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What this site is - Add your dreams! - How to read blurbs - Ratings - Copyright - Downloading - The World Dream Bank has 4000 dreams plus 1000 pages on dreamwork, shamanism, surrealism, fantasy, worldbuilding, creativity and genius. Site © Chris Wayan 2001-2022.
THE ARTIST'S WAY: by Wayan; 1994/6/10, a visual-pun dream. I'm a parade route. A group of child artists walks all over me. But their soles are bare, so I don't mind... |
BIG CAT: by Michel Leiris; July 1929, a maybe-psychic dream of an unlikely event DREAM: a zoo with ornamental pools. From such a pool, a lion erupts, clawing at his trainer. MORNING: I learn that as I dreamt, a tiger escaped from Amar Circus, camped near my home... |
BONOBOCARE, or, THE CHILDREN'S CRUSADE: by Wayan, 2015/8/8, a dream's "Modest Proposal" Tax-funded child prostitution ends war--sex calms men down from mean chimps to nice bonobos. Rough on street kids, though... CAUTION: SEXPLOITATION, SATIRE HARSH AS JONATHAN SWIFT. UNICORNS, TOO! |
CIRC CERVINE: by Wayan; 2016/9/16, a dream on... how to catch difficult dreams? At a polyspecies circus, I sketch three acrobat-dancers--one deerish, one human, one... a mannequin? Fiendish to draw! I wake frustrated & sketchless. But my sketchwork in the dream helps me redraw it awake... CAUTION: DEER NUDITY |
CIRCUS GIRL: by Wayan; 1993/1/10, a dream of love and trouble. I fall for a circus girl. Her brother is jealous, so all the dwarves show up with guns... CAUTION: INCEST ISSUES |
THE CIRCUS HUMANS' DESERTION: by Wayan; 1988/2/19; an epic holy dream. I join a circus, but soon all the best carnies sail off to the Blessed Isles. The circus animals pitch in and carry on--clumsy and lonely. Then a divine herald arrives from the Isles: Donald Duck! He says... |
CLOTHO AND THE POOL OF DREAMS: by Jenny Badger Sultan; a 2015 painting weaving seven dreams (2014/5/4, 6/9, 7/1 & 9/4; 2015/5/23, 6/26 & 8/25) A portrait of Clotho, the Greek Fate who spins our life-threads, by a pool woven of my dreams from this time... |
CLOWN: by Naguib Mahfouz; early 1995?, a surreal dream. My town transforms into a circus--trapeze artists, elephants, clowns. At first I loved it, but when I went home... |
CLOWN POINTS: by Wayan; 2013/3/17, a nightmare about... philosophy? Clowns have a point system like chess masters, & abuse their apprentices to get ahead, just like capitalism--but I think this dream's about the suppression of magic... CAUTION: CHILD-CLOWN ABUSE |
COWBOY, HORSE, CAT: by Rick Veitch, Nov 1973, an initiatory dream A graduation parade has a papier-maché cowboy (hollow ego?), a giant rampaging stallion (unconscious), and a mama cat who calms him (anima)... |
A CREATURE: by Albert Grass, 1938? Or Zoe Beloff, c.2008? An early Freudian dream-comic--or a hoax! Dream: wild animals race across Paris, but in my hotel lobby, a small creature on my shoulder murmurs "Je t'aime." Awake, I know those racers from the themepark where I work. But the creature takes me way back--to Paris, 1918... CAUTION: ONE-NIGHT STAND |
CRIMECON 90: by Wayan; 1990/3/27, a dream about capitalism. I did what I love. The money didn't follow. So now I have to guard a crimeboss at a theft convention... CAUTION: INEVITABLE CHEKHOVIAN SHOOTOUT |
"CRY, BABY!": by Wayan, 1985/8/17, dream-farce with a warning. The only man in the Miss America Japanese Tea Ceremony Swimsuit Pageant, I learn a tearful lesson... CAUTION: DYSFUNCTIONAL FLIRTING |
DISTRACTUS: by Wayan, 2004/5/5, a comic sexy diagnostic dream... that baffled me. Sex in a meadow? A protest march distracts us. But a friend warns me of a disease, Coitus Distractus... CAUTION: (DISTRACTED) SEX |
ERODE THE MUTING CURSE: by Wayan, 2014/8/23, a dream of... health advice? The Fairy Queen curses me, taking away my language. Recovery often takes years, but I practice hard, and speak full sentences--the next day. The Queen is slipping... |
FAIRE DINOSAUR: by Wayan; 1981/5/5. A dream of forbidden love. I fall in love with a sexy T. Rex at the Renaissance Faire. Then things get weird... CAUTION: DINO ABUSE |
FLOWERING:: by Wayan; 1996, pencil digitally tinted; nondream portraits. Sketches from a San Francisco street music festival where, after a long sleep, I woke up sexually at last... CAUTION: NYMPHETS, QUEERS, AND OTHER REAL PEOPLE |
THE HOMONKEYLUS: by Wayan; 1992/6/15, a looping dream about blinders. A smiling beauty queen on a float gives birth to a monkey with blinders, then re-absorbs the baby, then... CAUTION: NUDITY AND ODDITY |
HUMMINGBIRD MEME: by Althea; 2022/1/14, a dream of 15 minutes of fame I rescue a hummingbird who drinks nectar from my ear. It becomes an Internet star. But then a girl rides a waterslide with her tits showing, and my meme is over ... CAUTION: CARTOON BREASTS |
I HAD A WHITE BANDAGE: by Jack Kerouac, July 1957, a dream of triumph despite adversity Wounded, bandaged, chased by cops, I end up heading a huge children's parade, marching to Mongolia. No secret what it's about--On The Road was just published... |
I WAS AN ELEPHANT HANDLER: by Wayan; 1989/4/3, a genderbent stagestruck dream. I was an elephant trainer longing to be a star--to win the girl on the flying trapeze. Who's probably straight... CAUTION: FLIRTING LESBIANS, OR POSSIBLY ELEPHANTS, OR MAYBE LIBRARIANS |
MAELEN AND ME: by Wayan; 1972/5/1, a transmigrational dream. I'm a psychic circus animal who's just managed to teleport my humanoid girlfriend. It's for our act, but... CAUTION: PETTING |
MCKILLIP'S NEW BOOK: by Wayan; 2010/7/23, an epic literary dream I'm inside a magical novel by Patricia McKillip, amid tricksters, cosplayers, spooks, sex changes, levitation and (sigh) cops... CAUTION: COYOTE SEX |
MISSION CARNAVAL: by Wayan, 2022/7/27; a disorienting dream I'm in a loading dock with the door pulled halfway down, so I have to look between my legs to see the mythical dancers outside--upside down. Wait, why am I hiding in here? Go join... CAUTION: MOCKS PLATO; NUDE CENTAUR, TOO |
MY DRAG-QUEEN COUSINE: by Wayan; 2012/4/8, a dream about tomorrow At our family reunion's parade, a tropical float goes by with a drag queen who turns out to be physically female--but still drag! The next day... CAUTION: EXHIBITIONISM, DRAG OF COURSE |
NINA'S RING: by Nina's clown, 1955/4/20, a lifesaving intuition While rehearsing our circus act I mentally saw Nina's ladder breaking loose. Next day, a supporting ring snapped. Being forewarned, I pulled hard... |
ODESSA STEPS: by Wayan; 2022/3/18, a predictive dream? I hope! A man's stalking me and my friends. We try to escape but a circus is in the way. My friends shrink to babies, so I pop them in a stroller and flee over steep hills, bouncing down stone stairs! "OW!" the babies howl! Hey... why do I feel deja vu? CAUTION: INTERPRETATION INSULTS BOTH RUSSIA AND NATO |
ONE MORE CUP OF COFFEE by Bob Dylan, 1975/5/25, a dream-inspired song I was up all night listening to Roma music at their annual gathering for Saint Sarah, in southern France. The next night, I dreamed this song... |
OVERLAY: by Wayan; 1984/2/11, 1995/8/26, and 2004/9/11, 3 dreams shape a 9-page comic on living with ESP Dreams of translucent fairies, centaurs, robots & gnomes prompt me to cartoon on transparent overlays to show how dreamworlds overlay ours... |
SALTFLAT FAIR: by Wayan; 1984/7/11, a predictive, possibly self-flagging dreamlet Dream: a fair and swap meet out on the salt flats, full of scruffy bikers. One of them is... ME? Next day: I'm shown a photo of a fair & swapmeet on salt flats full of scruffy bikers... |
SATYR AND TWILIGHT: by Wayan; 2018/9/1, an epic dream perhaps foreseeing the pandemic A spell kills off nearly all humanity and mutates the rest of us. Now I'm a satyr living in a co-op home with unicorns, dryads, cattaurs, and shy vampires. Thing is, I prefer the Apocalypse to what came before... CAUTION: NUDE CREATURES |
THE SEA-HAG RIOT: by Wayan; 1989/6/5, a wild dream hiding a warning. Aliens, hypnotherapy, dancing molars, riots, witches, flying pianos, lettuce... yet there is a point. |
SEA PARADE: by Rick Veitch; c.1995; a dream on media versus dreams We need to get down to the sea, but Disney Corporation blocks the way. Wait--we're dreamworkers! We ooze through the walls, and cheer the parade marching in on the tide... |
SHARK SENSE: by Wayan; 1988/12/9, a diagnostic circus dream. I'm a circus tiger, then a performing shark. One day, I block my human partner's high dive... Why? |
SPACE NEEDLE: by Wayan; 1995/8/24, an erotic dream on architecture. I'm a kid again, gawking at the Space Needle. But a woman stands before it, who no one else can see: CAUTION: NUDITY, A SEXUAL PERSPECTIVE |
SUSHI CIRCUS: by Wayan; 1982/2/17, an illustrated psychic dream. To avoid being stabbed, I flee the Psychodrama Circus. Wisely--the place explodes! But it's the filling of the sushi roll that really upsets me... CAUTION: CANNIBAL MAKI |
TIE MARK UP: by Wayan, 2019/2/1, three dreams warning lifelong habits demand serious change 1: Crystal-skulled wizards, dino & lionfolk parade by. 2: I curl up with three skittish beasts. Patience! 3: My friend Mark tries to rape me. I tie him up, seek a restraining order. Will the cops believe me? CAUTION: RAPE ATTEMPT |
TIGER PODIUM; c. 2003/9/29 by Monica M; a predictive dream The stage curtain opens. Tigers sit on podiums. In the center is a huge one with a bloody mouth. A few days later... |
TRAIL OF POGS: by Wayan; 2004/9/6, my dreams' response to the first Burning Man dream-workshop A trail toward Freedom has extra markers, for it's three trails, superimposed! Not all the cues are for us... |
ULYANOVSK: by Wayan, 1987/11/4, a predictive & advisory dream DREAM: I'm a Soviet Potato Fest. Reds, grannies, food. A girl's told a life-and-death lie about a canine... NEXT DAY: I read a version of Red Riding Hood, and the dream's weird elements suddenly make sense. CAUTION: SOVIET CLICHÉS, E.S.P. SPECULATION |
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