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Tin Fish

Dreamed between 1914-1918 by a steamship engineer's wife

During World War I the husband of a woman in California was chief engineer for a steamship company. He had been out to sea for about three months one time, when she was notified to go to Philadelphia to meet him. She left, and as she recalls,

--on my arrival at Philadelphia I called the company. They notified me he would be at Pier 101 the next morning at four o'clock. I had a bath and shampooed my hair and went to bed at about nine-thirty P.M.

I dreamed that the ship came in, unloaded, and reloaded without my knowing and sailed for parts in India; and about thirty hours from India what they called a 'tin fish' hit the ship and sank her, and my husband was the only casualty aboard.

When I awoke it was three-forty A.M. I tied my head up and had my clothes on in five minutes. In the meantime, I had called the desk clerk to get me a taxi. He took me to Pier 101 and they were finishing tying up. I handed the taxi a ten-dollar bill, ordered him to wait, ran by the guard at the gate and up on the ship, hysterical and crying, and the guard chasing me. My husband was on deck and I ran into his arms saying, 'Don't go, don't go, the ship is going down.'

When I was so very determined that he was to get off, he asked permission to be off. The company granted it. The ship sailed and her destination was India. She was torpedoed and sank. All the men aboard were on a raft for sixteen days, floating around before they were picked up.

When my husband went into the office here three weeks later they told him about the incident.


I admire the dreamer's practicality here. She can't stop their ship with a dream. But she dreamt no one else died, so she focuses on what she can do: rush down and be distraught enough to get her husband off that ship! If she's dramatic enough, his bosses will allow it just to calm her down--saving his (and their) pride. And it works.

Notice that multiple ESP hits make it easier for her. She doesn't just fear her husband'll drown, but gets the location, time and cause of the sinking, and that his crewmates will live. That lets her, with a clear conscience, wave goodbye to all those departing heroes... and save her husband. Everyone lives... even if some have an unplanned raft trip. Nice work.

--Chris Wayan

SOURCE: Hidden Channels of the Mind by Louisa E. Rhine, 1961, pp. 187-189. Account untitled, author's name witheld; title & byline added as search aids only.

LISTS AND LINKS: war - work - ships - precognition - ESP in general - devices - explosions - wrecks - love - focus! - topdogs & underdogs - tricksters - rescues - gender - more Louisa Rhine - India - more wives with skeptical husbands: Calpurnia's Dream - Chandelier - but not only women are intuitive: Titanic Nightmares - Man Overboard

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