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Linda's Naval

Dreamed 1991/8/16 by Linda & Wayan

My housemate Linda is ranting about her bellybutton. She claims "whenever I wear a bikini or tank top or even an open shirt, men mistake it for my pussy!"

Well... it is a really strange bellybutton--a fold, quite deep, 2-3 cm wide and 10-12 long, not much like any navel OR pussy I've ever seen. And Linda helps me compare, by pulling up her maroon dress to show me both at once...

And yet I was STILL unsure if she was flirting with me or not--I was so rattled by that not-quite-navel-not-quite-pussy that my sexual feelings--definitely there, Linda's adorable--got knocked askew. Or do I just want to deny I'm attracted to her? Admit it, and I'd have to... act.


Linda did her hair up WILD--a sexy new look! Then she tells me what SHE dreamed last night. "I was naked with earphones on, running down the street, at Christmas, in the snow!" Well, naturally. Snow. In San Francisco. Brr! OK, TWIN surreal dreams of Linda nude...

Linda dreams she runs naked in snowy San Francisco. Wayan dreams Linda strips to show her weird navel. Click to enlarge.
And still I won't ask her out. I'm that shy. AAGH!

2023 NOTE

These twin/linked dreams still seem like pretty clear confirmation we were mutually attracted. But now I suspect something more. I suspect a pun. You see, it turned out what got Linda hot was sailboats--and guys into boats. Her next boyfriend wasn't me, but a boatbuilder and sailor.

Yes. I'm afraid so. Some are oral, some are anal, but it never would have worked out, because Linda was... naval.

LISTS AND LINKS: exhibitionism & nudity - sports & exercise - ice & snow - brr! - snow in SF? Uncle Mac's Secret Genius! - flirting? - sex? - body image & body distortion - puns - ships & boats - predictive or telepathic/shared dreams? - dream advice on love/sex - shyness & embarrassment - lost opportunities - digital dream art

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