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Jane Gifford

Dreamed 2001? to 2023 by Jane Gifford

jane gifford was born and brought up in the new forest, studied fine art at newcastle university, painting in new york on a max beckmann scholarship to the brooklyn museum art school, and printmaking at central st martins london.

always a dreamer, jane has recorded her dreams and used them as subject matter for paintings, drawings, prints and videos for a very long time.

Acrobat: dream art by Jane Gifford.
Chasing a Lion (and other creatures): dream art by Jane Gifford.
chasing a lion (and other creatures)
Bear Suit: dream art by Jane Gifford.
covid era--bear suit
A Leopard Visits: dream art by Jane Gifford.
covid era--a leopard visits
Flying Dog: dream art by Jane Gifford.
flying dog
Islay with Wings: dream art by Jane Gifford.
islay with wings
Sailboat Flying: dream art by Jane Gifford.
sailboat flying
Yellow Ladder: dream art by Jane Gifford.
yellow ladder
Dream art by Jane Gifford.
strange creature in garden
The dream journals & sketchbooks of Jane Gifford.
dream journals & sketchbooks


Of course I wish we had the stories to go with the images. As with many visual artists, that's just not Gifford's thing. Writers rarely illustrate their dreams, either.

One or the other, never both, that's the rule! True, I break it--but fall short in both. Writing and drawing are difficult arts; it's rare to do both at all. Let alone well. But at least I go on smashing my head on my own limits--chipping away at the stone of my own stupidity.

LISTS AND LINKS: ink, paint & watercolor dream art - odd dream beings - animal people - lions & leopards - domestic cats - dogs - boats - flying - elephants & giraffes (though usually not blended) - cleaning & repairs - Wayan has a "Yellow Ladder" dream: Silky cleans the Underworld

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