts holes in her T-shirt so as she rides a whitewater chute, her boobs pop out. Her friend takes pictures.
Soon everyone's doing it. Snip, snip. Tits on waterslides are way more popular then a hummingbird's tongue up my ear.
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